heatmap review “stage advance” sum doesn’t include the points counted for the lessons (add your total lessons to bring the scores closer together). Even with that, I still get a diff of 66 which I can’t explain yet.
For me the difference is much bigger:
heatmap score: 55097 + number of lessons: 8064 = 63161
real score: 63854
I’d recommend caching the wkof results in local storage. Then you can show the previously calculated value on page load instead of what’s available on the page, and then update from the latest wkof in the background.
I think @Kumirei mentioned once that the stage advance sum is a best guess - it might not take into account that some items drop multiple levels if you get them wrong 3+ times, but that would overestimate the progress, not underestimate it. Maybe App1 errors are counted as a stage down? That would lead to an underestimation.
Also, sometimes items get removed from WK - real score is not going to count these, but the history in the heatmap might still include them. So I don’t think we could ever resolve the diffs completely.
ohh, interesting I expected the numbers to be the same or at least somewhat close, but for bad number skill reasons my expectations were clearly super wrong
It just doesn’t feel like I’m 95% done.
( The script in top photo is 2 cool 4 progress, btw. )
Enlightened is probably like 8/9 done though, so that counts for something.
The number 76,099 counts the progress of all items, not just the burned ones… (Apprentice 1 = 1 point etc). And that’s what the percentage ist taken off of. Therefore the percentage is higher than just the burns percentage.
I don’t think that it is. The API provides both starting and ending SRS stage.
edit: oops misread this question. Essentially meant what is said in this quote below
The thing is that I only look at the review history. Since nothing will go from lessons to apprentice 1 in a review session the largest part of the discrepancy most likely stems from the fact that I am simply looking at the SRS progress in reviews, thus not accounting for the lessons.
I do include removed items! I expect that this is the cause for the smaller discrepancy after accounting for lessons.
I am not going to change the heatmap since I think it best reflects the user’s progress the way it is, but perhaps OP should consider including hidden items in this script Although that is most likely more hassle than it is worth
This was new in version 3 right? I vaguely remember seeing a 19 lesson day in stead of a 20 lesson day after WK removed an item, but that was back on version 2. I no longer see it.
I agree! I was just trying to reconcile the difference in numbers. I’m still not sure how to account for the remaining diffs, as the heatmap taking removed items into account would give it a higher count, not a lower one. Thanks for clarifying the rest of my doubts!
Perhaps. I don’t remember what I did in the previous version, but with v3 I have been deliberately including hidden items everywhere
Good point
Good suggestion. That was my initial implementation actually, but I didn’t really like it in practice. It added complexity to have 3 scores: unlocked level, real score, percentage. And since percent (like level) doesn’t move quickly, it wasn’t very motivating. My compromise was to add % in the tooltip.
The adjusted level seemed more natural since we’re all used to thinking about a journey toward 60.
It also adds a little intrigue - lol - suggesting that the level we’re all so focused on somehow isn’t ‘real’.
This could be a good thing to put in settings however: Show percentage -vs- Show completed level
Good idea
@2000kanji @rwesterhof I might have found a bug in the heatmap. Can you update the heatmap and see if it now matches after accounting for lessons?
It looks like 2 cool 4 progress is showing you the % of items in each SRS group which always totals 100% (73.1+16.72+5.33+4.25 = 99.40) assuming apprentice is .60%, but we can’t see it
Hmm… would adding hidden items change the possible total from 80,073 to something higher? To keep everyone aiming for the same max score, I could credit everyone with points for the hidden items… ah, that would be weird too, not starting at 0 points.
Maybe I could show the hidden points in the tooltip, for people who are trying to reconcile the different scores.
I was thinking you could either just let people go beyond 100% or move the goalpost for those who have done the lessons for hidden items
new heatmap net progress + lessons is now 16 points higher than my real score. From wkbuddy (accuracy per review stage), which doesn’t count hidden items, I see 17 fewer passes and 2 fewer failures than in the heatmap. If one of those failures was on apprentice 1, we have a match
But in that case some people won’t be able to get the max score (or 100%). For instance I have items that were enlightened when they got removed, so I’ll never be able to burn them and get that last point.
You don’t have to add 9 points for every hidden item, if it’s at enlightened you could just add 8 to the goal
Fun ideas! I’ll noodle on that. I like the idea of getting more than 100% for those who had to learn items which were later hidden.