What words (or kanji) have been removed from wanikani in the past and why?

I’ve seen old posts alluding to removed words like 乱交 so I was curious about other such instances

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里心 was also removed. The Tanaka Farm will remember, though…

Why was it removed? Because it’s a word one very rarely uses.


There are a few “hidden” vocabulary entries that I think can come in reviews for people who have already started them but won’t appear as lessons for newcommers:



I don’t see any hidden kanji however.

Note that it’s possible that some words and kanji could have been deleted outright instead of merely hidden, in which case I wouldn’t find them with this method.

EDIT: actually I think I’m wrong and these words do disappear from reviews too for people who have started them, because I did do the 込む lesson when it was introduced but I can’t access the item anyway.


How are you able to tell which ones are hidden?

I hacked into the WaniKani mainframe.

But also they’re still returned by the API, just with a “hidden_at” attribute. They cannot be accessed from the main website though as far as I can tell:

For instance here’s the data for 乱交, examples and all:

  "id": 4169,
  "object": "vocabulary",
  "url": "https://api.wanikani.com/v2/subjects/4169",
  "data_updated_at": "2023-12-01T23:00:46.356738Z",
  "data": {
    "created_at": "2012-11-01T03:38:26.911683Z",
    "level": 19,
    "slug": "乱交-4169",
    "hidden_at": "2019-12-24T23:41:08.515772Z",
    "document_url": "https://www.wanikani.com/vocabulary/%E4%B9%B1%E4%BA%A4-4169",
    "characters": "乱交",
    "meanings": [
        "meaning": "Orgy",
        "primary": true,
        "accepted_answer": true
        "meaning": "Promiscuity",
        "primary": false,
        "accepted_answer": true
    "auxiliary_meanings": [],
    "readings": [
        "primary": true,
        "reading": "らんこう",
        "accepted_answer": true
    "parts_of_speech": [
      "する verb",
      "の adjective"
    "component_subject_ids": [
    "meaning_mnemonic": "A big <kanji>mix</kanji> of folks forming a kind of <kanji>riot</kanji>. You'd think this would be something more violent, but it's really just an <vocabulary>orgy</vocabulary>. Lots of mixing, I guess, and not very
 much organization on the orgy-organizer's part, at least according to this kanji sequence.",
    "reading_mnemonic": "This is a jukugo word, which usually means on'yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you'll know how to read this as well.",
    "context_sentences": [
        "en": "Her tongue lolled out and she passed out during the orgy.",
        "ja": "かの女は、乱交のと中で、舌をだらりと出して気ぜつしてしまったんです。"
        "en": "Hey, it's about time you quit it with the promiscuity, you've been putting everybody off.",
        "ja": "いい加減、乱交するのは止めなよ。みんなドン引きだよ。"
        "en": "\"I look so good today, I may be asked to join an orgy.\" \"Haha. You wish!\"",
        "ja": "「何か今日の俺、マジでイケてる。ひょっとしたらアイツらの乱交パーティにも誘われちゃうかも。」「ははは〜。そうだといいね。」"
    "pronunciation_audios": [
        "url": "https://files.wanikani.com/t3k9rgn165vkga7k4uaf5077smsr",
        "metadata": {
          "gender": "female",
          "source_id": 22779,
          "pronunciation": "らんこう",
          "voice_actor_id": 1,
          "voice_actor_name": "Kyoko",
          "voice_description": "Tokyo accent"
        "content_type": "audio/ogg"
        "url": "https://files.wanikani.com/5l2snql3u4jdfsggdl1icp5sz8ch",
        "metadata": {
          "gender": "female",
          "source_id": 22779,
          "pronunciation": "らんこう",
          "voice_actor_id": 1,
          "voice_actor_name": "Kyoko",
          "voice_description": "Tokyo accent"
        "content_type": "audio/mpeg"
        "url": "https://files.wanikani.com/tp7v4a0i1znr362gw71da7xdap9t",
        "metadata": {
          "gender": "female",
          "source_id": 22779,
          "pronunciation": "らんこう",
          "voice_actor_id": 1,
          "voice_actor_name": "Kyoko",
          "voice_description": "Tokyo accent"
        "content_type": "audio/webm"
        "url": "https://files.wanikani.com/1663d2uapzbc4kwqgu1cuz31og6f",
        "metadata": {
          "gender": "male",
          "source_id": 4517,
          "pronunciation": "らんこう",
          "voice_actor_id": 2,
          "voice_actor_name": "Kenichi",
          "voice_description": "Tokyo accent"
        "content_type": "audio/webm"
        "url": "https://files.wanikani.com/sn4s2sydgr8jbkrszy07tukl5hpa",
        "metadata": {
          "gender": "male",
          "source_id": 4517,
          "pronunciation": "らんこう",
          "voice_actor_id": 2,
          "voice_actor_name": "Kenichi",
          "voice_description": "Tokyo accent"
        "content_type": "audio/mpeg"
        "url": "https://files.wanikani.com/rrk4vrsl5svfiydxuvfuxf4zri9x",
        "metadata": {
          "gender": "male",
          "source_id": 4517,
          "pronunciation": "らんこう",
          "voice_actor_id": 2,
          "voice_actor_name": "Kenichi",
          "voice_description": "Tokyo accent"
        "content_type": "audio/ogg"
    "lesson_position": 54,
    "spaced_repetition_system_id": 1

If you try to load the document_url you get spit back to the homepage: https://www.wanikani.com/vocabulary/乱交-4169


How do you search through the api?

It’s a simple REST API that’s documented here: WaniKani API Reference

Personally I just dumped everything into JSON files that I post-process for my own evil plans.


Sorry this is completely off topic so not to bug you, but can you explain at all what you mean by that? I tried googling terms like JSON but I don’t know much about programming. What are you “post-processing” the data for? Are you trying to save data incase the website is overhauled or after your subscription lapses or something? What do people even use the api for besides generating keys for other websites? Is that how people create userscripts?

It’s often much faster to access data on your own computer than to make a request to get the information. Imagine opening up a picture you have saved on your computer vs seeing one download on a webpage.

When you use WaniKani, the website is using the API behind the scenes to get the data for your lessons, reviews, etc. The kind folks at WaniKani allow us to use this API to do fun and cool stuff with it. These requests require time from their server to fulfill that may have been able to better serve someone actually using WaniKani. It just depends on how everything is being used. Some stuff requires live information. It’s kind of a balancing act.

There’s actually a recent post from the WaniKani team about them disabling an API endpoint (place to get data from) because it was causing issues with how much data it was having to process (or send or something like that. I skimmed the post and didn’t read super deep into it.)


I have made an Anki deck to practice drawing kanji and a couple other scripts to fetch random stats like this for instance.

I don’t want to have to reload the data from WaniKani every time I update my Anki deck or run one of my scripts, so I just cache the raw data coming from WaniKani and update it only when there are changes every couple of months.


Gotcha, thanks for the info. Wish I understood more about basic programming so I could actually use the API more to my advantage