WaniKani Content Overhaul

We were discussing a set of kanji synonyms being changed, not the bookshelf radical.

Yes, this is annoying. I just got “clam” wrong, now they only accept “shellfish”…

I think it’s great that 以 got From as a new meaning. The old meaning was weird because it was so different from all the vocabulary.


A solution to deal with leeches would be excellent!

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Have you considered using something like Wanikani double check? I’m doing a lot of typos as well, and having an option to override wrong answers has been invaluable for me. I think I would have long since quit to frustration otherwise. Of course, it requires some discipline to not mark actually incorrect answers. :wink:


get Override. typos are annoying, not accepting “changing cloths” because wk accepts only “change of clothing” mildly annoying, but rejecting a formerly accepted definition is outrageous.

you’re here to learn kanji, not to memorize which definition is fine, to the T.


For the relearning tool, for every radical, it says how many kanji are affected by the change. These numbers however are based on the complete 60 levels worth of kanji, rather than just the ones that I have learned so far. Could these numbers be correctly updates so that they only apply to my level. Also, a list of kanji that have a changed meaning and/or reading explanation would be great as well.

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“By way of” was always how I typed it and definitely one of the previous definitions. I didn’t previously add it as a synonym because it’s not listed that way now. I just added it now!

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Hello and thank you for the update.

New content is okay but one of the things that bothers me is the forced new radical names and readings for kanji(on’yomi were kun’yomi was first introduced) despite of “Display Old Mnemonics” turned on.

Could you please make such option that the experience would be like it was before plus the new content?
When one has drilled mnemonics for some time they tend to stick so i hope you can see why i prefer to have the old readings and mnemonics.

i hope i don’t sound impolite.
済みません, 失礼でわありません.

my comment is intended to be a constructive comment.
i strongly believe that there are many who feel the same.

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OK - I’ve found a cache from the WK API V2 that I took on 27th December 2017 and the meanings for 以 were:

  • By Means Of
  • By The Means Of
  • By Way Of
  • By The Way Of

I think unless they were previously downright false, removing meanings from a kanji shouldn’t be a thing. Shifting the primary meaning around is fine, but synonyms should stay as they are and only be added to. Not sure if anything similar happened to kanji other than 以 though, so it might just have been a mistake.


So some mnemonics were rewritten for the sake of making them easier to understand, but I just came upon this mnemonic for 限る:

You have to limit your use of face cream.
I know you have a super kaggy (かぎ) face but if you don’t limit your use bad things will happen.

I tried to use a standard dictionary, urban dictionary and just googled it but it I couldn’t find out what “kaggy” means. At first I thought they meant to write saggy, but then the mnemonic would be off, so maybe they just changed the letter for a better fit.


And this is why WaniKani is the only way to learn Kanji.

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Any chance of a picture of こういち dressed in his new lifeguard gear?

構 kanji mnemonic

The kaggy mnemonics was not one of the rewritten ones. It’s always been kaggy.


Still a pretty bad mnemonic. Not that I have a better idea…

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The best mnemonics for かぎ would probably have to involve 鍵, but 鍵 is level 46 and 限る is level 25…

Although I think @jprspereira has a better idea! :grin:


But the radicals for 鍵 are all low level, so one could technically put that kanji at a lower level and solve the problem. Sure, 鍵 might look scary visually, but I don’t really think it is. Plus, it’s a word beginners learn easily (if they don’t know it already).


Yeah, I knew the word and kanji long before I saw it on WaniKani. Maybe they should move it earlier so it can be used as a mnemonic. :thinking:


Yes this is a difficult one. Better be cagey before suggesting something, people might not like it.

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