Vocabulary (verbs)

hey everyone,
i was studying vocabulary today and i came across the verb 上る, everything was ok until i started to read the context sentences, i found out that “る” was not there and i thought how should i know if the kanji “上” is supposed to be read as “のぼる” or not if “る” didn’t follow it?
also, i didn’t understand why it is an exception? like, both “上げる” and “上がる” refer to a verb as well.
(by the way, i had the same reading issue with both “上げる” and “上がる”)
thanks in advance.

上る, 上げる, and 上がる are simply three separate verbs. None of them are exceptions.

What you are seeing in the example sentences are conjugations. For example:
上った = past tense
上らない = negative
上らなかった = negative past tense

If you’d like to understand these sentences sooner rather than later, I’d recommend starting to learn grammar. One of the first things you learn is basic conjugations like the ones above. After that it’s just a matter of practice. If you keep at it, eventually you’ll intuitively know that 上った is the past tense of 上る without even having to think about it.


Verbs in Japanese are inflected for tense and politeness. If you start to study grammar, you will learn how they change and you’ll be able to recognize the form of the verb and match it to the dictionary form that was taught.


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