ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん 🌳 Week 4 (The Wolf of the Small Forest Book Club)

Week 4 June 3 2023
Pages 25-35
Chapter 2
Last Week Week 3
Next week Week 5
Home Thread ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん ・ The Wolf of the Small Forest

We’re reading volume 1 of this manga as part of the Absolute Beginner Book Club.

Second-to-last panel for this week.

Vocabulary Sheet

The base for this vocab sheet was prepared using a fair amount of OCR/parsing.

Some notes for using/improving it:

  • Some words might have been recognized or parsed incorrectly, e.g. they are split even though they belong together, or they are simply wrong and aren’t even in the manga. Feel free to correct/remove those if you see them!
  • Words might be missing. Feel free to add them!
  • By default, translations in grey are auto-filled with a list of possible meanings (from a Wiktionary database). If you know the specific meaning in this context, feel free to fill it in! (It’ll turn black then.)

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur / hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked
  • Join the conversation — it’s fun!

Not all pages have page numbers on them, so you may need to find a page with numbers to determine which page you’re on.

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished

0 voters

For our new readers: How are you doing so far?

  • It’s going really well
  • It’s going well
  • I’m struggling, but I manage
  • I’m struggling so much I’m thinking of dropping the book
  • I’m no longer reading the book
  • I have read harder manga/books than this one but I still need to click a poll option

0 voters

(This poll is anonymous.)


The page count is up a little in chapter two, and some pages may feel a little heavier on dialogue.

If your reading time is limited or going through pages takes a lot of time, be sure to pace your reading throughout the week.

Aim for at least two pages daily to complete the week’s material by mid-week.

Reading three pages daily Saturday and Sunday will let you coast through the rest of the week at one page per day.


Now comes the hardest part - not finishing the whole thing when I pick it back up :joy: I’ve managed to not read ahead for this week at least


This looks a little off :sweat_smile:


When I say we’re ramping up the page count, I think reading 11 chapters this week qualifies.

Thanks for catching that! I don’t have a template for this one set up in my book club manager, so I re-used last week’s post as a template and copy and pasted the pages into the wrong field (which is the whole reason for me having my book club manager to handle for me…)


@ChristopherFritz would you considder adding the last page image as well this week? With ebook version I always feel my own count is a bit off.


I’m sensing a bit of a contradiction in this panel. Not sure what though.



…Aaand I did it again. Chapter 2 is done :smiling_face_with_tear:

This is just way too adorable, the diabetes is real

last panel(s)

I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


Once again, I’m thwarted by not utilizing a proper template! (I’ll get that sorted out today so starting next week I have everything.)

I’ve edited it into the first post, just above the volume cover image. It’s an extremely non-spoiler image showing the second-to-last panel from the final page for this week!


Don’t worry, by the time we get to the last week, you’ll almost have it ready.

Gotta make an AI, similar to what youtube uses for recommending most interesting moments from a video, but doing the opposite. “Put in the most boring panel from the last page”


If only I could get reliable panel detection, I could run face detection to see if a panel is without a face (likely least spoilery). If there is none, the next step would be to have it automatically remove text, similar to what @hiukan did (we have the technology for relatively clean automated text removal in manga already).

Or maybe I’ll just play more Tears of the Kingdom when I should be catching up on the Shadows House book club.


Basically my problem with personal projects.


I’ve been keeping up so far! I’m mostly just commenting so I stay connected.


I’m almost done with this week’s pages. There was quite a bit of text, but with the help of Jisho I got through it at a reasonable pace. Two points so far where I’d like to check my understanding, if anyone could chime in.

p. 29

早く探さなきゃ. Does this translate as “I must look for them quickly” with ~なきゃ being an N5 grammar point?

p. 30

誰かに聞いてみようかな. I interpreted this as meaning “Maybe I should try and ask someone…” Is that correct? What trips me up sometimes is distuingishing between 聞く meaning “to listen” and “to ask”. Is there a way to figure out which it is, or should it always be interpreted from the context?




You got it right. There’s no direct way, but it’s almost always perfectly obvious from context. The other option “I should listen to somebody” doesn’t make much sense here.


Thanks for the confirmation. I was more thinking along the lines of “Maybe I should try and see if I (can) hear someone” in this case. Since she’s a wolf and has good ears…

p. 30

If it’s about being able to hear someone I’d expect 聞こえる to be used instead.

Another indication is the use of に after 誰か - 聞く if it were about hearing someone it’d be を instead. That pretty unambiguously marks it as being about asking someone, as I see it.


I may or may not have finished chapter 3 too, and… no spoilers but if you thought this was adorable so far you’re in for even more of a treat :smile: I swear, this manga is bad for my heart