WaniKani Pricing Changes

I’ve seen someone get gifted membership before on the forums.

I’m sure if your friend made an account, you could email WK and pay for a sub for them.


That sounds like it went down!

Which is pretty awesome of you guys. I remember yearly being $100 USD… and Monthly was something else… ($10? $12? $15?)

Hooray WK! (And hooray Lifetime already for me! ^^)

EDIT: My reaction before reading the entire post… *blushes*


I doubt they’ll accept number 1, but number 2 seems like a very cool idea ^^

  1. don’t donate to us, donate to folks who really need it instead :angrykoichi:

  2. If you email us we can get it done manually, but there’s no built in way to do it (yet)


Will do. Thanks.


This is cool!

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To answer 2: Yes.

There is a person here with the sect title “ザ・ギバー” … JacobW, I believe… He bought himself AND someone else Lifetime. It can be done. ^^


Well, your analogy is not at all applicable, and quotes don’t necessarily mean what you think they mean.

Also, at no point did I say it was not a smart move, I simply commented that it is actually rare for a company to reduce the price of an offering, especially a service, because contrary to your comment, services don’t depreciate in value.

Automobiles only really decrease in value, assuming they are unused, because of the manufacturers plan for introducing new models every year (as a result of which, there are car parks full of unsold ‘new’ vehicles).



Where would you suggest we funnel donations?

Dog shelters?
Tsukiji Fish Market?


Let me clear everything up for the folks debating why we’re lower prices:

  1. It’s more affordable for more people, which is just a good thing all around.
  2. We think we’ll sell more memberships overall, making up for the reduction of the price.

So, everyone is kind of right.


Please #3 we are so behind on protection payments


Why am I not surprised…

Hang on… is this why you’ve been absent from the podcast for a couple of episodes!?

Blink twice if you’re in trouble!!


Saying flat out my analogy isn’t applicable at all with a blanket statement? I already said that indeed, WK is not exactly like some of the examples I gave, but that it is in the same vein, especially for virtual goods. Tell me if you find a copy of Lego Star Wars 2 that’s more expensive than Lego Star Wars 3 or whatever the next installment is. People always want the newest installment, whether the old one actually got any worse or not. Genki version 4 vs version 3…the list goes on. A service like WK that doesn’t really add much new content means that it deceases in value relative to resources that constantly add new content, rather than just refining and maintaining existing content.

Also you “can’t awkwardly” misuse “quotes” and claim that you’re just using them in your own special way that others just wouldn’t understand. You made a black and white statement which was full of holes and are now desperately trying to save face.


Bruh… I’m all for arguing on the internet…

But even I’m a little confused as to why this needs to be an argument…


I’ll be expecting my $0 invoice, but with a secret note confirming that I’m really the favorite.

Or else I’ll be funding the yakuza non protection plan. muahaha


I don’t see an argument here. Someone said that no company would do something like this, and only gave one reason for it. That black and white statement was fleshed out by someone else.

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So now we’re getting into the nitty gritty, starting with collectibles, eh. I suppose we might as well also talk about how you can probably find an intransitive/transitive pair that doesn’t go along with a pattern for whatever reason.


Mate. Just chill out.

Tofugu lowered prices.
End of.

Doesn’t matter why or how.

It’s good for them and good for us. End of conversation.

No need to get so uptight over people saying an opinion. Jeez


What did it go down from?