なぜ?どうして?科学のお話 - Section 2 Discussion Thread

It only occurred to me as I’d just learned the kanji!


No translation from me today as @IgorTheGreat has published the same as mine.
A question however: why do they use katakana for the pets in this book: ネコ and イヌ (next chapter) instead of 猫 and 犬? Is this because it is a children’s book?

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Translation of pg. 52

暑い や 寒い ときには、毛を なめて、体の おんどを ちょうせつしています。

At times when hot or cold, licking fur keeps the body’s temperature regulated.

寒い ときにも 毛を なめるのは、 毛を ふわふわにして、 中に 温かい 空気を ためているのです。

At times when cold, licked fur becomes fluffy, and inside the warm air stays stored.

そのほかに、気持ちを おちつかせたい ときにも 体を なめると いわれています。

It is also said the cat’s feelings are also calmed when licking it’s body.

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Animal names are quite frequently written in katakana. When it comes to 猫 and 犬, you’ll probably see the kanji more often, simply because those animals are more common than others, but yeah, you’ve got the option of writing it in katakana too.


Page. 53 :dog:
なんで イヌは 鼻が ぬんているの?

Why do dogs noses get wet?

イヌも、人間も 同じょうに 鼻で においを かんじています。

Dogs and humans have the same scent of smell in the nose.

人間の 鼻は しめって いないのに、 なんで イヌの 鼻は しめって いるのでしょうか?

Why do you think human’s noses aren’t whet where as dog’s noses are?

じつは 人間も 鼻の あなの おくは しめっています。

In truth, human noses are also wet on the inside.(A surprising twist!)

そこに においの つぶを くっつけて においを かんじて いるのです。

The smell molecule connects in there and the smell is experienced.

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almost the same as @IgorTheGreat, but with a different dog
p. 53 :dog2:

Why is a dog‘s nose wet?


Dogs, like humans, sense odors with their nose.


Why is the dog’s nose damp, while the human nose is not?


In fact, the inside of the human nose’s nostrils is also damp.


The odor particles cling to it and the odor is sensed.

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So I think I understood the page pretty easily. I was a bit confused by the usage of も in a couple parts, especially the fragment below. Is it a way of listing multiple things? 文プロ wasn’t any help with that particular usage.

I would think it maybe would be, " Dogs too, similar to humans too" which doesn’t sound natural.

Translation for pg. 54


Why are dogs’ noses getting wet?


Dogs, similar to humans, sense odors in their nose.


Although a human’s nose doesn’t get wet, then why do you think a dog’s nose gets wet?


As a matter of fact, the interior of a human’s nostrils also become wet.


In there, an odor will attach to a droplet so that it can be sensed.

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It’s this usage (under the definition of も in Jisho). So it’s: “both humans and dogs, similarly”


Thanks. I even looked that up on jisho but somehow missed the example using two も for that meaning.

I blame the example sentence underneath it, which didn’t help me at all.


Page. 54
イヌは その部分が 外に 出ているようなもので、においの つぶが つきやすく、弱い においも かんじる ことが できます。

Because this similar part for dogs is outside, scent particles attach easily and weaker smells are also able to be sensed.

においが ながれてくる 方向も よく わかります。

The scent washes away and the direction is often understood

イヌが においを かんじる 力は、 なんと、 人間の 百万倍も あると いわれています。

Dogs strong scent of smell, however, is said to be a million times more than humans’.

その 鼻で 遠くに ある 食べ物の においや、 なかまの イヌが のこした においを かぎ分けているのです。

With that nose, far away foods smells and dog companion’s scent can be saved and discerned.

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The first sentence is a doozy. One of those ones where it was taking some guess work. Included the breakdown to try and make my reasoning clear at least.

Translation for pg. 54

イヌは その部分が 外に 出ているようなもので、においの つぶが つきやすく、弱い においも かんじる ことが できます。

Dogs + subject marker
that section/part + sentence subject marker
to go outside feels similar
odor particles + object marker
familiar, weak smells
to sense
Dogs, with that same part being outside, explains how they can easily sense weak smells.

