Hi everybody,
I normally read physical manga but since that is not always viable (at work), I am looking at reading on my phone.
I would like to continue reading the easier stuff - Takagi San, Kotsuba etc. Is Bookwalker the best pick or do you recommend something else?
Also, do you install any dictionaries or translation apps to pair with it? What do you use?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
convenient ocr capabilities on phones aren’t great.
android has kaku (I don’t remember if it’s on stores, you can sideload it maybe) which overlays on a screen and lets you draw textboxes to select text. it’s not incredibly reliable but it’s possibly better than nothing.
i used amazon mostly when i was still reading on phones, but I think bookwalker is okay as well. these days i have a e-ink tablet for my eyes but that’s a seperate topic.
Bookwalker is the best I’ve found for ease of use and library size. It doesn’t integrate with anything else to my knowledge so I use a dictionary like Shirabe Jisho where you can draw kanji with your finger.