カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Week 12

Welcome to the twelfth week of the カードキャプターさくら :cherry_blossom: Card Captor Sakura Book Club!

Week 12 23rd November 2024
Refurbished Edition
Start Page 143
End page 163
Original Edition
Start Page 137
End page 155
End phrase End of chapter 4
Pages 15
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Read to the end of the chapter :slight_smile:


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Proper Nouns

Name Reading Image Notes
木之本桜 きのもと さくら Main character
大道寺知世 だいどうじ ともよ Sakura’s cousin and best friend
木之本桃矢 きのもと とうや Sakura’s Older Brother
月城雪兎 つきしろ ゆきと Sakura’s Older Brother’s Best Friend
ケルベロス Sakura’s companion

Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!
  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?


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Actually managed to get ahead on this one! And I think it may have been my favorite reading yet.

Pg 137
  • Also, everyone saw something different?
  • Maybe it could’ve been a Clow Card, yeah?
  • You think if it’s a Clow Card it would be okay huh.
  • Man, I can’t figure it out.
  • Sakura! Dinner is starting!
  • Okay!
  • Kero, you need to return to your original form soon and become my bodyguard.
Pg 138
  • Speaking of magic powers, their strength becomes greater at night. Anyway, if I want to return to my original form, we need to collect more cards.
  • Well, at the very least, we need to capture the fire card.
  • My symbol is the sun.
  • Fire is an element of the sun.
  • My original form is sooo cool.
Pg 139
  • Woahhh, hiyamugi!!
  • These are the noodles you like, right Sakura?
  • Yeah!
  • Woah, I haven’t seen this photo before.
  • It’s a photo of your mom when she was 16.
  • From the time Mom, Nadeshiko, was past middle school, she of course only had modeling gigs, so as a result, we have various photos of her around the house.
  • Dad changes them out every day to decorate.
  • Man, Mom is beautiful.
  • Yeah, she was the most beautiful, kind, and nice person in the world.
  • From the time my mom was 16 to 25, she was married to my dad.
Pg 140
  • By the time my mom died, I was only 3, so I don’t remember much but…
  • My dad tells so many stories about her, so I love my mom.
  • Where’s older brother?
  • At his part-time job.
  • Ughh, it feels weird he’s not here.
  • Well, after noodles, let’s have pudding!
Pg 141
  • Kero!! I brought pudding!!
  • Here, a fax from Tomoyo:
    • "Sakura Kinomoto,
      Today was rough, huh. Did you return to the safety of your home? I’m worried. Take care of yourself.
      Anyway, I’m sending this fax because there’s a festival tomorrow. Did you know they’re having the festival at the Great Penguin King Park? Of course, I was thinking we could go together, but after the incident today, I’ve been puzzled as to whether I should invite you or not. Since it’s summer, I want to hang out with you, but what do you think? There’s also going to be a lot of people there, so maybe this time we could keep away from the pond?
      • Tomoyo Daidouji."
  • Was that the park you were just talking about?
  • Yeah…
  • Could be good then.
Pg 142
  • Tomoyo also wrote many people will be there, so it would be weird for a ghost to come out.
  • It’ll be fine. Besides, you’ll have your cards, right?
  • Yeah, I guess so.
  • Please buy me a souvenir <3.
  • Can’t understand the chicken scratch, but I imagine he’s listing things she can buy him. Sakura is thinking, “Of course, so that’s why you want me to go.”
Pg 143
  • Why do we have to go with my brother? This is the worst.
  • Well, there’s a lot of people here, so your brother was worried!
  • I guess Yukito is here too, so I’m happy!
Pg 144
  • Ah! Candied apples! Brother, buy me one!
  • Huh? Use your own allowance.
  • You have a part-time job.
  • When you’re at your job, I clean all the dishes.
  • Yukito, is this enough?
  • I ate a lot at the house so…
Pg 145
  • Brother, it sounds like you’re saying Yukito eats way too much.
  • He eats many times what I do.
  • If I don’t eat a ton, I don’t keep up.
  • A lot, you say…
  • Brother eats a lot on club days, so what is many more times than that…
  • Yeah, I eat breakfast, at the second hour I eat bread, at lunch I eat two bentos, when I go back home I eat okonomiyaki, at night I eat at home…
  • You must be in good health, huh? (P.S. Are you kidding me? We only get reference to the shaved ice incident in this small scribble. I feel robbed.)
  • KYA!
Pg 146
  • From the direction of the pond!
  • What happened?
  • It had weird and long legs!
  • No, it was different. It was all white!
  • I saw a giraffe! The neck was so long!
  • It was shiny, pink, and round.
  • Again… differing.
Pg 147
  • Are you okay?
  • Not really, but everyone is scared, and if it’s a Clow Card, I need to capture it.
  • I go through here every morning too, so I’m kind of in a bind. I’ll do my best.
Pg 148
  • This is a new release from my mom’s job.
  • It turns into a phone.
  • This is a pager with an LED screen.
  • Underwater, you won’t hear my voice.
  • If something occurs, use this!
  • Water!!
Pg 149
  • With using this water sphere containing air, you can be okay but…
  • Too long of a time period diving under will be bad.
Pg 150 - End
  • Bubble sounds.
  • M…
  • Mom?!

