WaniKani-like input system for Anki Flashcards

I’m in the process of developing on an open source, KaniManabu, which works like WaniKani, which you need to type the answer, but there is a Anki mode that one can set on a per-deck basis. Since I am using it with my studies and planning to have an iOS app soon (just need to program the front end as most of the SRS scheduling and card management backend is complete already). You just need to import the CSV file of the deck into the program. I plan to have Alpha 2 released soon, which fixes some bugs I found and add ability to import to existing decks.

I know there is a Anki template that emulates WaniKani, but it doesn’t allow for typos and alternate meanings. Also, having to press the again/hard/good/easy button makes it a bit too clunky to my liking.

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