あなたも殺人犯になれる! ❗ (IBC) - Week 7

あなたも殺人犯になれる! :exclamation:
Intermediate Book Club
Home Thread


Week 7 December 2nd, 2023
Chapter(s) #12 & #13
Start page 103
End page 118
Page count 16
Previous week week 6
Next week week 8


Discussion Guidelines

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Please follow these rules to avoid inadvertent ネタバレ. If you’re unsure whether something should have a spoiler tag, err on the side of using one.

  1. Any potential spoiler for the current week’s reading need only be covered by a spoiler tag. Predictions and conjecture made by somebody who has not read ahead still falls into this category.
  2. Any potential spoilers for external sources need to be covered by a spoiler tag and include a label (outside of the spoiler tag) of what might be spoiled. These include but are not limited to: other book club picks, other books, games, movies, anime, etc. I recommend also tagging the severity of the spoiler (for example, I may still look at minor spoilers for something that I don’t intend to read soon).
  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
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Name Hiragana reading Notes first mentioned in
赤川次郎 あかがわじろう the author cover
岡本聡美 おかもとさとみ main character, manga course participant chapter 1
箱根 はこね town in Kanagawa chapter 1
戸沢 とざわ secretary general from S Publishing chapter 1
七ツ谷むらさき ななつたにむらさき the female manga teacher chapter 1
菅野尚子 すがのなおこ course participant chapter 1
山名武三 やまなたけぞう the prisoner chapter 2
田所隆 たどころたかし the police officer chapter 2
中島 なかじま local policeman chapter 2
ミキ みき middle school student chapter 3
笠原信二 かさはらしんじ ミキ’s father, course participant chapter 3
百合子 ゆりこ ミキ’s mother chapter 3
宇部果林 うべかりん course participant,『か』of 『カバカ』 chapter 4
馬場しのぶ ばばしのぶ course participant,『ば』of 『カバカ』 chapter 4
加藤ジュン かとうじゅん course participant,『か』of 『カバカ』 chapter 4
富田丈一 とみたじょういち 尚子’s fiancé (full name in chapter 5) chapter 4
堺法行 さかいのりゆき course participant chapter 5
相沢弥生 あいざわやよい course participant chapter 5
宝塚 たからづか Takarazuka Revue chapter 7
長谷川清美 はせがわきよみ lodge keeper/employee? chapter 7
河本さつき かわもとさつき course participant chapter 7
安楽深雪 あんらくみゆき course participant chapter 7
真田万里 さなだまり course participant chapter 7


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Chapter 13


After “Nakajima” emerges from the hut he says

“Yes, maybe it was Yamana. But it was pretty dark inside, and it took a little while to see clearly [?] The guy escaped through the back window.”
I can’t decide if there was someone there, or if “Nakajima” is making this up. Is he saying that he saw someone escaping or speculating. (Presumably that is deliberately ambiguous on the part of the author)


Yeah it’s hard to tell with so little information to go on. There could’ve been nobody there, or there could now be a body in the shed, or some guy really did get away. In any case, how convenient for fake 中島 that there’s an outsider running around to blame any mysterious deaths on :slight_smile:

End of chapter 13 thought

My sense for red herrings didn’t fail me after all— the teacher lives! For now, anyway. I was amused that 深雪 even gave the same reason I did to explain why she didn’t want むらさき to die.

End of chapter 13 thought

Yep that was a nice guess :smiley: it’s funny because it follows a bit the discussion that the characters have in chapter 12. Now what would be interesting? むらさき is dead? No, imagine, they make us think that she’s dead, but if she’s not dead, even more interesting!


That would explain why he insists that somebody should accompany him and then tells the person accompanying him to wait outside. I think that he needs a witness that something happened at the hut.


I totally didn’t expect むらさき to still be alive! Sure got me good. :grin: Fun chapters! I’m really enjoying the book so far.


You know it’s funny I didn’t even think to make that connection, but it’s true. The author is definitely giving us a wink about the Rule of Drama there: If the potential for conflict is visible, then it will never be passed over! We can only guess when he’ll lean all the way into it and when he’ll intentionally subvert it for laughs. I feel like we’ve gotten a bit of both already.