よつばと! Vol 4 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

I don’t know why, I re read the first three volumes super quick, but now I’m stuck in the fishing chapter of volume 4 :frowning:

So, the premise is that they’re looking for something that’s 普通においしい, but not 超おいしい.

“We just had curry the other day, right?”

そっかー I see.
カレーは Curry is
ちょーおいしいもの something super tasty
なー… 3) Giving a reason and leading to the conclusion.

“I see. Curry is also super tasty…”

Yotsuba is implying that that’s another reason why they can’t have curry, since they want something 普通においしい.

So, then she says:

“How about fake curry?”
“That’s not super, right?”

“Hayashi rice is not fake.”
“That’s (you’re) rude.”

“I see.”
そっくり なのになー…
“Even though they look exactly the same…”

It is! “All right! Starting from today, I will call Fuuka 「ハンバーグさま」”


It’s sort of an onomatopoeia, usually “Hmm.”, but in this case, I think it’s more like, “Yes!”
Imagine someone saying うむ, it sounds like “Mm.” or “Hmm.” (like, “I agree.”)
:sweat_smile: A bit weird, but common.

It’s one of the readings. :stuck_out_tongue: かく
I think it depends on context, too, but I’m not entirely familiar with that.

Oh, man. This chapter. :sob:

Basically, yeah. :slight_smile:

To go out with! :stuck_out_tongue:
“There was a girl he was going out with.”

このことは This matter is
みんなには to everyone
ないしょよ?a secret, okay?

“This is a secret to everyone else, okay?”

The question mark is to make sure Yotsuba understands, and/or replies that she does.

Nothing ambiguous, just Yotsuba being Yotsuba. :sweat_smile:

It’s an onomatopoeia. As you can imagine, something similar to ぶよぶよ - Jisho.org or たぷたぷ - Jisho.org, according to Multi-lingual language learning and language exchange | Lang-8: For learning foreign languages. :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed. :joy:

These two chapters are just so funny. :rofl:


Thank you so much Kazzeon!

When I posted my questions, I knew it would be you that would reply to them! You are so kind and so patient, and your explanations are wonderful! Thank you so much for all your help! I really, really appreciate it, and I’m sure future readers of this thread will too. Thank you so much!

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I have a few more questions from volume 4… thank you so much in advance to you Kazzeon, or to anyone else who is kind enough to help out!

Page 141 - panel 3: so, someone says “Miura hasn’t come again” and the reply is “みうらちゃんちは 高いところだから 来るの大変なんだよ”. This looks to me like “Because Miura is in a high (or expensive?) place, it is hard for him to come”. The next speech bubble, カンケーないよそうれ, I don’t understand at all.

Page 153 - panel 6: as is often the case, I figure out the answer just by writing the question! わ is simply the feminine ending, followed by よ. No problems there!

Page 154 - panel 4: よつばしんぶんは どこよりも はやくて やすいよ! - “Yotsuba’s newspaper (Yotsuba News) is faster and cheaper than anywhere else”. No problems, but that どこ has me scratching my head. Am I misunderstanding something?

Page 170 - panel 5: very complicated! I guess the clothes came from Yotsuba’s ばーちゃん (I wonder when we get to see her), but can someone please help break down the verb for me, it’s a frighteningly long string of kana! 買ってもらったやつか

Page 171 - panel 5: I know that 終わらせない is the causative negative of 終わる, to finish, but what does that actually mean? Perhaps “I did not cause summer to end”?

Page 178 - whole page: So Asagi says Yotsuba looks cute, Yotsuba asks something (なんだかわかったー? - I have no idea). Asagi says “Children’s Day” and Yotsuba looks upset and says something about sunflowers. I have no idea what is going on. Even Google translate is as confused as I am!

Page 180 - panel 5: いやーしかし, does that just mean “no, but”?

Nearly there! Thanks again for any help anyone can offer!


:joy: You always ask questions when I’m about to eat, so it’ll be like half an hour, but I got you. :wink:



Miura’s house is

high place, yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Miura =/= him :eyes:

“That’s unrelated!”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with it.” :joy:

Since, of course the height of her house has nothing to do with being able to attend. :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: :+1:

Basically, yeah. :slight_smile: どこ is just where. :stuck_out_tongue:

More than anywhere else → Faster and cheaper than anywhere else. :smiley:

No misunderstandings there!

