This was created in response to the following:
Felt a little generous and was also curious about Google’s App Script. Never used it before… So after reading the documentation this afternoon I whipped something up for the poster above.
The relevant resources:
- Shared Google Sheet. You must be logged into your Google account. Go to File > Make a copy to create a copy to your Google Drive. You can’t do much unless you have copied the sheet.
- Github Gist of the App Script I wrote. This is also accessible via the Google Sheet once you have copied it over, under Tools > Script editor. Please excuse the code quality. I only spent a couple hours on it. It does the following:
- Sets up the sheet.
- Pulls in API version 2 data.
- Creates a new row with some rolled up data.
How to use
When the sheet loads you’ll see a Daily Status menu option. Click on it and click Prepare sheets. This will add two sheets:
- Daily entries
After the sheets have been generated, add your API version 2 token.
You can now generate a new entry to the Daily Entries sheet. To do so click on Daily Status > Add new daily entry
Tada. A new entry has been made to the sheet. I recommend leaving the Daily Entries alone and use a separate sheet to do roll-ups and data manipulation.
What each columns mean:
Date: When the entry was generated.
Apprentice radicals: Count of published, not hidden, apprentice (srs stages 1, 2, 3, 4) radicals.
Apprentice kanji: Count of published, not hidden, apprentice (srs stages 1, 2, 3, 4) kanji.
Apprentice vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, apprentice (srs stages 1, 2, 3, 4) vocabulary.
Guru radicals: Count of published, not hidden, guru (srs stages 5, 6) radicals.
Guru kanji: Count of published, not hidden, guru (srs stages 5, 6) kanji.
Guru vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, guru (srs stages 5, 6) vocabulary.
Master radicals: Count of published, not hidden, master (srs stages 7) radicals.
Master kanji: Count of published, not hidden, master (srs stages 7) kanji.
Master vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, master (srs stages 7) vocabulary.
Enlightened radicals: Count of published, not hidden, enlightened (srs stages 8) radicals.
Enlightened kanji: Count of published, not hidden, enlightened (srs stages 8) kanji.
Enlightened vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, enlightened (srs stages 8) vocabulary.
Burned radicals: Count of published, not hidden, enlightened (srs stages 9) radicals.
Burned kanji: Count of published, not hidden, enlightened (srs stages 9) kanji.
Burned vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, enlightened (srs stages 9) vocabulary.
Unlocked radicals: Count of published, not hidden, unlocked radicals.
Unlocked kanji: Count of published, not hidden, unlocked kanji.
Unlocked vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, unlocked vocabulary.
Started radicals: Count of published, not hidden, started radicals.
Started kanji: Count of published, not hidden, started kanji.
Started vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, started vocabulary.
Passed radicals: Count of published, not hidden, passed radicals.
Passed kanji: Count of published, not hidden, passed kanji.
Passed vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, passed vocabulary.
Burned (event) radicals: Count of published, not hidden, burned radicals. Note these are burned, but not necessarily currently burned. For example this can include resurrected subjects.
Burned (event) kanji: Count of published, not hidden, burned kanji. Note these are burned, but not necessarily currently burned. For example this can include resurrected subjects.
Burned (event) vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, burned vocabulary. Note these are burned, but not necessarily currently burned. For example this can include resurrected subjects.
Resurrected radicals: Count of published, not hidden, resurrected radicals.
Resurrected kanji: Count of published, not hidden, resurrected kanji.
Resurrected vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, resurrected vocabulary.
Lesson radicals: Count of published, not hidden, radicals currently in lessons.
Lesson kanji: Count of published, not hidden, kanji currently in lessons.
Lesson vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, vocabulary currently in lessons.
Review radicals: Count of published, not hidden, radicals currently in reviews (does not mean they can be reviewed NOW, but they are reviewable).
Review kanji: Count of published, not hidden, kanji currently in reviews (does not mean they can be reviewed NOW, but they are reviewable).
Review vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, vocabulary currently in reviews (does not mean they can be reviewed NOW, but they are reviewable).
Total available radicals: Count of published, not hidden, radicals available in WaniKani.
Total available kanji: Count of published, not hidden, kanji available in WaniKani.
Total available vocabulary: Count of published, not hidden, vocabulary available in WaniKani.
Current level: The user’s current level.
Days on current level: Number of days the user has been on the current level.