WaniKani NewTab Page

WaniKani NewTab Page


Im steam-rolling out these apps! My latest being a WaniKani New Tab page! It displays again a whole bunch of information about your wanikani account! Pretty cool if I do say so myself (and believe me, I do!)

Everytime you open a new page in chrome, rather than being met by a boring Google logo and some frequently visited sites, instead you see a bunch of information about your WaniKani account and even a quick way to get to Lessons and Reviews.




  1. Head to the WaniKani NewTab website
  2. Click the Chrome icon in order to download it for that browser.
  3. Head to chrome://extensions in your omnibox and drag the download file in.


  1. Head to the WaniKani NewTab website
  2. Click the Firefox icon in order to download it for that browser.
  3. Head to about:addons in your URL box.
  4. Click the settings cog.
  5. Install Add-On from File
  6. Select the file and enjoy!

You can also find the source on Github!


  • 0.0.4 Fixes a major issue with Firefox where the content would be unreadable.
  • 0.0.3
    • Screen is now gray until content loads.
    • Implements a make-do versions system to see if updates are out.
    • Fixes to SCSS and CSS cleaning up overall sight, still much to do.
    • Policy issue with some JS.
    • Redesigning of the options page to look much cleaner.
  • 0.0.2 Initial Firefox Support!
  • 0.0.1 Initial Release!


Reporting bugs is as easy as one, two, three, just head to the Issues page on Github!


Just a note, I would have this on the Chrome App Store if I didnt lack a license for it! I donā€™t have any big reason to be getting one right now (though its only $20) but am happy to license it under someone elseā€™s license if they wish to help me out like so!

This looks awesome! Any plans for Firefox compatibility?

Just had a friend who I sent this to ask the same thing! I dont know how hands on this is to replicate in a browser like Firefox, but iā€™m willing to give it a go, iā€™ll probably start in a few hours (specially after I finish those 44 reviews in the screenshot)!


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I donā€™t know about you, but lessons and reviews ARE my frequently visited pages! (jk, but WaniKani is on there)

If you port it to Firefox, Iā€™d love to try it out!

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I have momentum as my new tab page, so I canā€™t use this :c

And iā€™ve done it! Welcome to version 0.0.2, adding Firefox support!

Note that this application doesnā€™t auto-update at the moment (as in doesnā€™t check for updates). You guys should probably still check back every so often!


Hiya everyone, just wanted to let you all know, a new version is out!

(exciting I know)

In this update I wanted to address a few over-arching issues and junk behind the scenes. The code needs a cleanup but for now does what it needs! Heres a quick change-logā€¦

- Screen is now gray until content loads, TODO: place loading symbol.
- Implements a make-do versions system to see if updates are out.
- Fixes to SCSS and CSS cleaning up overall sight, still much to do.
- Policy issue with some JS.
- Redesigning of the options page to look much cleaner.

You can find the download to this update on the releases page here.

The links after clicking webstore/firefox icon donā€™t work. Error 404 from GitHub. Instead you gotta click ā€œreleasesā€ at the navbar and that takes you to the downloads.

Edit: on Firefox I canā€™t get it to work. I get the API v1 key, paste it into settings and click ā€˜saveā€™, but it doesnā€™t work. After going to settings again it seems the key is not saved. It also says ā€œInstalled Version 0.0.0 Latest Version 0.0.0ā€.

Edit2: 0.0.2 works just fine.

Edit3: Also, I donā€™t think this should look like this: https://i.imgur.com/rj1Hclg.png (0.0.2, but 0.0.3 looks the same, just that it doesnā€™t load the API key so thereā€™s no numbers etc)

The links are an issue thats due to an issue with stuff just coming out, ill fix it now, if its displaying 0.0.0 generally thats because Github ratelimits (refreshing too many times), its a make-do system at the moment. The key may not show but if the prompt box shows up saying it saved then youā€™re good to go. Finally that issue shouldnt be happening in Firefox, it doesnt render on my version on my Mac but iā€™ll check on Windows in the next 24 hours!

Thanks for the feedback!

EDIT Spoke too soon! My mac is doing it too, let me sort it now!

EDIT 2 Fixed! here is the release @Zerekku

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Great! I also came up with an idea. How about leaving default new tabs in private mode? It doesnā€™t work in it anyway. Itā€™d be good to be reminded when youā€™re in private mode by the default new tab.

Mm, thats a good idea! It doesnt happen in Chrome but ill see what I can do!

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