The previous panel is important!

“Take out the clothes! The clothes!”
“The ones that look like a fairy.”

So, with this we see that 買ってもらったやつか is actually 買ってもらったやつか.
So the verb is just 買ってもらった, so “The clothes your grandmother bought (and gave) you?”

Yotsuba says, なつがおわりまーす “Summer is over.”
Then Dad says, とーちゃん夏好きだから終わらせないでくれよ
“Dad likes summer, so don’t make it end (for me・that’s the くれよ, like ください).”

じゃあこれで “Then, like this…”
なんだか → なんですか “what is it”
わかったー? “do you know?”
“Then, do you know what I am? (when I’m like this・with the costume and the hat and all)”

These are the こどもの日 hats, and the 鯉のぼり (which appear in another chapter) :stuck_out_tongue:

Then Yotsuba says, やっぱりひまわりもないとだめだなー
“As I thought, it’s no good without the sunflower.”
I think the もないと is basically がないと. So, “if I don’t have the sunflower, だめだな”.

Yep. It’s basically, “No, but (that’s not important)…”

Hope it helps. If you have more questions, feel free. :slight_smile:
You’re almost there! :smiley:


Whooops! But at least I’m not the only one who makes that mistake!

Thanks again so much Kazzeon. I really can’t tell you how grateful I am. Your answers are amazing, and thank you so much for all the links and even the pictures too! I am simply flabbergasted by your kindness. Thank you.


Finally finished! Just a few questions for you Kazzeon (or anyone else that would like to reply!) - and thank you so much in advance!

Page 181 - panel 5:
I’m in the funny position of being able to read most of this, but just not getting it:
after that + aeroplane + to look for + if (when?) + cancellation + one thing + only + to become empty + because/since + assertive sentence ending
"After that, when I looked for flights, since just one cancellation became available…
(のった = I flew!)
Am I close?

Page 182 - panel 2: みうら呼べよ - “call me Miura” - ??!!

Page 184 - panel 2:
I don’t get this one at all. I think my main problem is むくれん. Perhaps “to be taken off​” (the weeds, that is), but I really am quite lost.

Page 188 - panel 5: なんかお礼言っとかんとなぁ. I’m okay until we get to かんとなぁ. Any ideas?

Page 190 - and… done!

Thanks so much again Kazzeon! Or anyone else who might reply!

Like I say, I’m not sure how I managed to miss the whole second-half of volume 4, but I’ve read it now and that means I’m back up-to-date with the bookclub… 8 volumes finished and volume 9 up next as soon as there is demand!


Pretty much, yeah. :slight_smile:

:joy: Call Miura. :stuck_out_tongue:

image :eyes:
ひまわりって太陽(not 代用 :stuck_out_tongue:)の方向くんじゃなかったっけ?(no むくれん :slight_smile:)
“Huh? Didn’t sunflowers face the sun?” 向いてないぞ :thinking:
“Shouldn’t sunflowers look towards the sun?”

なんかお礼言っておかないとなぁ :sweat_smile: Your nemesis once again. :stuck_out_tongue:

:tada: :partying_face: :four_leaf_clover:

Might be sooner than we thought. :smiley:

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I demand…


Thank you so much again Kazzeon! And thanks for pointing out my awful mis-readings! That’s what happens when you rush the final few pages!

Looking back over this thread for volume 4, you’ve been so amazing, just as you have been for every volume, and I’m certain this wonderful Yotsuba reading group would hardly exist without you.

Thank you so much! :bowing_man::four_leaf_clover::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:

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The numbers don’t lie! :smiley: Give yourself a little more credit. :wink:


The dream team! :four_leaf_clover:


Hi All,

Yotsuba says a few times in this volume, 「つくつくぼーし」. I can’t find this in the dictionary (jisho.org). Any clues what this means?


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It’s also worth noting that つくつくぼうし works to look up on Jisho as well. When a hiragana word is written with an お sound followed by ー, and there’s no result when searching for the word, always try replacing the ー with う (in this case, ぼーし to ぼうし).

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Thanks. I actually saw that, and figured it couldn’t be that she was asking about some bug. Maybe I have to go re-read to understand why a bug makes sense in that sentence.

Thanks again!

Yotsuba loves bugs, so yeah. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, cicadas are (as said in a volume, I don’t know if this one) a part of summer.