Wanikani July JLPT Community Event (aka Joint Mock JLPT on July 4th, home thread)

Check-in (#3) April 11th

How does it work?

These check-in posts were suggested by @banditraider and will be made bi-weekly (on Sundays). Please answer the questions over the indicated period (so, the past two weeks). Feel free to respond, whether you’re studying more casually, or even if you’re taking the actual JLPT! It might be a nice way to hold yourself accountable, or just see how you’re progressing over time (if you regularly respond). The format and included questions aren’t set in stone at all, so if you have any suggestions, please reply!

Q1: How have you been sticking to your study schedule during the past two weeks? (period 03/28 - 04/11)
  • I have stuck to my schedule 75% - 100% of the time
  • I have stuck to my schedule around 50% of the time
  • I have stuck to my schedule 0% to 25% of the time
  • I do not have a clear schedule, but I have studied Japanese regularly
  • I do not have a clear schedule yet, but I am in the process of making one
  • I have not started studying for the JLPT yet
  • Other (please comment)

0 voters

Q2: Have you made any changes to your study routine (if you have one) or methods during the past two weeks? (period 03/28 - 04/11)
  • No
  • Yes, I have changed my routine so I spend less time on Japanese than I originally intended
  • Yes, I have changed my routine so I spend more time on Japanese than I originally intended
  • Yes, I have cut some methods from my routine
  • Yes, I have discovered new studying methods that I would like to add to my routine (please comment!)
  • Yes, I have decided to switch my focus to a different skill (e.g., listening instead of reading)
  • Yes, but I haven’t changed my routine/methods in any of the ways mentioned above (please comment!)
  • Other (please comment!)

0 voters

Q3: How confident are you for the JLPT, right now?
  • Very confident
  • Fairly confident
  • Neither
  • Not very confident
  • Not confident at all

0 voters

Q4: What is your strength in Japanese, right now?
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • Kanji
  • Writing
  • My skills are all at a similar level
  • I don’t know
  • Other (please comment!)

0 voters

Q5: What is your weakness in Japanese, right now?
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • Kanji
  • Writing
  • My skills are all at a similar level
  • I don’t know
  • Other (please comment!)

0 voters

All polls close in 2 weeks, just before the next check-in post.

Please leave a comment if you feel a question or answering option is missing/should be changed! Also feel free to leave any other comments you might have!