よつばと! Vol 4 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

That’s what I figured from the context, but the grammar was not clear to me.


Yeah, it makes a lot more sense in Japanese.

This is from Maggie Sensei:
When you emphasize the word or sentence which comes before なんて( = nante) and express your feelings such as surprise (either positive or negative), disgust, admiration, happiness, disbelief, etc.

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Catching up on Chapter 26 - just one small question:

p. 159, mid-left panel, speech bubble from Asagi: 「じゃあお父さんに飲ませてあげなよ」
Could someone help me with the meaning/use of the final conjugation - I get 飲ませてあげる but not the なよ. I’m assuming the よ is a particle and the な is part of the verb form?

Also - do people plan to continue with the next volume? I’m also reading along with ARIA but I’m enjoying having that to try for decent speed and comprehension and this to pay stronger attention to the grammar details because it’s a bit easier.

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I think よ is the normal よ particle added for emphasis. As for な, it can be used as a shortened version of なさい. So she’s saying, “Well then, go make your father drink (the milk)”.

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Thanks, I feel like I’ve seen this a few times and never quite caught it.

I finished off the volume - There are a couple grammar points I want to ask about -

Page 168 - Yotsuba’s last speech bubble in the bottom-left panel 「そうともゆう」
Meaning “It’s just as you say” thereabouts? I know she’s agreeing with him.

Page 169, first speech bubble「涼しいどころか今日はものすごい暑いぞ」
“Never mind cool - it’s incredibly hot out today”

Page 170, last panel, Koiwai「花キューピッドになったのとかか」
I don’t understand what the particles, etc after なった are doing.

Page 188, last panel, Koiwai「なんかお礼言っとかんとなあ」
Could someone explain 言っとかん?


I’m just guessing, but I think it’s mostly slang. I’m not at my book, but here’s what I think.

そう と も 言う (that can also be said)

Not sure what this means, but I think “Never mind cool” matches the intention well.

(being a flower cupid) [indefinite pronoun の] [for example, とか] [perhaps, maybe, or question か]

言って おかない と なあ (have to tell in advance, na~)


Oh my god, I just got this. :joy:


Time to read the 4コマ!
Only almost 2 months late. :sweat_smile:

These っ are too big! Too big, I tell you! :angryviet:

Ah~ I really like 4-komas, even more when it’s about Yotsuba. :smiley:

Page 99: That Maradona reference. :joy:


Chapter 25 time. :smiley:

風香!No! :sob:



Hello darkness, my old friend

Oh my god, Yotsuba is so savage. :joy:


Aren’t four-year-olds always savage? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wasn’t she five? xD

I can never remember. But then, neither can Yotsuba, so that’s ok.


Chapter 26 time. :open_mouth:

Isn’t… ラジオ体操 usually longer? :sweat_smile:



:angry: Give her the stamp :angry:

Hahaha! Yotsuba really did think the same thing, so mature. :smiley:

Some fool is about to get dropped.




What a great last panel. :joy:



Ah, what a chapter. :laughing:


Chapter 27 time. :sunglasses:

This made me imagine Yotsuba going around changing seasons, and all the horrible disasters that would befall


And she would just be like, “Welp.”

All the seasons would be backwards. :joy:

Page 168: I always get confused with ぬ, thought it said ねるい, and I was like, “What?”

A play in two acts




Don’t we all know this suffering. :cry:

It has started! :anguished:



Time passes during that un-panelled drawing of the trees. Alternately, if you think it should take longer, read it slower. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I started volume 4! I really missed よつばと!


At the moment the book-club has just finished volume 8, but I recently noticed that somehow, for a reason I can’t remember, I completely missed most of volume 4. Time to fix that! And I see there is a vocab list up for it, so a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to that!

And hi @emucat! How’s your reading of volume 4 going?!



I read a little bit, but then I started rereading from Volume 1. Right now I’m about to finish Volume 2 and I’m enjoying it so much


I’m slowly catching up on the chapters I missed in volume 4, and the wordlist is really helping - thank you so much to whoever put that together. You are a star.

But I have a few questions if anyone has volume 4 to hand and is kind enough to help me out! Thank you!

Page 72 - Yotsuba and her dad are talking about curry. This is what I think they say. Dad: “we just recently had curry the other day” Yotsuba: “yes, I see, but it wasn’t very tasty. Was it a fake curry?” Dad: “It was beef bowl, not fake. You are rude!” But then I’m lost on the final panel: そっか… そっくりなのにな… “I see, just like, なのにな”.

Page 82 - what is the よぶ at the end of Yotsuba’s speech in the final panel? Is it “to call”? I can’t see how that fits. What am I missing here?

Page 88 - panel 5: げんきだせな - “take care”, but what is the せ in this sentence?

Page 92 - panel 2: what is うむ here? Does it mean “finished”?

Page 96 - panel 2: the furigana for 描いて says かいて, why not えがいて?

Page 100 - panel 2: no question, just brilliant!

Page 114 - panel 6: まったくそうだね, is Fuuka saying “that’s entirely right”. “You’ve got it”?

Page 115 - panel 4: this was difficult to understand. Thank goodness Yotsuba also asks for a (better) explanation! But, is the つきあい in おつきあいしてる must be “socialising” I guess?

Page 119 - panel 6: Fuuka says (lit) “This thing は everyone には secret よ?” Surely she is telling Yotsuba that this is a secret and that she mustn’t tell anyone. But why the question-mark? And does Yotsuba understand the opposite, ie to tell everyone, in which case, why? Was there something ambiguous in what Fuuka said?

Page 127 - panel 5: What is ぐにょぐにょ?

Poor Fuuka! But such a funny chapter!

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