よつばと! Vol 8 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

That’s N3 grammar! :smiley:
Although we did learn it for the N4. (I forgot :sweat_smile:)

It’s connected to 大きくなったねぇー, so it’s basically:
“You grew up while I wasn’t looking.” :slight_smile:

兄みたいなもの or 兄みたいなもん is “something like a brother”.
“I’m something like a brother to Yotsuba.”
The で could be a contraction of です.
Otherwise, Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary by itself seems to be “because”, but not only does it not make sense in context, it also leaves 兄みたいな by itself. :thinking:
So I don’t think that’s right.

Laughing in a library is fine (with moderation)!
No one can expect you to read Yotsuba with a straight face. :laughing:

Let me present my hypothesis:
のり = seaweed
のりのり = in high spirits
つくだに = small seafood, meat or seaweed that has been simmered in soy sauce and mirin.

So, Ena said, “You’re in high spirits, huh?”
Yotsuba doesn’t know what that means, so she only heard のり, and replied with, “Are you talking about preserved food (seaweed)? :smiley:
Then Dad says, “It means that you’re full of energy.” Going back to のりのり.


Then, Yotsuba says, “It’s because of the happi! This is a happi.” (explaining why she’s in a good mood).
Then, Ena does a bilingual pun, and goes, “Because of the happi, you’re happy.”
And Yotsuba goes, “What!?” (I think implying that she thinks there actually is a relation between the two).
Then Ena says, “I was joking (lying).”

Oof, that one was just a little tough to parse.

Great question! Your translation is basically right, but you can afford a few extra words to better convey the message. :stuck_out_tongue:
The online translation is basically the same, but I don’t necessarily agree with their exact translation. :thinking:
Perhaps someone else :eyes: could say what they think. :stuck_out_tongue:

This time, it seems like it’s 引っ張ってくの, the opposite of 引っ張ってくるの.
If it was くる, it’d be ひっぱってくの at least.
Since they’re taking instead of bringing(, perhaps?) :sweat_smile:

Haha! Yotsuba asks what a 山車 is, and her Dad answers:
“A 山車 is…” then explains it.
ってのは is a contraction of Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary
A more explained translation would be something like, “If you’re talking about a 山車, it’s…”

そういうこと is “That’s it.”, usually from a position of knowledge, while そういうことか is “So that’s it.”, or “I see.”, or “I got it.” with a connotation of barely having learned or understood something. :slight_smile:

This one’s also a little tricky, but simple.
So, させる is to make someone do something, but it can also be let someone do something.
In this case, Yotsuba is asking the guy hitting the drums to make her (let her) do it.

させてください (or whatever other verb you put in the beginning in that form) is a way of asking someone to let you do something.

Then 風香 comes to save the day. :heart_eyes:

Thank you for the N4 grammar review. :joy:


Thank you, Kazzeon, for the N4 grammar lessons! :bowing_man: :+1:
Really, thank you so much! :smiley: :bowing_man:

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Online translation?! :exploding_head:

I mean the scanlation online. :joy:
The illegal English version. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ah, thanks for letting me know, best avoid that then. For a minute there, I actually thought there might be an English translation legitimately available on the net, that would be amazing. Thanks again!

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I’m honestly quite perplexed about this speech bubble. The shape of it suggests that it’s Yotsuba saying it, except Yotsuba seems to be making a slack-jawed reaction face rather than speaking. But on the other other hand, Ena doesn’t seem to be speaking either.

Someone else who’s holding the Yen Press translation? :stuck_out_tongue: They’ve gone with “It was a lie!”, thus avoiding having to fall on either side of the fence by actually using a pronoun.

Hiro is clearly… if not in love with Fuuka, at least crushing on her. Yet a few volumes ago, I remember Fuuka suffering from heartbreak.

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Now that you mention it, yeah.
But it’s the only thing that makes sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do we know it was because of him, though?
Fuuka doesn’t seem like the kind of girl to recover that easily from heartbreak.
So he’s probably just another guy that likes Fuuka.

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Slightly related, do you perhaps have the link to the YouTube video where they read Yotsuba in a group?
I can’t find it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think they might have been taken down (if I’m looking in the right place).

I wonder if we could think of doing our own? Start again at volume one and get some more people involved??

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Hahah! That’s an idea.

Although starting at volume one sounds interesting to see how far we’ve come, it could also be a little overkill, and I don’t know if there’s a lot of people interested.

Also, getting together to read it like that reading club in the video takes more time than just reading the chapter by itself, but it could also be more fun.

