WaniKani Content Overhaul

I use the Tsurukame iPhone app almost exclusively for WK, and now that I’ve reset my Radicals using the migration tool, I have lots of new Lessons in the queue — BUT, the updated Radicals are showing the OLD info and not the NEW info… e.g. 土 says the meaning is “Grave” and not “Dirt”. I’m not seeing the same issue when I access the corresponding Lessons via wanikani.com

Is this an API problem, or does the app developer need to update the internals of Tsurukame?

RIP Elephant, I hardly knew ye.


Wait, I thought that old kanji meanings would still be accepted?
I remember seeing people talking about readings, but I didn’t know meaning changed too… (and since old meanings for radicals are still secretly accepted, wouldn’t it make sense to do the same with kanji?)


That’s probably just considered a “normal” change. Add it as a synonym?


I did :ok_hand:


AFAIK Halberd is purple, you answered the red one. CMIIW.

You can clearly see in the screenshot that the meaning is halberd in the mnemonic.

A soldier carries a halberd

(I’m showing the old mnemonic for that purpose)

Ah, I thought you were referring to your answer instead of the meaning mnemonic, ok.

Well, my answer used to be correct, as shown in the mnemonic.
It’s just that the old meaning is gone.


LOL mine is only showing the new one cos I haven’t unlocked that.

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i didn’t pick any radicals for relearn. and yet they’re sitting in my queue now, even ancient ones.


They are all probably either new (I think Kristen said there were 12 new ones) or ones that were at a later level and moved earlier. You probably recognize some from their kanji too.


Is the Tsurukame app crashing for you? I don’t know if this is also caused by the content overhaul. Mine keeps crashing. I haven’t been able to get it to stay open so far today.

Actually, I didn’t notice it before, but some of the “new” radicals I got seemed awfully familiar to me as well. At the very least “good” was definitely a radical before (foster uses it in the old mnemonic), but it still came up as a new lesson now. It’s very odd.

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blade is new? maybe they unified sword and drop or so?

not that i’d need it anymore, and i didn’t ask for a change from train to gladiator. that’s an older one, too.
maybe i’m missing something?

I really like the change even if it’s a little inconvenient at first. Very nice!

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I think they (correctly) added the dot and made it a new radical. And the old “good” was changed to something else.


Blade isn’t new. But it went from being level 44 to being level 21.
So it got unlocked for you.


Yes, that happened to my iPad, too. Unexpected close. My Alicrab is fine, though. Anyway

Maybe there should be a “kanji relearning tool” too? I got two kanji with new readings today and it’s very confusing.