においが ながれてくる 方向も よく わかります。

With smell continuing to drift, even the direction can be skillfully followed.

イヌが においを かんじる 力は、 なんと、 人間の 百万倍も あると いわれています。

A dog’s strength of smelling could be said to be 1000000 times that of a human.

その 鼻で 遠くに ある 食べ物の においや、 なかまの イヌが のこした においを かぎ分けているのです。

With it’s nose faraway food smells, or the left behind smell of fellow dogs can be distinguished.

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I hated p51, and I’m so behind I won’t even post my attempt!

Here’s p52:

あつい ときや さむい ときには、毛を なめて、からだの おんどを (温度を) ちょうせつしています。

When it is hot as well as when it is cold, licking the fur regulates the body’s temperature.

さむい ときにも 毛を なめるとは、毛を ふわふわにして、中に あたたかい 空気を ためているのです。

When it is cold, licking the fur also makes the fur fluffy, and warm air is stored in the middle.

そのほかに、気持ちを おちつかせたい ときにも からだを なめると いわれています。

Besides that it is said, to calm down, licking the body does this.

Last line sounds clumsy to me.

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I wonder if this is more like: It can even understand well the direction a smell comes from.

With the subject of the verb being 方向 (marked by も rather than を - meaning “even” or “also”), and the においが ながれてくる as a whole modifying the word 方向. Using the meaning “to drift” for ながれる.


Wanikani teaches 犬 in level 2, but you don’t learn the onyomi reading until level 52 - けん. It comes up twice on today’s page.

I’m not at level 52 yet but I learned it recently in relation to this character - Afro Ken! (アフロ犬)


P53. Mostly seemed ok but the last line doesn’t sound right and I may have mistranslated.

なんで イヌは 鼻が ぬれているの?

Why do dogs’ noses get wet?

イヌも、人間も 同じように、鼻で においを かんじています。

Dogs as well as humans (both dogs and humans) smell with their noses.

人間の 鼻は しめって いないのに、なんで イヌの 鼻は しめって いるのでしょうか?

Human noses don’t become wet, why do dogs’ noses become wet?

じつは 人間も 鼻の あなの おくは しめっています。

The truth is that the interior of human nostrils also become wet.

そこに においの つぶを くっつけて においを かんじて いるのです。

In there the scent droplets stick together and the smell is sensed.

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I think the scent particles just “attach”. They attach “そこに“ (i.e. the place described in the previous sentence).

So I’d translate as “There, the scent particles attach, and the smell is sensed”.

Yes you’re right. I wasn’t sure what they were attaching to but the dampness of the nose I suppose.

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Page. 55 :poodle:

においで はん人を おいかける 「けいさつ犬」 や、 さいがいで たてものの 下じきに なった 人などを さがし出す 「きゅうじょ犬」 など、イヌは この すぐれた 鼻を 生かして、大活やくしています。

Police dogs can chase the scent of a criminal, or in a disaster, a rescue dog can locate someone in a disaster who has been pinned under a building,etc, the dog excels in this and the nose is put to good use.

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Too cute :o I just thought of けさつかん when seeing the word

P54. The second line sounds very clumsy to me. The last isn’t much better!

イヌは その部分が 外に 出ているようなもので、においの つぶが つきやすく、弱い においも かんじる ことが できます。

With dogs, that part is on the outside so that it is easy for scent droplets to attach, and weak scents can be sensed also.

においが ながれてくる 方向も よく わかります。

Scents float and arrive, and their direction can also be made clear.

イヌが、においを かんじる 力は、なんと、人間の 百万倍も あると いわれています。

It is said that dogs’ ability to sense smells is more more than a million times stronger than humans’.

その 鼻で、遠くに ある 食べ物の においや、なかまの イヌが のこした においを かぎわけているのです。

With those noses, far away smells of food, as well as the smells that other dogs leave behind, are discerned.

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