[Userscript] Wanikani Mistake Delay (new, version 2.x)

The combination of [But No Cigar], [Mistake Delay], and [Lightning Mode] is particularly messy. All three interact with the review process, so it’s not surprising that some things get weird.

I think I’d probably recommend dropping [But No Cigar], [Mistake Delay], and [Override], and switch to [Double-Check] instead. It’s basically a combination of all of those three, plus an ability to mark right answers wrong if WK’s typo-forgiveness gets too lenient and marks one correct that shouldn’t really be.

By default, the [But No Cigar] feature is turned off, but you can enable it at the top of the script by setting the following to 1:

shake_when_slightly_off: 1,

As far as I know, [Lightning Mode] should also work with [Double-Check]. If not, it would be easy for me to add a Lightning Mode option to [Double Check].

The hotkeys for [Double-Check] are [here].