Week 9: マリアビートル 🐞 (Advanced Book Club)

Week 9


Start Date Sections Page Numbers Page Count
September 23 果物, 天道虫, 王子 333 - 370 37

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current section(s) and any content in future sections.
  • Please also use spoiler tags when discussing content from the movie (Bullet Train).
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun!


Mark your participation status by voting in this poll.
(Please feel free to update your status whenever you like!)

  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
0 voters

Proper Noun Readings

Proper nouns
Name Reading
木村雄一 きむらゆういち
蜜柑 みかん
檸檬 れもん
峰岸良夫 みねぎしよしお
寺原 てらはら
七尾 ななお
王子慧 おうじさとし
槿 あさがお

I’m now wondering if maybe 峰岸 is already dead, killed by the guy who pushes people into traffic, while スズメバチ killed the son. Like when 寺原 was killed by スズメバチ and his son was pushed under a car. If so, who is behind all this now? (Maria?)


Interesting thought!

Edit: Sorry, something seems to be wrong on my side with the spoiler function! Do not know why…