"Wrong" reading when typing Kanji an issue?

Maybe a bit of an odd question, but I thought I’d ask people for their experiences.
I started using KameSame alongside WaniKani and I’ve recently noticed that for some words when they contain multiple Kanji I’m at the very least tempted to sometimes use the wrong “reading” for one of the Kanji I’m trying to type in the context of that word because typing it that way just feels faster/easier to get to the Kanji that way.

And now I started wondering if this is potentially a bad habit creeping up that I should try to actively avoid (as it might make me remember the wrong readings eventually) or if typing that way is in the end something others do as well for some stuff as it gets you to the correct “end result” either way.

I’ve currently set it up that I only start on KameSame when I have reached Guru on something on WaniKani first, so I have already started learning the correct readings on WaniKani and I obviously have to get those correct on here, but I started wondering if anyone has experiences that they sort of un-learned the correct readings by typing this way.

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Write the word properly. :eyes:

What you’re doing should only really be done when you don’t know the reading.


If you know the word you’re trying to write I’m not sure when it would be faster to do something other than type the word - isn’t the correct reading already the thing you’re mentally saying to yourself? Maybe if you gave us an example it might clarify?

At any rate it doesn’t sound like a great idea to reinforce writing vocab with wrong readings.


In a way yes, but I’m trying to think of specific examples right now as there are sometimes Kanji where the reading of the Kanji by itself is way down the list of suggested characters to revert to, while when I use the other reading it’s right there, so it’s just tempting for typing I guess?

口 is maybe one simple example of those where I recently noticed. Using “こう” to bring up the Kanji makes it appear much further down the list which means I’m scrolling through those on the phone where I mostly do my lessons, while with “くち” it’s right there in the first spot and seeing it and being asked for it I’m already thinking of both readings, so it feels “easier” to just do that.


Yeah, it’s what I’m leaning towards, I just started wondering how “common” of a thing that is and how other people handle it for themselves, I’m e.g. not sure how I would want to treat it for marking it “correctly” for myself if I technically produced the correct spelling but thought of the wrong reading.

Is this a KameSame specific thing? I’ve never used it. But for real world use you’d pretty much never enter a word with 口 as an onyomi reading by giving a reading for that kanji alone. For instance if you wanted 人口 you’d enter じんこう and have the input method convert the whole word at once.


Yeah, maybe that’s kind of the specific “issue” when it comes to KameSame then and less of an issue in “normal” settings, because it in the end simply takes the WaniKani items and asks for the reverse as Wanikani which also then includes the Kanji by themselves. And as those are not commonly used that way they don’t really show up in the first options, which makes it a bit of a hassle to get there (at least initially before you do it once). It’s simply asking you for the normally not standalone used version.

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So it’s giving you a kanji’s English keyword/meaning and it wants that single kanji as the answer? In that case you can enter the kanji with whatever reading is easiest, I guess (and the kunyomi is often going to be faster and more natural). But in your original question you asked about words that contain multiple kanji, which seems to me like a different scenario.

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Yeah that’s true, maybe I phrased it a bit misleading as well. I simply had the idea come up in both cases and have a harder time thinking of an example the other way around because it’s in the end mostly an issue for the standalone Kanji.

Maybe a bit of a dumb simplistic example for the reverse just scrolling through my vocabulary list trying to find something, could be something like 九日 where typing “く” and “ひ” for the two Kanji would end up being slightly shorter to produce the same result than “ここのか” so this could be a case where using that instead might come up as something I think of. (I think maybe the counters might also just be a decent example anyway as my german/english brain thinks of them as two “words” anyway, so defaulting to “typing” each kanji individually is something that just comes to mind kind of instinctively anyway.)

I guess in the end, for actual vocabulary the “correct” reading is always gonna produce the correct spelling and isn’t buried way down at the end of the list, so always using it should be what I really should stick to, while for the Kanji by themselves using either reading is probably fine as neither reading is “wrong” anyway.

Thanks for the input.

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When in my phone, I use handwriting, so there is no issue, I always draw the kanji I want (well unless I forgot it, then I search it on dictionary first).

When in a keyboard device, if I need to enter a single kanji, I find it faster to type a real word and delete the unwanted characters, than search in a looong list.
For example, to write my name (ぱぶ郎) : to enter 郎 I type たろう(tarou) and hit space, which produces 太郎, then delete the 太.


Oh yes, now that you mention that, this is absolutely something that comes up with several Kanji for me as well (even not typing a full word but just the reading of the Kanji by itself) that the Kanji shows up in the context of a complete word way before the Kanji shows up by itself and then I just delete the part I don’t “need”.

It sounds like you are inputting your answer kanji-by-kanji. I.e. reading for the first one then convert to kanji, reading for the second one, then convert to kanji. You should be inputting the answer for the whole word and then converting to kanji.

e.g. if the review word is train enter ”でんしゃ” and then convert. Not ”でん”, convert, followed by ”しゃ” convert.

I thought that at first reading of OP, but it seems it is when the requested answer is actually
a single kanji (eg kanji definition and reading is given, and you have to write it).
In most cases indeed it is impractical to type the answer by kanji reading.


Especially if the reading is こう :smiley:


Yeah, I think I ended up mixing two somewhat different things and expressed it a bit confusingly.

The issue mostly is being asked for standalone Kanji and then have a reading as tought by WaniKani that is uncommon enough that it’s just rough to find when typing it in the standalone version so you go with something that produces the Kanji you know and want via a spelling that is different from what Wanikani would ask you for as a reading.

A somewhat separate issue that I mixed in with this is that while I usually do type words as a whole and not as individual Kanji for the most part, for things that lean towards being kind of “2 words” already as e.g. a number with a counter, typing the number and the counter seperately can sometimes seem faster and kind of gets you to the correct endresult while if you’d speak it out loud you would have typed something different from what you would have pronounced and how people handle something like that as it sort of lets you “cheat” not actually knowing the reading.

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actually it isn’t.
Have you tried it both ways?

Note you shouldn’t stop/convert for each word.
Type the word+particle
or number+counter+verb in one go, it gives better results.
(You may even write full clauses in one go, but sometimes you will need to navigate)

It’s a long time since I last used a keyboard (I do handwriting now), but I used to type full sentences (eg; bokunonamaehayanagipaburoudesu and it converted to 僕の名前は柳ぱぶ郎です (I had added ぱぶろう>ぱぶ郎 custom conversion)
Particularly as IMEs learn from your choices, it gets better with time.