What is the longest you've been able to keep 100% accuracy during a review session?

Every time I do my reviews I always see how long I can last with 100% accuracy. I always seem to get at least one thing wrong. Even if I only have 18 reviews, there is always at least one…

So how long have all of you lasted? Has anyone done anything crazy, like do a session of 100 reviews and get nothing wrong?

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I still have a screenshot from that one review session where I got all 80 items correct - that was 1½ years ago. From then on it went downhill ^^ Nowadays it’s All Leeches All The Time (ALATT) - since everything else has been burned a long time ago. So I probably won’t ever get such a 100% accuracy streak again.


Back in the days where I did 7 day levels (lol cause I still kinda do them) I’d usually wake up to 60-110 reviews, and since it was in the level 10 era, getting almost everytime 100% wasn’t that hard

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I only get 100% on shorter review sessions, like 15 (maybe even just 10) or under. I’m not really concerned with getting 100% to be honest.

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It’s pretty rare… more for short review sessions. I tend to go fast and I make typos/misread quite a bit lol.

I mostly just try to get 90% and above. If it goes lower I slow down.

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yes, since it is still known in majority of cases.

be warned, you may want to unsee it
…really. this is the last warning
…okay-okay, you have been warned. no questions then, please this is how it look like for few last levels.



I’m much more amazed that you did 1.8k items in a single session, or at least in a short enough amount of time that the counter on the review summary didn’t reset to 0.


Hmm, I haven’t paid much attention to that, but I feel like I’ve done some 100+ reviews with 100% accuracy, never when new items are in there though, it always takes me a few screw ups to get the hang of new items.

I’ve also never done insane review amounts yet, I think like 200 has been the most (looking at you 1.7k reviewer just above me, wtf)

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These days I tend to do reviews in small batches, unless there’s less than 25. Mostly because I’m basically just waiting on burn reviews and waiting on them another day or a two doesn’t have much impact.

But back when I regularly had 150 or so apprentice items, getting 100% on a set of 100 or so was relatively common. I can’t recall any particularly long sessions.

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there might have been better ones but the best i remember were around 40-55

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There are userscripts to mark a response as correct or redo it if you make a typo, in case that interests you.

For me, I’m always thrilled with a 90%+ session. That tends to happen towards the end of a level. The middle I am happy with high 80s, and early on in a level I am happy with anything over 80%.

This can’t be real. If it somehow is you either cheated or are a memory god lol. I like to give the benefit of the doubt, but the internet has jaded me.

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Wow, some of you must have really good memory. 100% on 100+ reviews sounds impossible to me. I’ve always thought I had good memory since I aced nearly every spelling and vocab test in elementary and high school. I guess a lot of the people with bad memory either gave up on Wanikani or didn’t want to admit that five reviews with 100% is their record. :joy:

Seriously though, that must be nice. I’m curious to your overall review percentages.

I don’t want to use scripts but thank you.

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My record is probably like in the 50s with judicious usage of hitting backspace after a mistake to get another try. :sob:
On my phone, I can usually get about 10 right before it starts going downhill.


I don’t trust myself with such power. Even though there are definitely moments where I get an item wrong just because I type too fast, the temptation to abuse it would just be too much for my little monkey brain to handle.


Yes! Finally some numbers I can relate to!

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I can understand that. Sometimes you just have to avoid something to avoid letting it control you.

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A few days ago I almost got to 130 but mistyped one, I actually have a screen shot of that review earlier in because I thought one of the corrections was funny!

Thank god for the WK correction system, I’d be hopeless otherwise. Although no corrections on the 3 letter readings always get me. I’m currently rebuilding my levels on the “net” radical because I kept on spelling it “nte”, “etn” etc…

Yes I’m a feeble level 9 but here are my stats, trying to keep them above 90% which is rather stressful.


Yeah, I hate how it doesn’t correct three-letter words! Even worse? When you get something wrong, but it marks it as right!) (That’s what I use the redo userscript for).