We salute you API Version 1

:open_mouth: when did that happen…

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Well, this is a piece of history then.


It’s a conspiracy! They’re trying to hide the existence of the paticles!


Indeed, probably Koichi trying to hide stuff.



(Sorry for super late reply)
Eh…I’ve tried this out before I found WaniKani Explorer and it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. Although if there is a way to collect Vocab words like this on it, I’ll try it again:

Thanks for help btw :slight_smile:

Guys I’m really happy for you but when will the banner go away! I’ve x’d out of it every time I see it and it still comes back. I got the message!


RIP WK app, you were so nice. Guess I’ll have to try to deal with the mobile site now and have to type N seven times to make ん
RIP not being annoyed while using this site

Have you tried any of Flaming Durtles, Leap For Wanikani, and Jakeipuu?

Flaming durtles is basically unusable for me because of how messy and painstaking the interface is. I’ll check out those other two to see if they’re better

Leap seems to just redirect to the website so I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be used for and jakeipuu only lets me review one already burned radical again and again so I think the mobile site is the only thing I can use. I appreciate you naming other resources though

The loss of that thread is immeasurable destruction :pleading_face:


Let’s continue the discussion over here until we get this sorted out with Tofugu:


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There’s also [iOS / Android / Web] Juken - Review App for WaniKani



i don’t get the hate for FlamingDurtles. For me personally, it’s best way to use WK across all systems. It tells you basically all you need to know in the first third of the screen.

So out of interest, what don’t you like about the interface?
You can basically customize anything to your liking in the settings, remove elements from the dashboard, change font sizes, enable Anki mode, etc.

I mean, if you don’t like the looks of it and don’t want to use it, that’s fine. But i think it’s hard not to characterize the app as efficient to use.

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Agreed, people should really give it a chance. I get it, the look of it originally put me off too especially after coming from the pretty WK app and native WK, but it really didn’t take long to get used to. I can’t live without it now :pray:

The dev is well aware of it, too. The original post says that the app is designed for functionality, not shininess. And after seeing how well it works, I’ve gotta respect that!

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well, I guess that depends on the person. Some 3rd party apps may not support the new version. But I don’t use a ton of 3rd party apps, except for flaming durtles so…

I can’t even imagine hating on Flaming Durtles. It has the coolest wrapup function of any of the interfaces. That alone makes it my fave.

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I mean I get what you’re saying, obviously better functionality is supreme most of the time. But if an app is particularly ugly to look at, it can be a serious detriment to the user experience.

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さようならAPI V1。。。

Edit: Spelling correction

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