都 does only mention the と reading in the mnemonic, while the つ reading only shows in possible readings.
But I think this is an old oversight, it was like that when I first learned it too I believe
So it’s not from the update, but should still be looked in to =)
Oh, if it’s saying you should know the readings then yeah it’s the same problem as all those I mentioned for me above. Onyomi presented as known a priori when we were taught the kun’yomi with the kanji and so have no mnemonic presented. Kristen said they were looking at a solution for this, since it’s going to affect everyone who isn’t literally starting now. In the meantime I guess invent your own mnemonics.
I think they generally want this kind of support though, as it helps them weed out the little errors. They’ll put it in a pile and do it when they can prioritise it though, as there are probably still some bugs crawling about that needs squashing first
They are open to it, if someone gives them a better option.
Saber-toothed tiger seem to be the most popular of the suggestions people had.
It is used in quite a few mnemonics though, so for it to happen we should probably help come with suggestions for those too, and not just the keyword.
I always saw hardgay as satirising the extreme portrayals of lgbtqi+ rather than the people themselves, sort of like black dynamite satirising blacksploitation etc. I guess it would be disingenuous if the guy’s straight cis. Portraying a stereotype for its ridiculousness might be a good way of destroying the supposed validity of the stereotype, maybe not, I don’t think a character like hardgay would make someone bigoted who wasn’t already bigoted, or conversely make someone more tolerant/inclusive than they were before.
Off track rambling but there’s my lukewarm defense of using a possibly problematic parody character as a mnemonic device. Like him or hate him, he is memorable and ultimately imo that’s what matters in a mnemonic.
Edit: my phone’s autocorrect is making me want to break it.
Have you read the mnemonic we had a week ago or so about a guy trying to teach Japanese to some of his student. Apparently she never attended that class again, because it was offensive, but some of us said that she will never forget that word he taught her.
While I appreciate the overview of radicals that changed, I’d really appreciate an overview of kanji that changed from kun’yomi default reading to on’yomi so I can restudy these pro-actively as well. I have words coming up that now assume I know the on’yomi that I haven’t learned yet through vocab, which is rather annoying.
I agree, I’ve just got a kanji ‘bathe’ wrong because at the start of my current level it was introduced as ‘あ’ and now I had to somehow figure out I need to put ‘よく’ in.
Then it’s not such a big deal for it to go down a level.
That should really mostly happen on ones that you just learned in the current level (otherwise you’d have already seen the onyomi in vocab). So, yeah, it’s a short-term inconvenience that will only happen one time.
I have not read the entire thread, so I´m sorry if any of these comments have been mentioned before, but I have 2 small remarks:
If you press enter to go to the next page, it toggles the ‘old-new mnemonics’ thingie. That’s annoying
I’m relearning some radicals now, but it still accepts the old answer. Not sure if it’s even possible to change this, but I’m typing in the old answer out of reflex and that way I’ll never learn. I do agree that the old answer should be accepted for those that don’t want to relearn, but in the specific case of relearning things it’s a little unhelpful.
If you are concerned about the short levels, I ran a script that using apiv2 determines which kanji are unlocked in the first level and which are only after the radicals are gurued.
So say hello to the new short levels, 41, 43 and 44!
Also give a sad goodbye to level 26, it’s not short anymore.
So, all the people who completed level 26 in less than 7 days are pretty much legendary tier adventurers. They’re tales shall be told by bards in the streets and cavern regulars will know about them, huh?
If we want a change we need to send a suggestion of our own and see if they like it. Anyone have a good suggestion for げき?
It doesn’t come up very often, but it is a huge pain, cause the current one makes no sense to me…
The grandfather of who? And how does that become geki? Sorry, but, I need a better one ^^;
If someone has a good suggestion I’ll put it in my own notes =)