[Userscript] WaniKani Reviews Plus

Yes, have the same problem.

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Same problem here. I guess the API has changed.

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Looks like they really broke everything. Went to see what’s going on, and I can’t even answer questions. Seems Double Check script is throwing errors when trying to submit answers. Also seeing errors from Level Overview Plus.
Disabled those two, and now I can recreate the issue above. Will dig deeper. But, gee thanks WaniKani for once again making breaking changes. :roll_eyes:

Meanings object was a string array, now its an array of objects. Readings array also changed a bit. Lovely.

“Fixed”. Needs CSS work, but it should at least work now.


I was wondering about that as well this morning. Curiously, personal synonymes still displayed normalle. ^^

Not sure what’s wrong with this one, as before and after the additional meanings for the other vocab were shown just fine.

Is the function which show the components of a kanji on the right side is still not working or i’m just missing something?

I think I might have found the issue. Will come in a future patch. I have something else I need to implement.

Does it not work at all? Or just not with Kanji? Is the setting for “breakdown” turned on?

It doesn’t work at all. Breakdown is turned on. I’ve tried to update the userscript, refresh etc. Still doesn’t work.

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Yes, same problem. Can’t see the breakdown of kanji or vocab.

What other scripts do you have installed? I wonder if there’s another script it’s not playing nice with.

I have double check and anki mode, all updated.

Hmm, just tried with both of those, and seems to be working fine. You’re not using ‘lightening mode’ are you?

same here. i checked if i had breakdown on, tried reinstalling, disabled all plugins except this and open framework, and it still doesnt work

I don’t use lightning mode.

No additional meanings for 捘箔(たんじゅん), 磁石(じしゃく), 遊朒朰(ゆうえんち), 痩(や)せる and some others (didn’t want to list them all) either, in case that helps identify the problem. Also for ćż«é€Ÿ(かいそく) when I got it right, even though they showed up right before when I got it wrong. Same with the second reading for 玅葉(こうよう).

And the breakdown doesn’t show for me either even though it’s enabled.


Anyone experiencing no breakdown want to test something out? After answering meaning, hit F12 (on windows at least) and go to the console tab and try two commands.

I suspect either the div isn’t getting inserted, or the ‘left’ isn’t getting updated. Although I’m not seeing an immediate reason why for either.

i thought it could be a browser issue so i installed just the script and open framework on fresh installs of firefox and chrome. no dice and the console throws out this error when i tried the two commands: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token”

the script has been updated to 1.30. unsure if its the one from 11/26/24 though. even with the update, the issue of breakdown mode not showing up in any type of reviews and is still persistent on the browsers i tested.

Guess its time for me to pop over to Edge :face_vomiting: to try it out. Wonder if I’m inadvertently relying on another script doing something. Looking for an element, or piece of data, another script is inserting, or something.

Never even used Edge on this laptop, other than to download Chrome. Installed open framework and reviews plus, nothing else. Works
 We have a mystery on our hands

How can I get this to break? hmmm

im really at a lost here. i had just did the same thing as what you just did, two seperate PCs, but alas, its still only the kanji reviews that still do not show the breakdown of its radicals.

just to be clear i did it on a fresh install of Edge, installed tampermonkey, then installed framework and the script, and enabled breakdown mode. maybe theres something wrong with my wanikani account