Thoughts on PAGE.8:
Page 11
That third panel…

Page 12
I think someone is in love with being in love.

Page 14
Somehow, I don’t think this is really Futaba’s decision to 「いーじゃん」 about…

It reminds me of in Kiki’s Delivery Service, when Kiki’s mother asks if she took her father’s radio out without asking again:
Page 17: I had to work at that れれ in 「やれれば分かるよ!」 a bit to get it. やる → receptive やれる → conditional やれれば.
I initially skipped over it (figured I had the gist of what was going on), until I was lost on the dialogue in the next two panels. And I wanted to know what was behind Yuuri’s thought bubble (the 「女のコ…」).
Once I knew Futaba was saying “You’d understand if it was done to you,”, Kou’s line registered, “Yeah, but I wouldn’t do it to a girl.” (next panel) “To a girl.” And then Yuuri’s thought bubble made sense, “Oh my gosh, he totally sees me as a girl!”.
Page 19
Yup, this one’s gonna sting a bit.
Page 20: I’m assuming that 「帰りのHR」 means there’s homeroom at the start of the day and the end of the day, and this wording is used to refer to the second one. I wonder if that is because they’ve “returned” to home room, or because it’s the home room before they “return home”. (I’m guessing the former, but don’t have any clue.)
Page 21

Scene playing in Futaba’s mind:

Page 28: Oh, hey, I just learned the kanji 職! That tells me that the 職員質 is probably what I would know as the teacher’s lounge. I don’t know if I would have recognized it without the furigana, but I’ll take what I can get.
Page 31: Sorry Futaba, even though I didn’t know 嗅ぐ, I was able to easily figure it out from context. You are a habitual 嗅ぐer.
Page 38: When I saw this scene in the anime, and Kou said Futaba said まってて, I remember thinking, I don’t recall her saying that. I didn’t rewind to check, but with the manga, I did go back a few pages to confirm. So, if she did say it, she didn’t even realize it to the point that the reader doesn’t get to hear it.
Pages 41 ~ 49: I really liked this scene in the anime. It’s just as enjoyable in its original manga form.
I’m feel like I’m ready to jump right into PAGE.9, but I do have other manga to read, so I’ll hold off for today! Otherwise I might finish volume 3 by the end of the week…