カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Home Thread — Starting September 7th

Welp, just found out the scans collecting dust on my hard drive are the equivalent of 240p :sob: Thankfully I have volume 4 on in physical but figured the tiny furigana would be easier on PC


This would be my first book club and while I understand basic grammatical structures I have a long way to go still.

I have begun working on the first few pages and I find myself occasionally (not for each sentence) relying on google translate and then working my way back from there. Is this an ok approach to take?


In general, anything you use that leads to you learning and/or having fun with the language is an ok approach to take. You’re not in school and this isn’t a test; you cannot cheat. So the only two questions you have to ask yourself to find out whether it’s a good approach are: Are you learning something, and are you enjoying yourself?

In this case specifically it sounds like a great approach because you’re putting in the work to understand the answer.

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m a few years ahead of you in my reading journey and I still regularly use DeepL (and ChatGPT) for things I don’t understand.


First post in the forums and CCS is a longtime favorite of mine - will join the club as well!


Since it’s my birthday month, I decided I would join in for the book club! I’m only about 30% of the way through N5 so it’s going to be tough but after successfully playing an entire game demo recently, I feel confident about being able to make my through it.


Wooo we’re birthday buddies! Happy (presumably early) birthday! I’ll be struggling alongside you haha


I just bought the book for Kindle! I wasn’t intending to join since I’ll be in Japan by November – still, getting motivation to read for at least two months seems worth it to me. Besides, maybe I’ll end up finishing the book on my own regardless, we’ll see!


I was marking the pages so I would know what to read to each week and when I got to the last week it didn’t line up. The total number of pages is 185 and I have the standard release (ISBN 9784-06-319743-3) so I’m slightly confused lol

Am I missing something here?


Hello! First time for me!

I just got my purchase from BookWalker, I just need to figure out which OCR software I will use and ready for the party!

Have fun everyone!


Hi everyone. First time in this book club and really, first time reading a manga at all. Back in the day I always assumed Cardcaptor Sakura was some kind of card game or YuGiOh thing.

My book just came in the mail today and it was much smaller than I expected, so I might have to break out a magnifying glass in addition to the readers, but I’m looking forward to seeing how much I can read after a few months of Japanese study. Ganbarou!


Created the vocab sheet for week 1 (and the inside cover, if you want to try that), will update for future weeks as they come up:

@ChristopherFritz also has a browsable version on his site (which now supports viewing by page):


The page numbers in the schedule are from the “refurbished” edition, which the original hardcovers and most of the digital releases use. It has one extra page per chapter with a piece of art and one with a Cerberus stamp icon, so the page numbers diverge over time from the softcover edition.

I’ve no idea what the “anniversary”/new hardcover edition does, but it’s probably something different again (as well as having the volumes packed into 9 rather than 12)


楽しみ! (I’m also just looking for an excuse to read shojo manga again). Waiting for the book to arrive from JP Amazon.


I might read this, but if I do I’ll definitely be really late by the time it comes (i’ll probably get a physical copy). Quick question. If I have questions about a page or something that the book club already covered (because I’ll be late, if I do decide to participate) am I still allowed to ask them?


Yeah! The previous week’s threads will still be open, whether you want to refer to them as guidance or ask new questions.


Also, if the problem is just that you can’t get a physical copy in time, you can use the free bookwalker preview for the first few weeks.


OK, I couldn’t resist anymore and started reading last night after work. Is this illegal? Sorry :sweat_smile: Made it to page 20 (reading without actively searching up unknowns) before I got tired. There were definitely many grammar points and vocab that I didn’t get, but overall because of a combination of being vaguely familiar with the general plot + being able to read some kanji due to my Chinese background + having pictures to help decipher the context + maybe having more passive knowledge of grammar and vocab than I thought (!), it was not a terribly difficult read! Excited to keep going + go back to make notes on the parts that I didn’t understand once the book club officially starts and everyone joins in. :cherry_blossom:


Well, I am at page 54 already, so if this is illegal we should be punished together I guess.
I just let context/guessing cover for what I don’t know… but I will have to put more effort when the real reading starts. Most my guesswork is also regarding grammar and understanding the real meaning behind some sentences, I power read through Genki 1 and 2 during the last two months but all that “knowledge” hasn’t settled in yet. Regarding Kanji… I guess level 26 at Wanikani is paying off somehow, I think I am not having much problems in that regard.

This first 50+ pages have been very enjoyable to be honest (except for the fact that I had to use a magnifying glass to read some Kanji and some furigana here and there).


You are both hereby sentenced to our harshest punishment: Having to wait until you can discuss what you read because the respective threads haven’t been created yet. I hope you learnt something (while reading)! :angry:

(Glad you are so enthusiastic. Just don’t forget your questions until then!)


Annoyed by the quality of the text in the ebook version and with a paper copy turning up from amazon.co.jp this week, I’m now in craft project mode getting this scanned so I have a digital version I don’t hate and playing with mokuro to see about OCR’ing it. Got the first 42 pages done in time to start trying to read it tomorrow.

My time, I suspect, would be better spent studying more grammar and vocabulary.