I wasn’t expecting this thread to be so old. It’s amazing the script still works after all this time. I see that OP hasn’t been seen in a bit over a year, but I thought it good to share here anyway. I noticed today a couple of problems with the script: that the config for get_items
has an error, resulting in open framework returning all items on WaniKani; and that a couple of items that should have been marked 不可能 were not. This original method to determine if a leech will only reach a value of 1.00 by burning is not correct.
If anyone wants to edit the code manually, here’s what to do.
The correct config is:
const config = {
wk_items: {
options: {
review_statistics: true,
assignments: true
filters: {
srs: {value: '-1,0,9', invert: true}
To fix the calculation of 'impossible':
We can replace the line that sets item.startleech
and the entire switch statement that follows with:
item.mustBurn = (item.highestincorrect - item.highestincorrectstreak) + item.assignments.srs_stage >= 9
if (item.mustBurn) {
item.impossible = "不可能";
item.impcnt = 1;
else {
item.impossible = " ";
item.impcnt = 0;
Furthermore, we can replace the srs stage name switch by making use of a const declared near the beginning of the function and a single line to replace the switch:
Better code for assigning stage name
// near top of function, probably right after globals comment
const srs_stages = [
'Apprentice 1',
'Apprentice 2',
'Apprentice 3',
'Apprentice 4',
'Guru 1',
'Guru 2',
// then replace switch(item.assignments.srs_stages) with the following line
item.srsstagename = srs_stages[item.assignments.srs_stage];
If you’re still around using this, I hope these fixes help :3