Volume 3 - シメジシミュレーション・Shimeji Simulation

シメジシミュレーション - Vol 3 Discussion Thread :mushroom:

Start Date: 19th March 2022
シメジシミュレーション Home Thread: Link

Vocabulary List

Reading Schedule

Start Date Chapter
Mar 19 21
Mar 26 22
Apr 2 23
Apr 9 24
Apr 16 25
Apr 23 26
Apr 30 27
May 7 28
May 14 29
May 21 30


eBook: Book Walker | Kobo
Physical: CD Japan | Amazon


I know we just had a poll on the home thread but it doesn’t feel right not to have one here…

I’m planning to read volume 3

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I may start late
  • Not sure

0 voters

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:ballot_box_with_check: Probably, but I don’t entirely know when I’ll be able to get a hold of the book. Plus, I still need to go back and read volume two…

Maybe we’re savoring it since volume four is probably a long ways away, but might we consider a 2 chapter per week schedule?

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What pace would you like to read at:
  • 1 chapter per week
  • 2 chapters per week
  • Either is fine

0 voters

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So with the majority expressing no preference and at least one person asking to stick at one chapter per day week like we did with the previous 2 volumes, can I suggest we stick at one chapter a day week? Perhaps those who are more confident readers can use the slower schedule to savour the volume as you suggest?


Wait, because most of us didn’t specify explicitly, we just jumped up to a chapter a day? :stuck_out_tongue:


It may seem harsh but just think what it’s going to do for your Japanese!

Umm…thanks for spotting the error. Corrected!


I didn’t expect my vote to decide the whole schedule :flushed:
I have no strong feelings for or against either option really, and I would most likely be able to keep up with 2 chapters/week, but I also quite enjoyed taking the previous volumes slowly and having a small weekly dose of weirdness.

If people is happy with 1 chapter/week, I’m happy. Just want to make sure I’m not holding everyone back.

Also, volume 3 starts with chapter 21, so I think the schedule in the OP needs to be fixed.


Chapter 21 - March 19th

Participation poll
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m planning to start later

0 voters

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What does the handwritten text on page 13 say?


Ah figured it out. Leaving the comment in case others struggle (although in hindsight it wasn’t really that difficult…)


What to make of 的 in そんな腰を伸ばす的な… on page 11? :thinking: Does it turn the whole preceding phrase into an adjective, with the noun it applies to being left unsaid?

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Looks like it’s Jisho #3. Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve seen this.


Mind blown! First time I’ve seen this too.

Chapter 22 - March 26th

Participation poll
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m planning to start later

0 voters

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Did anyone get what’s going on in the bottom half of page 21?

I get they’re talking about climate phenomena and エルミーニョ is probably referring to El Niño (which is apparently katakanized as エルニーニョ), but how does that sound similar to ラタトゥーユ? And is ムルミーミョ supposed to have any meaning? Or is this just a very illogical conversation? :rofl:


Chapter 23 - April 2nd

Participation poll
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m still reading but haven’t reached this part yet

0 voters

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This one finally actually showed up in my local Kinokuniya, so as soon as I have a chance to drop by, maybe I’ll actually join in. :stuck_out_tongue:

My thoughts on page 21

They go from あつあつの夏 to さむさむの冬 to ふむふむのさゆ。

ふむふむ can mean “murmur” - this sounds a bit like ムルミーミョ, her first attempt at saying El Nino.

Still not sure about ふむふむのさゆ - maybe “murmuring hot water” (さゆ=hot water)

I couldn’t see anyone call El Nino エルミーニョ on a web search, it’s エルニーニョ in Jisho/Wikipedia. Maybe a typo? Maybe them still pronouncing it wrong?

I couldn’t make the connection to the Ratatouille phenomenon! Maybe a mispronounciation of La Nina? (that’s a bit of a stretch)

Was I the only person who didn’t spot the large mushroom growing out of Shimeji’s head the whole chapter!

Bottom of page 26
Perhaps ク is 九 - nine is an unlucky number in Japan. Perhaps a day with a 9 in it is unlucky?

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Jokes Explained

I think you skipped a step-- あつあつのなつ becomes なつなつのあつ which to me seems like a goofy but comprehensible play on words. Then Majime uses the same pattern of syllable swaps to go from さむさむの冬 to ふむふむのさゆ which sounds absurd, which is why Shijima gets confused.

The joke with ムルミーミョ is that Majime starts off with a slight mispronunciation of El Niño, then Shijima corrects her (albeit a bit unconfidently, mispronouncing it slightly herself), then Majime says わかった! And somehow manages to move to an egregious mispronunciation.