WaniKani Content Additions: Ongoing from April 29, 2021

Here’s the remaining 4 (as far as I can tell) that also have トフグ instead of トーフグ:
1 WaniKani / Vocabulary / 解決
2 WaniKani / Vocabulary / 旋風
3 WaniKani / Vocabulary / 擁する
4 WaniKani / Vocabulary / 事務所


Aren’t those in the original manga? As in, they were just the English titles chosen by the Japanese author? I haven’t read it.

Thanks! We’ll get those fixed too!


I had this thread here, not sure if it has been seen or not

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Hi @TofuguJenny!

Is it possible to send out an email about content additions like this? I don’t check the community centre that often and realised I missed this thread til now. At least for people who have opted in for emails?

On a separate note, but relevant I believe -

During today’s reviews, I was doing this word and my initial answer was “To continue” and it was wrong. When I clicked the answer to check, I saw the correct meaning and I knew I had never seen “To let something pass” in my lessons. This was really strange to me, thankfully I write every single word I learn down and when I looked back my notes this word’s meaning and synonyms listed were " To let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in" and all those synonyms were completely changed.

These new meanings/synonyms make more sense to me with the context sentence, I remember when I first had this lesson I was getting flustered that one word could be used in so many ways - so this change is OK, but now I’m concerned now if other vocabulary words have changed and I have to learn them again?

Can you advise if there have been other instances of this/if it’s not too much trouble could you publish that as a list as well or (preferably) email comms?


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Hi @mir0kii!

We did send out an email right at the beginning, on April 29th, with a link to this thread. I wonder if that email didn’t get to you for some reason. We also posted a banner on WaniKani a bit later, for about a week.

my initial answer was “To continue” and it was wrong

This shouldn’t have been marked wrong because it was moved to the allow list, which means it’s not visible but is still accepted. If you’re using a third party app or scripts, that could explain the discrepancy. :thinking:

Can you advise if there have been other instances of this/if it’s not too much trouble could you publish that as a list as well or (preferably) email comms?

We’re always making small (and sometimes big) changes to WaniKani content, and everything is published in our weekly updates here. I could talk to our customer service team about the possibility of setting up a dedicated mailing list for content updates too :slight_smile:


When 広告(こうこく) gets moved from Level 18 to Level 50



Thank you :blush:

Yes. And so using the term “translator” here “freely” so to speak. And, yeah, yeah, one could argue that’s a subtitle, not a translation. But don’t take my fun away.

Hi @TofuguJenny , is it a good idea to add the meaning “attach” to kanji 「添」? I know “attach” is already the meaning of 「付」, but 「添付」 means “attachment”.



append and attach are very similar though, and 付 (‘attach’) already explains that word.
We could add something like “adjoin” and be even more redundant :wink:
I’d say WK is trying to show some core meanings, not similar meanings or everything like a dictionary.


Seconding this, since WK teaches () and () at level 57 and 58 - and neither have a vocab item yet

https://www.wanikani.com/kanji/瑠 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://www.wanikani.com/kanji/璃 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 瑠璃 - Jisho.org

I’m surprised “瑠璃” (lapis lazuli) turns up 130 million results on Google, since “瑠璃” doesn’t seem to be used in Chinese - is it really common in names or something? (the one I know is 瑠璃(るり) from OreImo)


It comes up a few times in the bible, so that might explain it. Also, it’s been used as a healing stone, as jewellery in general, I also recall seeing it used to adorn statues, eyes mostly, IIRC. It’s the “diamond” of the antiquities, so to speak :slight_smile:

Also seconding it’s addition to the vocab.

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Thank you for your support. Yes, “attach” is one of the core meanings of 「添付」, as can be ascertained from various dictionaries, both JP-JP and EN-JP:


The Kotobank definition is 「主となるもののそばにつける」, “to add something to a main thing” (so for example an email is the main thing, and the PDF file is the attachment).


Jitenon says 「付け足す。付け加える。」, which uses 「付ける」 as part of the definition, so we can assume it also means “to attach”.

that’s why i said attach is similar to append, hence already covered. I’m not saying that ‘attach’ isn’t a meaning of 添.
With core meanings, i mean meanings that cover the most important and general directions of meaning, not all 12 meanings in the dictionary. WK is not trying to be a dictionary, it’s trying to simplify and aovid redundancy. You’ll learn the additional meanings later.


You’re correct. WWWJDIC has an example sentence 「手紙を添える」 which means “to attach a letter; to include a letter”


alc.co.jp also has “attach” as a meaning

@TofuguJenny Would it be possible to make the context sentence for 豊満(ほうまん) something a little less awkward for my coworkers to read when passing by? :grimacing:

The visible context script turns out to be a bit blursed.

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Also, another instance of a non-WK kanji in a context sentence (覗)


The additional vocabulary being added for kanji with no vocab appears to be scheduled in exactly level order. Like, if you take the kanji missing vocabulary and order them by level, that pretty much exactly matches the order in which new vocab is added in the release schedule. See:

They’ve gotten up through level 54 only. () and () are 57 and 58. I’m guessing the next batch of updates should cover all the remaining kanji, and we’ll get 瑠璃!

(I’ve been manually tracking that I’ve at least guru’d all these kanji… and of course, these helpful updates will come right after I will have reached level 60. :joy: )


Hi @TofuguJenny
I found another romaji Tofugu
