[Web App] WaniKani History + Timemachine

Regarding the recent API change, if you clear your WKOF cache, and reload the page, everything fails to load.

Error in console:

Using Firefox 112.1 on Windows, if that makes a difference.
It may be an issue with WKOF, instead of this site specifically.

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Using chrome, tried this for the first time just now and same thing happened

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Iā€™ve checked and it seems to be a WKOF thing. I use the get_endpoint function of WKOF which calls fetch_endpoint that defines the fetch URL like this:

url = "https://api.wanikani.com/v2/" + endpoint;

And because the endpoint variable is just 'reviews' this is exactly what is currently just giving back an empty object. As stated in the recent API change you mentioned:

Which means this request wonā€™t work anymore (from the official WaniKani API docs):

Iā€™ll wait for a response on WaniKaniā€™s and @rfindleyā€™s end until I update the website, to make sure that it will actually keep working!

Thanks again for reporting this and I hope Iā€™ll get it fixed soon!


Just a heads up that I have added this to the list of known affected scripts at the top of this post: API changes - Get All Reviews.


Thank you! :)

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Pardon, is there something I should be doing on my end to get the site working again? Iā€™m still seeing empty fields for just about everything :bowing_man:
Iā€™ve tried logging out/incognito mode/dumping website data with no change. Thanks!

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No, either Wanikani need to restore the API that the site used, or the functionality that could be done without the removed API needs to be reimplemented without using that API.

Not all functionality will be able to work the same way though, for example the time machine chart wonā€™t be able to be rebuilt with the current set of APIs and also obtain all your history.

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just pitching in to say Iā€™d love to see as much as possible of wk history rebuilt without that endpoint. most useful thing for me was probably time spent on level/pure vocab time, but even just a simple bar graph of level times is useful to me.

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I just pushed an update to the website that should make the ā€œEasily Restorableā€ stats work again. (see below if you want to know which those are) Those are definitely not the majority and also not the main focus of this site, but oh well.

This is basically the answer. Iā€™m really sorry about this but there is very little I can do about it, as the review data is just inaccessible for an external website. I built most of my charts around that endpoint because charts that didnā€™t use this data were already pretty nicely covered by sites such as wkstats.

Either way here are the lists of currently unrecoverable charts and the ones that could be restored without the endpoint.

Currently Unrecoverable:

  • SRS Item Info
  • Review Info
  • Accuracy Info
  • Time Info
  • Info Table
  • Combined Averages
  • Timemachine
  • Overview: Accuracy, Review Time, Reviews

Potentially Fixable:

  • Word Info
  • Word Walls
  • Word Progress
  • Yojijukugo
  • Kanji Wall
  • Overview: Review Streak

Easily Restorable:

  • User Info
  • Level Info
  • Projections
  • Coverage Page
  • Overview: Level, Time on Level

The reason I waited until now is that Iā€™m pretty busy right now and I thought this problem would be fixed soon, as it was said to be under ā€œcontinued investigationā€. I wonder how long it will take for this to be resolvedā€¦


Some of these could probably be fixed using review_statistics rather than just the plain reviews endpoint, such as the kanji wall, including some data related to item accuracies (not over time, but more wall of shame/fame stuff)


Yeah, exactly. Thatā€™s why I distinguished between potentially fixable and not fixable. I havenā€™t looked into it yet so thatā€™s why I still left it open.

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eyy, level info and projections are back. thank you!


Iā€™m getting this error

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WK has ā€œtemporarilyā€ (since a couple of months) shut down the reviews endpoint. We no longer have access to that data


I guess this wonā€™t be coming back, huhā€¦

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when ayamaru makes his move

or maybe when the summary page comes back

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They sadly pretty much killed it with the API changeā€¦ Although itā€™s unfortunate, with a service like WaniKani that lets the users use their API freely itā€™s kinda inevitable as it is always subject to change.


Any news about when it is coming back? (probably notā€¦)

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Youā€™ll need to ask WK (theyā€™re not in a rush)


The More WK stats page stopped working for me since I did a complete reset last yearā€¦

So sad, bcuz it was not just a beautiful amount of graphs but a great way to keep motivated seeing everyday progress :face_holding_back_tears:

Wellā€¦ Letā€™s hope some guru at WK office allows saraqael to revive his beautiful work :+1:t2: