When the content overhaul happens in the middle of what appears to be my first burn out… So I’ve chosen to reset all of the suggested radicals even though I already had 70 outstanding lessons that seemed to never go away as I learned more things through my reviews… So now this happened…
Plus the remaining kanji I have left now ask for the on’yomi reading which I haven’t learned before… So I have to go figure out what’s happened there…
mmh, I don’t think I’ve enountered a nanori reading yet. Can anyone confirm?
btw RIP nailbat &co, and my lesson queue if I decide to relearn the radicals, which will take a backseat for now…
The meanings they changed them to seem to be either synonims I already added or words I wont use because I have already cemented others with Heisig or deciding on my own.
Still, FANTASTIC update, you guys really made a huge change that must have taken a lot of work and implemented it smoothly ah (“as heck”).
I did get triggered by the new radicals/kanji’s breaking the harmony of my perfectly syncronized system tho LOL
(These screenshots are from my lessons)
I’m having problems with new lessons. Some radicals like “now” or “good” are in my lessons section. But, I’m supposed to know how to read 良 . So I already know that radical. Do I have to relearn it? Is this supposed to happen?
And also I have a bunch of new vocab which have completely different readings from what I’ve learned so far. Even if I have no idea about their readings, in description it says; You should be able to read this on your own. It is the first time I encountered that reading. What am I missing here? What is the best solution for that?
All I know for reading of festival kanji is まつ(り) and the rest of the vocabulary is similar. Some even have completely two different readings but those two kanji are that I’ve learned previously or most recently.
There’s a link to the Kanji on the first page =)
When you encounter new readings it means you’ll have to go back to the kanji and learn the new one.
It feels inconvenient right now, but in the end the new readings are the better choice to learn with the kanji =)
I just did these ones myself =P
It does take an extra step, but there was only a handful of them (though we might see one here and there later too)
It will be more of a surprise when it denies your answer in a Kanji review
But you should have seen the other reading in vocab lessons most of time time, and will have to think a bit extra the first few times =P
I looked them over and made a mental note of the changes, but will only do the relearning this weekend (to make sure it doesn’t affect my level up time. As many of them are needed for my second batch of kanji it will set me back several days if I do them now)
Radicals are one of the easier to learn, so you could just go for it, or do a few at a time in the order they are suggested =)
I can relearn all of it since I have time for that. But only thing that concerns me is I’m not learning essential readings for new vocab added to lessons section.
The new system can’t differentiate who learned the original version of the kanji and who learned the new.
But in most cases we still saw both of the readings in the vocabs after the Kanji went to Guru =)
There are only a few we didn’t, and those few we’ll just have to take the extra step of reading the reading mnemonic on the kanji page.
I found it was best to read the entire Kanji entry, as the kanji mnemonic and reading mnemonic was tied together.
The point that was made above is if you know the kun’yomi that was taught and enter it in for a kanji review, it will just shake and not be marked wrong. This aspect of WK has never changed. Perhaps you should review those other two that were marked wrong to ensure that you’ve properly memorized those readings.
For the first, the old “good” radical has been renamed “root” and doesn’t have the little drop at the top, so a new radical has been created for “good”. I don’t think it will affect anything you’ve done, but it is a “new” radical.
As for 祭日, pretty sure 文化祭 is in the vocab around that level and it has the さい reading, but there are definitely new vocab items with before unseen readings for me anyways like 投手 for 投、着々 for 着、etc. Oh and 遠足、I have never seen the on reading for 遠。
Only the radicals can be relearned, and only future unlocks are affected by it (you need to guru the relearned radical before the kanji is unlocked. This is why I wait till after doing second batch of kanji, I know a good number of them are affected)
Already learned kanji are completely unaffected though =)
Readings for 都合 are completely different from what I’ve learned. It’s the very first time seeing this. And it says you should already know it? ??
(readings, I mean individually. I can’t even make a connection.)
I think we just need to lay low and endure the pain for a while. System changes happen, and when they do, they do it for the better of all. So for us who have started, I think it’s wise not to spam WK support, as they already got a lot of things to take care.