Week 10 葬送のフリーレン ・Frieren 🧝‍♂️ (Beginner Book Club)

Welcome to Week 10 of 葬送のフリーレン ・Frieren :man_elf:

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Week 10 21 June 2024
Start Page 149
End Page 166
Chapters Read Chapter 6
Last week Week 9
Next week Week 11
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Page numbers are the ones printed on the bottom of the pages. These may differ from the numbering in digital versions.

Last panel: end of chapter


Vocabulary spreadsheet

Names and places
Many characters have katakana names that derive from German words.

Japanese German English role first appearance
フリーレン Frieren Freeze main character Ch 1 p 3
ヒンメル Himmel Sky or heaven Frieren’s comrade Ch 1 p 3
アイゼン Eisen Iron Frieren’s comrade Ch 1 p 3
ハイター Heiter Cheerful Frieren’s comrade Ch 1 p 3
フェルン Fern far away Frieren’s companion Ch 2 p 42
シュトラール Strahl sunlight holy city Ch 2 p 42
ターク Tag day region Ch 3 p 78

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Don’t miss the poll for logging interest in the eventual offshoot club.


Frieren on last page of the chapter, middle row: shocked pikachu face :smiley:

Also: I really like the double meaning of Frieren’s text in the last panel, and the way that Fern retorts with a dig at Frieren that also acts as a way so she doesn’t have to accept the compliment (if I understand what’s going correctly.)


yeah finished the whole volume
had forgotten some of these details

putting the cover on vol2 :wink:

def need to rewatch this anime


New character name in this chapter, first appearing on page 151 - フランメ = Flamme = flame. It’s worth learning this one, because we’ll be seeing it again. Especially so for anyone who continues with the offshoot group. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks and agreed, I was missing this one from the table :slight_smile: found it though on 京都産業大学/不正なリクエストがありました。 which is referenced in the first thread

Cute chapter. Was definitely expecting the old man to be someone that had met Frieren in the past, oops


Aye, and it makes a rather interesting point on the similarity between the words フリーレン and フランメ.

I dunno, it’s entirely possible. There’s the panel on page 158 where he pauses on the way out the door and says “I’d be happy if you would attend this time” … dramatic pause … “Frieren-sama”. Though perhaps I’m reading too much into that.


I agree with your interpretation!


whats the grammar of に here? how is it used?


There are no genuine writings / written work by?/for?/ from? フランメ


I intuitively understand it as “for” in this case, as in “for the purpose of”. “For the purpose of being writings by Franme, it’s not an authentic book. It’s a poorly made fake”.

It sounds super clunky when translated literally but I thought it was easy to understand intuitively in Japanese. に here marks the objective, the thing you were aiming at.


Flamme. Unlike Atelier, the names in this series are actual (German) words, not made-up fantasy names, so the romanisation isn’t arbitrary. :stuck_out_tongue:


In my defense I scrolled back to the OP to check the German version and couldn’t find it so I YOLO’d it.

Also why is there an ん in flame…

You may only live once, but Flamme’s name shall live forever.

Because ま-line kana don’t get geminated with a っ, but rather with an ん instead. Same as な-line kana.

Fave Panels



Ready or not, it’s the last week of Frieren Vol 1. Stay tuned on the home thread for Vol 2 scheduled to start July 26th!



Frieren looks cute in the scarf :scarf: