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Hey there fellow WKers and soon to be ones.
Today I decided to share a little (Stylish-based) userstyle with you, the goal of the (whenever it will be) finished version being to give its users a nice and cozy ability to choose color settings of whatever kind on WaniKani.
Since it’s also a goal of mine to keep it (somewhat) userfriendly there will be no coding, editing or whatsoever required, I’ll try to take care of all that and it hopefully will work out like that (in the long run at least).
Since looking up the standard WK-colors also isn’t what i consider userfriendly, I’ll try to (remember to) keep all the standard colors of my style the exact WK ones.
A glance at WK using this style could for example present you with the following sight (if you’re bad with choosing colors):
Or this:
Or this.
The style can be found here.
Now do not fret, those cancer inducing color settings are only to show what the userstyle does.
It is still (and most probably will be for quite a while) a work in progress.
I’ll update it every now and then, though I preserve the right to just retire from doing so or pausing whenever. ;○P
And before I forget it:
To my knowledge I’m not so good with designs, I sometimes have nice ideas, but that’s pretty much the peak of my design-personality-part (or smth like that?).
○ Even moar userfriendlyness
○ User selection of functions to add (and maybe remove)
○ Mainly requested features (that are within what one can call a “style modification” of the website)
Planned (preferredly influenced by user-input concerning usability etc.):
○ Things
Since I made my previously private dark style (+another) public as well, here you go:
○ 2016.02.22 - Added an option for the review/lesson input’s background color as well as decided to add features mainly by request (now officially… I guess?).○ 2015.10.02 - Added the long missing background option as well as a changelog since I’m so uber professional.