Man I can’t believe they finally mentioned the shaved ice here and that was all we got. I REALLY wanted to see that haha. Oh well, this chapter was still great. I loved the extra exposition on sakura’s mom and the “twist” at the end, even though it’s likely an apparition. Looking forward to what happens next!


This was by far the hardest section for me to understand, I feel like I got the gist but at the sentence level it was really hard to parse (lots of handwritten stuff, lots of Kero exposition in Kansai dialect).

Tomoyo is such a little adult, sending a full fax to ask Sakura to go to the festival with her.

小遣い (allowance) is definitely one of those words that I learned in my reviews and never expected to come up anywhere.

I wonder if Sakura’s mom’s name is a reference to the idea of a “Yamato Nadeshiko” Yamato nadeshiko - Wikipedia

Thanks to everyone who does full translations by the way! It has helped me clarify meanings a few times now.


Yeah when I first saw the fax I was so frightened haha. Was surprised at how much of it I could sort of understand with context clues, but the last bit of it especially I needed to take a really close look. And even then I’m sure I was off by a little haha. Good practice though!

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Most of these are just nitpicks.

pg 139


Literally, ‘from the time she was in middle school, she continuously worked as a model’ As in, she started modeling in middle school and continuously ずっと after that. ‘Of course,’ isn’t in the sentence here, I think it’s best practice to do these kinds of translations literally so you’re not adding and subtracting words accidentally.

'25" is modifying “dad”: 二十五歳のお父さん

“When my mom was 16, she and my 25-year old father got married.”


とき can also just be translated as ‘when’ and it’s a little more clear, ‘when my mom died.’ Not a big deal though.


I think 無事 is being used as an adverb here. ‘Did you get home safe?’

Nice job on translating the fax though!




This is a new product 新作 made by で my mom’s company.

Again, just nitpicking to be precise. I assumed when I read this that the product might not even be released yet, but tomoyo has early access to all the new stuff because of her mom.



Technically this has the あまり 〜 ない grammar point, meaning not very. “You won’t be diving for very long.”

Nice job!

1 Like

Almost there !

Hopefully I’ll finally finish a book club. :tada:


You can do it!!


Well, I thought I’d be late for this one, but I finished the chapter. I need to reread the first few couple pages with kero, but the rest was pretty straightforward.

The fax is was long, but despite the keigo, this much, much easier than Kansai ben or even Touya’s male speech.


I caught up! I caught up!!! Took like 6 weeks but I caught up!! :dancing_women: :tada:
Maybe next week I will actually post some translations and try to contribute to the threads :slight_smile:

Mokuro absolutely could not handle the slight angle on the text in the fax so unfortunately any kanji in there was unparsable with my low-quality scans. Thanks for the translations in this thread!

I love Sakura’s devilish outfit, and also the idea of using the water card to create a little diving bell for her.

Pg 139

Thanks for the translation on the age part, I also read it the same way jablekanji did. It certainly changes the context A LOT :face_with_peeking_eye: what an age gap!!


Yeah, I never read much manga before I started learning Japanese but from what I gather age gaps and teacher/student relationships are pretty common in these types of shoujo manga. I also did a double take when I read it like, when she was sixteen? :fearful:


Done for the week!

Chapter thoughts

As everyone has mentioned, the fax was kind of startling, but when I actually read it, I was rather charmed! I can just imagine Tomoyo fretting over if it’s safe to hang out with her friend… and yet, she really wants to hang out with her, so she can’t help but send the fax anyways after a lot of waffling!

Reminds me of sending a long text to someone when you’re too nervous to talk to them in person…

Sakura’s mom is also wild as a character. Like, I would NOT have thought she was sixteen in the photo of her! She was a model when she was in middle school, so a cursory google search suggests she would have been between twelve and fifteen. Then she got married at sixteen to a twenty-five year old, had two kids, and then died within about twelve years (Assuming she had Touya soon after marrying, and that Sakura is six years younger than Touya). Just, dang. What a short and wild life!

I’m excited to see what happens with the underwater mom!