Adding this line under the regular review/session one seems to make it work for extra study @sudgy
// @include http*://*
Adding this line under the regular review/session one seems to make it work for extra study @sudgy
// @include http*://*
Yep that works! Thanks!
Hey I love the idea ! I installed the script and it does not work. I use Chrome on Mac, any idea what I could do ?
Aye, i was just discovering this script, but have my concern about it’s use.
See when you review your vocab, kanji or radical, your brain is working to find an answer. But sometimes, you need longer to recall your memory, which isn’t a bad thing at all. Even if you think about it 3 min straight and you get the answer right after that time, it’s a good sign. The more our brain has to work, the more likely you will remember it next time. That being said, you kind of destroy the progress of remembering by using this script.
At least that’s what i think. Just wanted to share it.
Report by this guide – [Guide] What to do if a userscript does not work
Pretty sure someone will try to fix it.
Otherwise just answer faster or quickly manually mark as wrong (type nonsense) by yourself.
I ran into the same problem. Not working for me either, and I need the automation.
I haven’t touched front end code since 1996 because I hate it. But, I’ve been stuck at level 22 for four months because of falling asleep trying to think of answers rather than have the thing auto-advance to the next one to review (out of over 300 sometimes). I think this was a valuable script that was worthwhile to create, so hopefully I can somehow manage to figure out how to get it working again and maybe try to submit a fix. Because at least the hours I will spend trying to fix this will not only finally make it possible for me to advance past level 22, but perhaps someone else (such as yourself) will also be able to do so.
The fact that this isn’t the default behavior of the website itself is super frustrating, but it is what it is, I guess.
I guess first I’d like to apologize to you and others who relied on this script to get you through your review queues. A long while back, I took a bit of a hiatus from my Japanese studies and, since I wasn’t actively on WaniKani anymore, I wasn’t actively maintaining the script either.
That said, I had started trying to work through the issues with it that cropped up after some of the major WaniKani updates, so I do at least have a patch in progress. I’ll see if I can make some time this coming week to get it sorted out finally. Maybe I can spare you the trouble of breaking your almost 30-year streak without front-end coding.
Glad to see you’re still around and you were able to see this update on this thread. I actually went ahead and submitted a comprehensive Issue on GitHub with my findings that hopefully will help with the patch in progress. I’d have supplied more data except I can’t make heads or tails of the console log output when I try to check for what JS errors, if any, that’s causing what I’m guessing the DOM object to fail to appear. I forgot I actually did do some FE work as recently as 2000, so hopefully I can keep my 24-year streak unbroken. All jokes aside, I definitely appreciate the help as I’ve come to determine that ultimately, this is what it’ll take to help me get through these reviews. I’m even willing to send a tip somehow in the event this user script is able to start working again.
Thanks again.
Wow, crazy.
I don’t visit the forums very often these days.
I did tonight, specifically because I thought of this userscript and was wondering if there was still anything like it around.
And the only notice I had was from you liking one of my old posts here…
Glad to know I’m not alone. Back when I only had ~100 reviews to deal with per session, I could get through it on my own but now it’s like if I miss One Day of review, Bang–over 300 in the queue. I cannot sit through 250-350 reviews in one session, so it’s pretty demotivating. I get through as many as I can (usually 80 these days), and then come back to a fresh pile of 290+ reviews the next day. As I’ve mentioned, hitting level 22 has been like hitting a brick wall.
I 100% believe that if these could just ‘die’ on a timer (I plan to set mine to just 3 seconds), I’ll finally stand some chance of ever making it past this point to level 23 (and beyond). I’m guessing that having the review avalanche is an artifact of having that many words that are borderline burned (master or enlightened level), forcing me to review words I’ve learned literally two years ago. And it’s true, there are times that I can burst through chunks of words I know very well having seen them for what has felt like the millionth time. And then I’ll come across the ones I haven’t seen in, for sure, 6+ months, and spend Five Minutes squeezing it out of my brain (or just guessing). The most disturbing thing is when I “guess” right or after 5-10 minutes of concentrating until I fall asleep, I’ll wake up and enter the answer correctly and have it labeled “burned.” To me, this is not a burn at all. If I don’t see it and nearly instantly recognize what it is, that’s hardly a “burn.”
If I were to update WK itself, the first thing I would do is have timers set (just like how real world tests work really). Even if I can answer correctly, if it takes me five minutes to get it right, that’s “Guru” level at best, Even if I answered it correctly the last 99 times (six months ago). At the same time, I’d think I’d give the shaker box to “close” responses that obviously would have been correct were it not for a simple typo (things like typing しょ instead of しょう have been keeping some words that should be Master level by now hanging around Guru or worse).
