User script usage

I use the double check/undo userscript feature. I was up to level 42 and I’m making my way back up there.

I also use flaming durts on my phone whenever I have some spare time and want to do some reviews, but I still do the bulk on my pc.

Personally I don’t see undo as a required feature for me, but it’s for sure a massive improvement. It mainly allows me to very rapidly go through all the reviews I get correct (which is most of them on a bad day). I don’t want to spend more time than necessary on reviews, thankfully especially the second time through some of these levels I already know most of these fairly well or learn them quickly, so not having to worry about typos or missing synonyms is a pretty big deal.

I have a tendency to sometimes type things that don’t match what I’m thinking or make really odd typos that don’t seem to make sense, especially when I’m going fast, undoing just makes the whole process feel much better.

It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I reviewed some of the kanji or words more but in the end I’m not here to do reviews or even learn vocab, I’m here to learn to read kanji. learning japanese for the most part is “out there” reading books, listening to videos/podcasts/livestreams/people and hopefully having conversations myself, this is just a means to an end and undo is a means to make the means better.

so yeah not completely essential, but I really would rather not lose it.

Well Double Check being broken was a big enough issue for me that I spent basically a full work day building a workaround script.

EDIT: Okay, if anyone knows developers we often do things just to see if we can, so maybe I had other incentives too.


Yeah I think anybody who’s used SRS for a few months will get a feel for when something should be dropped or not. Sometimes in my Anki deck I will mark something known even when I fail just because I know that I don’t have the bandwidth or motivation to deal with it now, and when it’ll come back in a few months either I’ll have learned it by then or I’ll have the opportunity to reset it then.

Similarly for WK I tend to be a lot stricter with vocab that seems important to me, but I won’t hesitate to fudge it more if a word doesn’t seem particularly relevant to my interests. Like if I miss “steam whistle”… I think I’ll survive.


I absolutely use scripts. Not only do I struggle to type things correctly when trying to blast through reviews, but I have to use a Japanese computer at work and let’s just say the keyboard just feels “weird” to type on compared to my Mac. I constantly press the wrong letters and you need to press weirdly hard for input so sometimes they won’t appear. Before I started using scripts (only started like 2 levels ago because I didn’t know they existed) I would have multiple wrong answers. The system is ok at catching English mistakes (not perfect though) but makes no leeway for kana mishaps due to typing errors. I just started getting to the point where I Burn items, if I miss anything due to typing error frankly I’ll be so upset ;-; Praying they update the scripts quickly


I did WK “raw” until about level 25 when I lost a level up because of a typo.

After that I began exploring scripts and never looked back. Double Check is so good it should be integrated into the main website (as an option) imo.

There’s also some really good quality of life stuff like dashboard progress plus that just make the overall experience better.

At base functionality I think WK works just fine, but it definitely benefits from scripts, especially when you hit the 20+ range and things start to pile up. With an easier to use UI and the ability to make a mistake here and there without being completely punished it becomes way more manageable imo.


I am at level 29, really soon I’ll hit 30 and I have never used a script. I usually do wanikani at work, so I cannot download script things onto my work computer. Even if I could, I probably would only want the heatmap progress report type of scripts to see progress.

Regarding the update, I miss the summary page, although everything else is still fine. The pop up to confirm I was ready for the Lesson quiz was cool, but I can still use wanikani just fine.

Vanilla wanikani is what I paid for and what I use so my life has not been majorly disrupted

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hard to say how many people use vanila Wanikani ,it is basic and that is .
But i think , a lot more people use script ,than we think , because Wanikani make the promotion of it :

  • all member of wanikani have forum acces (same account )
  • on the API page there is a link for Api and third party on the forum so they show what is possible
  • they make the community as a argument for selling
  • all the review for wanikani mention user script or the community
  • do not forget that they made script with wanikani possible , if the dev didn’t want that then they can cut the fonctionality .

so that is why i think a lot of people use them
yes it is possible to finish wanikani without script (and that is absolutly fine ^^ ) , but when there is confort option people will use them !

Fun fact… GreasyFork’s statistics tell me that about 5,500 users check for updates of Open Framework every day, and about 2,900 users check for updates of Double-Check.


I held off on installing Double-Check for a long time, and it’s still nowhere close to my most used script.

What I really miss are:
[Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Filter
[Userscript] ConfusionGuesser
[UserScript] WaniKani Fast Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answer
[Userscript] Stroke Order Diagram
[Userscript] Keisei 形声 Semantic-Phonetic Composition

Yes, most of those are not “essential” but they really worked well with my learning style and improved my retention.

It seems like WK is working to try to get something like Semantic-Phonetic Composition included in some item pages:
but the script did it much better.

And, I’ll be honest, I still don’t really understand why WK doesn’t natively include stroke order for kanji anywhere.


Have you updated Stroke Order? That one should be working

Oooh, good to know! I haven’t gotten to kanji lessons yet (because no Lesson Filter so giant pile of vocab to get through first). Will make sure to update that ASAP.


It is. Thank you.

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Yeah. I will sometimes give an irrelevant vocabulary word the synonym “crap” if I don’t want to deal with it. Suspended Indictment? What? I had to ask my law enforcement husband what that meant. The answer took ten minutes to explain. I am pretty sure I will never need this vocabulary item ever.

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That’s what you think.

My lawyers will be in touch.


I had no idea this forum was so dangerous…

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I can’t be bothered to keep 光栄(こうえい) and 栄光(えいこう) apart. Which is honor, which is glory? Don’t ask me. I’ll learn it if it comes up in something I’m reading, otherwise I’m satisfied with knowing the readings of the kanji and the general gist.


I struggled with that pair too, maybe my way of distinguishing between them could be a help to others too. So, I focus on the top of 光, that in the middle it looks like a tiny ‘I’ letter. So when I see 栄光(えいこう), I look at the top and see the ‘I’ letter (which is the sound the y makes at the end of glory), so I ‘‘know’’ that the word ends in ‘i’, meaning it is not honor, but glory. (disclaimer: in my own language, the ‘i’ sounds always like it does in ‘it’, not like it sounds in ‘I’).

And then I focus on how stupid it is, that the reading of the kanji with the I on top doesn’t end in i, the other one does. How much easier it would be, if the reading of glory would be こうえい, but it’s not, it is the other way around, because life sucks. So I focus on this feeling and feel disappointed and annoyed.

This line of thought made it easy for me to distinguish between them :sweat_smile:


How funny, 光栄 just came up tonight in the VN I was reading. Of course I couldn’t remember which one it was (glory or honor) and it wasn’t exactly clear from context. So I’ve been trying to make a mnemonic to finally keep the two separate. I got nothing so far.


A trick is remembering the sound of a favorite line, to enhance vocabulary Kana. I think there are associated ones in Anime Context Sentence / Immersion Kit.

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^A little too convoluted for me:)

I guess if I cared enough to make a mnemonic I’d say “It would be an honor to have the light 光 of prosperity 栄 shine upon me” and if it’s not “the light of prosperity” then it must be the other one.

My point here was more that there are some words I’m not too invested in learning, more than “I can’t keep these apart, try as I might” :stuck_out_tongue: