


Hello there! I haven’t ever been super active on the forums so I don’t think many know me, so, hello, I’m Noel, I love Japanese, math & studying and I just “finished” (still need to burn everything) Wanikani last week! It’s definitely been somewhat hard at some points because I was not doing Wanikani in a very good manner, so maybe instead of giving tips as many others do, I’ll give my anti-tips:

  • Overusing a redo script to cheat up levels wasn’t my best decision, I’m now sitting at level 60 downgrading all my items :upside_down_face:. Of course, if you feel like you are running out of subscription time and just want to study as much new stuff as possible, by all means, go ahead, but the long-term didn’t work out very well for me
  • Anki mode + combined reading-meaning on Tsurukame (Wanikani app on iOS) is great for blasting through items, but turn it off afterwards! If you are some normal person like me you will make mistakes in grading your recalling, and sometimes just be lazy and decide that “yeah I knew that”
  • Try not to let vocabulary lessons pile up all too much if you are trying to just blast through levels by advanced-lesson-picker-ing the kanji & radicals
  • Maybe don’t do full-speed* Wanikani at the same time you have a lot of exams and stuff

*Only started doing something almost close to “full speed” Wanikani roughly half-way through

Here’s my final level-up chart:

また日本語で書いてみたい。 鰐蟹の後、今どうすればいいかと考えました。多分日本語の勉強をちょっと減らします、学校の試験のために。レビューが減り始めたら、 ブッククラブに入ってみたい。今「コンビニ人間」を読んでいて、鰐蟹のおかげでほとんど分かっていますけど読み遅いですよ。やっぱり、本を読むのが好きですね。

皆さんありがとうございます!特に @NeoArcturus さん、あなたが知らず知らずのうちに私をインスパイアしましたから鰐蟹を続けました。あなたがいなければ多分まだレベル30かもしれなませんよ。




\\\٩( ‘ω’ )و ////

二年以下終わりましたか? 凄いですね!


Congratulations Noel!:partying_face:

I can tell how excited and happy you are with your progress. And it’s awesome seeing you put your hard work into practice by writing in Japanese!:grin:

I’m proud of your achievement!

Best of luck on the next steps along your journey my friend!:hugs:


Congrats on making it to 60, and love the anti-tips, lol! Definitely can relate deciding “I knew that” when I didn’t. What will you use the kanji knowledge to tackle next?

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Thanks! You too!

I will ace all my Japanese exams first and then keep studying to learn more and more. The foundation WaniKani gives is truly very helpful. Thankyou everyone at tofugu!