[Userscript]: Reorder Ultimate 2 [newest]

HI Nazan,

The way I study my reviews using the Reorder Utimate is:

  1. Higher levels before lower levels
  2. Vocaulary before Kanjis before Radicals
  3. Reading and Writing of the same card in sequence
  4. Reading before Writing

I’m trying to configure the Reorder Omega script to have the priorities above, unsuccessfully for now.

Do you know if it’s possible to configure via Reorder Omega the settings above?

Best Regards,



Yeah I do believe this is possible!
Firstly for;

These two setting should do it. Back to back behavior has a few options so if you hover the mouse over where it says ‘disabled’ in the screen capture, an info popup should appear.

And then for;

Something like this should work :slightly_smiling_face:

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These settings look like they give you only one choice at a time, or am I mistaken? What if I want both, i.e. sort by level-then-type?


I haven’t looked at the code (nor would I understand even if I did…) But I feel like the sort by level looks form left to right in the pool of items for every level. So by sorting by type first and then sorting by level it comes across, in this case, the highest level vocab → kanji → radical first, then it does the same for the next level down until all are gone(?)

Again idk what I’m talking about really :sweat_smile: but that’s how it seems to work to me

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It worked perfectly here.

Thank you very much Nazan!


@nazan is correct (and thank you for helping people figure out the settings!)

When you sort the relative order of items with the same value is preserved, so by sorting by type first and then by level, anything on the same level will still be sorted by type within the level


Ah got it, thanks for the info!

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You need to disable Script Compatibility Mode under Settings > App, at least that’s how I’ve fixed the same problem.

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This won’t work anymore because they (WK) are retiring compatibility mode. The replacement is Reorder Omega.

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I know, NihonScope and I are talking about Reorder Omega. There’s a weird bug where having SCM on will make the screen freeze every few answers.


Oh! I didn’t notice. But my main point still stands. They are retiring script compatibility mode so this is no longer a working fix.

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Well the fix is to turn SCM off, so if they’re removing it, then it should be the permanently off, right? At least that’s how I’d imagine it to be. :stuck_out_tongue:


You a right. I really didn’t pay enough attention the the discussion. I am wrong on two points now.


This happens to me even if I turn off both Reorder Ultimate 2 & Reorder Omega, so I figured out it was actually Wanikani Double-Check doing it to me, the solution for me was to downgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.3.1 for Double-Check. Disabling Script Compatibility mode might just be fixing Double-Check rather than Reorder Omega


getting the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)
at Number. (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=1477d3aa-b14e-4844-b72a-b39f1f1d39fc:256:60)
at Function.each (https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/v03/review/application-43559fa94fc26983f5bdf9947044035f960244f4a624a4ef87ba207b93b4fe73.js:1:17186)
at Object.apply (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=1477d3aa-b14e-4844-b72a-b39f1f1d39fc:250:23)
at Object.create (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=1477d3aa-b14e-4844-b72a-b39f1f1d39fc:279:30)
at Object.init (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=1477d3aa-b14e-4844-b72a-b39f1f1d39fc:240:26)
at chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?name=Wanikani%2520Reorder%2520Ultimate%25202.user.js&id=1477d3aa-b14e-4844-b72a-b39f1f1d39fc:742:15
at nrWrapper (https://www.wanikani.com/review/session:6:29851)

WKU Init()

Reorder Ultimate no longer works. You may want to switch to Reorder Omega


Is there a way to disable the “lightning” - like behaviour?

For example, as soon as I type in my answer it does not tell me anymore if I’m correct/incorrect and instantly shows me the next card.

Please refer to the post above yours :grin:

I’m using the omega one already if that is what you mean :thinking:

Oh! Maybe that’ll become clearer if you post in the Omega thread, then?
(This is the Ultimate thread so I was assuming you are referring to the behavior of Ultimate)