[Userscript] Wanikani Heatmap

A load balancer won’t solve the problem either. You are just pushing it onto the users unfortunate enough to be caught at the end of the queue, whose experience will now be less than optimal as they error out. At the end of the day regardless of how you are distributing load, unless you also have distributed databases with replication, everything is going back to that single instance. And frankly, I don’t expect WK to have that sort of expensive infrastructure for the $200 that I paid for lifetime.

Just noticed that if you do a “Recent mistakes session” it adds those to the heatmap as if it was a real review.

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not sure if this has been brought up as I’m too lazy to read back right now, but something’s not quite right here.

edit: ah, no more access to API. F. Don’t recall when the update was pushed, but I assume that’s where my missing reviews are. Thanks for the updates!

probably a better way to do this, but I just threw this below the curly brace on line 908 to fix my streak as the 26th was the only date missing reviews for me.

streaks[new Date('2023-04-26T12:00:00').toDateString()] = 1
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Should be fixed in 3.0.60. Thank you


yeah I thought that’d be the issue too but alas my version is up to date! :< hey ho! the changes were huge so it makes sense some stuff will take time to rewrite/work around

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Hello! I installed this a few days ago and everything went fine. But now the last 4 days show up as if I haven’t done any reviews. Any ideas where to look into to fix this? Thank you!
*edit: I see above as well that if you don’t do them on the correct device they don’t show up. But I did them all on the same laptop. I actually noticed the issue after doing some reviews and the day staying grey when the site put me back to the home page.

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Make sure you have the latest version of the script. Currently 3.0.60

Thank you very much for the fixes :slightly_smiling_face:
I just noticed some bugs with v. 3.0.60 of the script :

  1. The subtitle of the reviewed item list shows 94 items, but the list actually contains 88 items;
  2. The kanji items 園, 浴, 遠, 面 and 府 should not be counted as review as they correspond to lessons that I just completed now (see below);

  1. I reviewed 84 items this morning and if we add the 5 kanji items listed in 2), we still not reach 94. I also did an extra study session of recent mistakes (6 items) before this post, this may be related, I will investigate more.

EDIT : I did another extra study session of recent mistakes (6 items) and now the list subtitle shows 100 items, the displayed item list is unchanged. I also spotted that the net progess of SRS level (number displayed in the top right corner) has change (+78 → +84)

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Is there a way to manually refresh / reload the data in the graph? My lesson data is accurate but my reviews are missing

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Can you please double check that you are indeed on 3.0.60? That’s supposed to be fixed already

No. WK shut down access to the API so historical data is no longer available. There used to be a button to reload, but I removed it because currently if you were to do that you would just lose all your data.

You should read the last 20 or so posts above to get an idea of why your reviews are missing.

Make sure to update to the latest version to get reviews to start tracking locally again.

If you want to fix a streak there’s a trick for that above as well


Gotcha, sorry to make you repeat yourself again haha. Thank you for your work on this!

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Found the issue. Should be fixed in 3.0.61. Thank you!


I noticed the missing reviews and made the mistake of reloading them in the settings without updating or checking this thread - so now all of them are gone. I think I still have them on my laptop though, so I was wondering if I could export that and import it onto my PC?

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Should be possible. I’ll see if I can get you some instructions tomorrow

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Thanks so much, really appreciate it

Thank you for this update, it seems to work perfectly now! :slightly_smiling_face:

I do all my reviews with the Flaming Durtles and just noticed that the heatmap (v3.0.61), which worked fine last time I checked, is showing I didn’t do any reviews since March 18. Am I right in the assumption, that the local data only works when the reviews are done with the website and that without the GET /reviews endpoint, the heatmap has no way of knowing when I did my reviews with the app?


I feel like something is off with either the website or the heathmap script.
I do my reviews every day and yesterday, I remember clearly doing it on my mobile phone.
Yet, there is a three day gap on the heatmap. It’s a bit demotivating since I clearly never missed a day :confused:

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Same here, re-installed in and could not believe I’d missed a day, at first I thought it was because I had my clock messed up (like 3 hours ahead) but then I realised I couldn’t have levelled as I did. Knowing this is a bug relieves me a bit though, as I know in the bottom of my heart, I could’ve not missed a day. Hoping they can fix it though, it is a little bit annoying nevertheless : P

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