[Userscript]: Reorder Ultimate 2 [newest]

An error has occurred within WaniKani Reorder Ultimate. Please post the error below on the forum thread.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘rad’)
at Object.updateVisual (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=db3af981-de10-452c-b879-6c9ba7777381:183:22)
at Object.apply (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=db3af981-de10-452c-b879-6c9ba7777381:272:29)
at Object.create (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=db3af981-de10-452c-b879-6c9ba7777381:280:30)
at Object.init (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=db3af981-de10-452c-b879-6c9ba7777381:241:26)
at chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=db3af981-de10-452c-b879-6c9ba7777381:743:15
at nrWrapper (https://www.wanikani.com/review/session:6:29851)

WKU Init()

Do you have Compatibility Mode enabled?


Dooooood… I know this isn’t totally this extension but which ignore answer works for radicals?

I’m asking here because your extension will jump the page all crazy at times and do a weird lag… the radical will pop up and I’ll start putting it in and it will only put half of it in… but that’s too bad because this ignore answer won’t let me redo radicals…

pulling out hair

Maybe you’re wanting the Double-Check script? It works for all item types.

Also, Reorder Ultimate 2 isn’t supported anymore, though it supposedly still works with Compatibility Mode turned on in the WK settings. I’d recommend switching to Reorder Omega instead.


Heyo everyone,
i came to update this and add a couple more features (that some of you might hate):

  1. ‘2’ key is a hotkey for shuffling/reordering
  2. you can also order by SRS (currently SRS ordering is always highest prio if enabled!)
  3. TOP 20 cards separately shuffled: To avoid wanikani from showing a card you just got wrong

Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2

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An error has occurred within WaniKani Reorder Ultimate. Please post the error below on the forum thread.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
at Number. (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=215e64a8-7b0a-42cf-9bce-59dc99d88b64:257:60)
at Function.each (https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/v03/review/application-7e63930cdf84ac55be5e3afa8a40706a620c01b138c0b149fb44491b83824d9d.js:1:17186)
at Object.apply (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=215e64a8-7b0a-42cf-9bce-59dc99d88b64:251:23)
at Object.create (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=215e64a8-7b0a-42cf-9bce-59dc99d88b64:280:30)
at Object.init (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=215e64a8-7b0a-42cf-9bce-59dc99d88b64:241:26)
at chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=215e64a8-7b0a-42cf-9bce-59dc99d88b64:743:15
at nrWrapper (https://www.wanikani.com/review/session:6:29851)

WKU Init()

P. S. Just realized I wasn’t running the Script Compatibility mode.
Sorry for being such a clumsy cat roll

Reorder Ultimate is no longer being maintained. You should try Reorder Omega instead.

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…yeah but it doesn’t work properly either so… yeah good times.

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I think I’m having a weird bug. Installed reorder for the first time, and for some reason it just won’t let me advance. I’ll get my kanji or whatever right, it turns green, and then it’s just stuck. I’m also getting this textbox

Edit: oh wait my bad, Script Compatibility mode also fixed it for me. I was wary of turning it on since wanikani said it’s not recommended but turns out it was a good idea after all

If you don’t want to use compatibility mode you can use Reorder Omega instead

It’s stopped working for me in the lessons section.
No matter what order I move things to or delete, it still shows the lowest level items at the top.
(the preview of the lesson items below changes, but doesn’t match what is actually shown above…)

And for reviews, sorting the levels doesn’t work. If I delete all of the levels except the one I want to study it works, but not just from resorting them…

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WK is retiring script compatibility mode, which this script relies on.

The only fully featured reorder script that works without compatibility mode is Reorder Omega


Ahhh thanks! Missed this announcement! :sob:

Found a way around it for now with a different script, so all good for the moment!

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So thats why my scripts have been so off lately D=
Thanks for the working script suggestion!

I see they say new features be coming. Wonder if some scripts will be rendered uneeded as it gets covered officially… We’ll see, hopefully the change turnes out to be good in the long run.

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Good morning,

The script is not working today.

The script asked me to post the error in this thread.

In my settings, the compatibility mode have aready been turned on.




I’m experiencing errors as well:


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@Kymus I think this might be the reason


Oh man :confused: Good that there was an explanation though

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Downloaded the other reorder script and it’s buggin pretty hard, is there anything else to use?

I have to literally refresh the page every answer as the answer field goes gray and won’t let me continue to keep doing my reviews…

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