Edit: Now that I’ve thought about it for a bit, it sounds like a lot of fun, but I still think getting more people would be tough. Perhaps starting ourselves a few (1-2) hours a week and telling people we’re doing it might work better than telling people beforehand? Would you be interested in that?
There’s also the recording part, I wouldn’t mind being some sort of moderator, but I don’t really have any experience in recording stuff, nor any interest really. So it could be something like just a Discord group instead?
This is one of those things that would be a great idea if we had more than 3 active users in the club. :joy:

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What exactly would these group readings entail?

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Everyone reads a different speech bubble. If it’s something relatively common, we go over it to make sure everyone understands it, or if someone has any doubt, we make sure we take care of that.

We could also try to focus on pronunciation, although with none of us being native (or that fluent yet, I won’t speak for you guys) it might be a little counter-productive.

At least it’s listening, speaking, and reading practice. :stuck_out_tongue:

We could obviously adapt it to the group’s preferences, nothing’s carved in stone.

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I think it is a great idea. But only problems are (1) I wouldn’t have the time or expertise to help set it all up, but would definitely make meetings if I could (2) I would much prefer reading from a volume we have already studied… reading from something I’ve not studied yet would just be too tough, and (3) I don’t know if my internet connection is up to it!

But yes, you are right, I think if we just started it and announced it, people would come along.

PS - should we move this discussion to the main thread, rather than having it here in the vol.8 thread?

If we were going to do it, I wanna be played by Samuel L Jackson.


We could start by defining what’s “it all”.
Like, what do we need to set up for a reading group?

Do we want everyone to be at the same page?
There are programs to share your screen, I wouldn’t mind doing that.
The Discord call is easy.
Then there’s schedules, you being in Japan, Belthazar in Australia, and me in Mexico.
But it seems that right now, 8:00 p.m. for me, is reasonable for both of you.
I imagine everyone has a mic, that’s if everyone wants to participate in the reading, which of course is not obligatory.
We already have the threads for all the volumes, and there’s always jisho and some other Japanese pages for research, and Belthazar has the English volumes. :stuck_out_tongue:

What else do you have in mind?

I also remembered there’s some people that want to catch up, or are reading the previous volumes, so perhaps they would be interested. So we can start talking about it in the main thread once we decide on something.

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Sounds great! I was thinking, if it is video my internet connection might not be very good, but for audio only it ought to work no problem. Is that what you had in mind? I joined discord once (when we were doing にゃんにゃん) but never used it. But I guess it is easy enough? Yes, this time of day is good for me, but my schedule is very irregular, sometimes I have mornings free, sometimes not.

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Page 149 - I know that いい means good, and that って is the informal quotation marker, but what does it mean together like this in panel four?

Page 151 - is the いっつも here just a regular old いつも?
And can anyone help with that トコ? In fact, the more I look at this sentence, the less I understand it. I certaibly don’t understand what leads to Fuuka’s reaction.

Page 152 - Google images sorted out アポロ right away! But in the last panel, I’m a bit lost as to what the old lady (I think we’ve seen her before somewhere too) is saying…. “[Fuuka] is good because she’s popular with kids” is my attempt, but I’m a bit lost as to what the も is doing in the sentence.

Sadly that is all I have time for today. I’m miles behind but will try to catch up some more tomorrow. Thank you for any help you can offer!

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“He says it’s fine.” :slight_smile:

Yeah, apparently a Hiroshima accent. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d say it’s just そういう and then トコ from ところ.

So, it would be something like,
“So you have to compensate (for a loss); create a cover in that kind of place (子供会, fairs, etc.), huh.”

I think Dad’s implying that either Fuuka did something that needs to be compensated and this is her punishment (most likely), or that she’s going to do something later and this is her way of either creating an alibi or covering her tracks. :joy:

So Fuuka’s like, “Eh? Compensate, you say? But for what!?” in a literal way.
Or “Eh? Compensate for what!?” in more natural English. :smile:

This one took a lot from me, even though it shouldn’t have, probably. :sweat_smile:
I always have a hard time with そういうとこ because I think it’s related to そういうこと. :stuck_out_tongue:

https://jisho.org/word/受けがいい-1 :smiley:
“She’s also popular with kids.”

If she said, 子供に受けがいいんだよね, it would only be, “She’s popular with kids.”
But since she already said that 風香 is admirable a few panels back, she’s implying that she’s popular with adults, and then kids も.

Great questions. n_n


I think he’s implying that something about her fundamental character is lacking. Like, her terrible fashion sense, or the way she thinks she’s a commedian but really isn’t, or the way she thinks she’s a romanticist but really isn’t.


I disagree, but I can see your point.
Btw, congrats on the 60. :clap: