ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん 🌳 Week 3 (The Wolf of the Small Forest Book Club)

Week 3 May 27 2023
Pages 16–23
Chapter 1
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Home Thread ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん ・ The Wolf of the Small Forest

We’re reading volume 1 of this manga as part of the Absolute Beginner Book Club.

Vocabulary Sheet

The base for this vocab sheet was prepared using a fair amount of OCR/parsing.

Some notes for using/improving it:

  • Some words might have been recognized or parsed incorrectly, e.g. they are split even though they belong together, or they are simply wrong and aren’t even in the manga. Feel free to correct/remove those if you see them!
  • Words might be missing. Feel free to add them!
  • By default, translations in grey are auto-filled with a list of possible meanings (from a Wiktionary database). If you know the specific meaning in this context, feel free to fill it in! (It’ll turn black then.)

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur / hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked
  • Join the conversation — it’s fun!

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Participation Poll

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  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished

0 voters

For our new readers: How are you doing so far?

  • It’s going really well
  • It’s going well
  • I’m struggling, but I manage
  • I’m struggling so much I’m thinking of dropping the book
  • I’m no longer reading the book
  • I have read harder manga/books than this one but I still need to click a poll option

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(This poll is anonymous.)


über cute, I’m melting, too :heart_eyes:

I love at the end (spoiler) how she seems happy about helping みあ but what she really wants is to just scare some people away :joy: I’m starting to wonder if that has ever happened :astonished: :thinking:


This was the smoothest chapter (for me) yet!
It’s SO DARN CUTE. The cuteness is enough to melt my cold, bitter heart.
かわいい, one might say.

One of my favorite parts so far is the last page, where she tells the bird, "Alright! (Intensive) training regimen! story beat Tomorrow.

Small edit: Something I did this time around was go through the vocab sheet before reading and make a mental note of anything I wasn’t familiar with. For me, that was about 30% of the words. This helped a lot, because I was able to recognize chunks of kana “hey we don’t know this and it’s not grammar” which made the process much better. This is just what worked for me. :slight_smile:


I’ll try that this time, thanks! Plan to start reading tomorrow


Decided not to post my translations this week because I am feeling pretty run down from a busy week. I do have one question though:

p22 もっと人間さんをうまく驚かせるようにないたい - Can't quite seem to figure out what she is saying here. Something along the lines of "I need to be more clever to surprise more humans" (?)

“I want to become better at surprising humans” I think.
もっと - more
人間さん - people
うまく - well
驚かせる - to frighten
ように - like
なりたい - you actually had a typo here (ないたい instead of なりたい), to want to become
I want to become more better at frightening people


I came up with the same except I think it‘s actually the potential form of 驚かす
So ~„I want to be able to better scare people“ or something

Even though, looking at the dictionary, it seems like 驚かせる is a verb too on itself :woman_shrugging:t2::confused:

… actually I feel kinda stupid for this comment again lol, it‘s such a detail and it doesn‘t actually change the meaning at all, sorry :see_no_evil::sweat_smile::see_no_evil: just felt like mentioning it idk :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::woman_facepalming:t2::see_no_evil::sweat_smile:


Actually that’s an interesting point. As far as I can tell, the two dictionary form words (驚かる and 驚かせる) have the exact same meaning. Their potential forms are (respectively) 驚かせる and 驚かせられる (or 驚かせれる). So, as far as I can tell, there is no way of differentiating between the potential form of 驚かる and the dictionary form of 驚かせる, other than that 驚かる seems to be more common in modern Japanese.

Here, based on context, I would assume that it is the potential (“to be able to frighten”) since that makes more sense to me, but just reading the word by itself I don’t think there’s any way of knowing which it is.

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Not sure how to parse this, particularly the と. “Actually, when I argued with mama I was a little lonely” or similar? I’m not sure who the subject of the verb is or who the adjective is modifying.

Page 18

That’s basically how I translated it as well. I feel like she means something more like “The truth is…I was feeling lonely because of the argument I had with my mom.” although I don’t think that sentence structure technically implies a cause-effect relationship just a “I fought with mom, then I was lonely”.

The と here just means “with”. As in, “I fought with mom…”


I’d specifically use “after” in this situation, though it won’t change the meaning much.

“After arguing with mom, I felt a bit lonely”

Page 21

Is it Mia or her mother saying this dialogue? They don’t point to anyone so it doesn’t seem too obvious.



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Neither of these would make sense if Mia said them
In the first one the mom is basically talking in third person, because kid speech.
In the second one she’s talking about thinking about MIa’s emotions


Thanks. I think the third-person thing threw me off.


Yeah, it literally translates to
“Mama was preparing for [your] birthday party”, that happens in English as well


why is けんか in katakana?

Feeling decent about my comprehension in this section overall!

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An author may choose to use katakana for a word for various reasons. But some words seem to appear in katakana often, regardless.

ケンカ is one of those words.






Just out of curiosity, how frequently does it show up in hiragana instead of katakana? I can’t remember ever having seen it in hiragana actually, although I’m sure it is written that way sometimes.

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I like to use this site for word frequency lookup:
Mainly because it’s stupid simple and there’s some elegance to stupid simple things.

According to this, the word appears with the following frequencies:
喧嘩 - 6008.
けんか - 14440.
ケンカ - 10081.

So 喧嘩 is quite a bit more frequent (per Zipf’s law, it should be about 1.6 times as common), but this probably depends heavily on the type of text you are reading, like it won’t show up as katakana in newspapers most likely, but it probably will in texting or on twitter quite a bit.

Speaking of twitter, you can also go on there and look for the word (searching for latest), you can check how frequently the word was posted recently, and you can compare them like that as well. This way you see a similar-ish distribution for the kanji and katakana versions.