Until when or if such common sense improvements such as these ever surface on WK, I’m hopeful that this script will be able to start working again given the most recent versions of Tampermonkey, etc. and its new requirements.
Yeah, for me, it’s to make sure I’m not doing them when I’m too sleepy.
Like you, I will do my reviews as I’m falling asleep, spending 5-10 mins on each one before giving up. This will hopefully snap me out of that trap and force me to continue another time after I’ve had some sleep.
Furthermore, I think it will cause me to miss new items more until I’ve really hammered them in, which hopefully will cause my retention to increase when they come back later. Personally, I find the delay for Guru is a little too long for me, so I would rather recycle them more at early apprentice levels than fail them at Guru.
I’m also too slow at reading, so I’m hoping this will convince my brain that it needs to come up with the answer ASAP, instead of staring at each word for a minute or two.
Any updates?
I’ve actually tried to take a crack at updating the script myself without success. I don’t know what changes WaniKani made to their site but it seems like several jStorage and jQuery objects that Should be available go missing on page load, and as such, there are fatal errors because the objects are undefined.
I’ve tried to fix that by directly doing a @require on both plus removing the “whenLoadingIndicatorIsHidden” function and its use because it seems like the observe() object does not exist. Maybe it’s unnecessary now.
In any case, I’m very close to throwing in the towel, resetting my WaniKani data and starting all over again from the beginning because there’s no point in sitting through a 400 character review session that I will absolutely never finish. That’s practically 1/3rd of all of my “burned” items. As it is, I’m just burning $9/mo. Before August of last year, I reliably had no more than 100-150 items in my queue. I Once cleared my 300-character queue but now it’s already back up to 400 characters after missing just a couple of days of practice. Having a day job makes that happen sometimes.
So at this point, I’d rather just start from the beginning if I can’t get this script to work. I’ve already tried to find another one that might do the same thing and I don’t see anything.
Yes. I did spend some time on it earlier in the week and I’ve at least got it working without errors. I still want to test it a bit more thoroughly, and there’s a half-implemented feature that I want to finish before posting the updated script. That, and I need to figure out what the heck email I used to sign in to Greasy Fork to post it in the first place. I’m not sure I’ll have a ton of time over the weekend, but it shouldn’t be much longer, regardless.
About jStorage/jQuery, I suspect that WaniKani may have changed to a different front-end famework altogether. Since I didn’t really want the dependency on all of jQuery just to make a little countdown timer work, I found ways to accomplish what I needed to with plain JS instead.
is indeed unnecessary. There used to be a whole loading screen that would show before you’d get your first review prompt, so the script had to wait for that to go away. That screen is no longer a thing, so the function is useless and has been removed.
I was curious to know if there might be a branch from which I might be able to test out some of the new code? I have access to Firefox and Chrome on both Windows 10 and MacOS (Catalina & Sierra).
I’m restarting my WK journey and really miss this add-on! Happy to help out on any fix, but would like to avoid duplicating work - to dlombard’s point, happy to continue work on fixes if there is a branch available.
Sure is a shame that nearly four months has elapsed since the last reply and there’s been no movement on getting this fixed. I even resorted to AI to try and fix this bug and no go.
I almost deleted my WK account but none of the alternatives are going to work either, so instead I just reset my set level from level 22 to level 11 to stop having 300-400 reviews Every Day that I will never finish. That worked, but now the more manageable 115/day. are mostly the ones I learned already. It’s nice to get “extra” practice but the bad news is, I am not able to continue to advance past 22 and now I have my JLPT N3 test coming up in December. Hopefully I won’t be needing to know any kanji above level 22 to pass it.
It seems this might not get fixed. Regardless, if you - who are seeing this messge - are here because you have a huge review queue and you want to cut it down quickly, I invite you to look at this comment first.
It isn’t showing as an active script for the page.
The URL for reviews changed since the previous version of the script was published, so the script wasn’t seeing a page that it was supposed to be active on.
I’ve just now published a new version of the script that should fix that, as well as some other issues that came up with the WaniKani site updates. You could try that out and see if it fixes things for you. One thing I found in testing is that, with WaniKani now handling site navigation a little differently and not always loading whole pages, you might have to refresh the page once you start your reviews to get the script to run.
Your review page looks somewhat different from the default, so you might also run into an error with the script when it tries to create its settings menu, since it’s looking for a specific element to be present. Or you might just end up with the button for the countdown settings showing up in a weird place.