I frequently add Heisig definitions for radicals I re-learn here. Today I tried to add “each” for “kiss” (各). The app let me enter and save it, but it won’t accept it for an answer in review. Are there forbidden words, and if so is there a rule for them?
There’s a very long thread about that particular situation here: Can we talk about banned user synonyms, especially for radicals
TL;DR - Radicals which match with a kanji, but use a mnemonic different from their respective kanji meaning are not currently given any love.
It’s actually been brought up a few times, and I’ve also e-mailed the WaniKani team about the disadvantages it brings. Hopefully they’ll actually allow us to start using kanji meanings for such radicals again soon.
Edit: I think I’ll tag the @Mods to let them know that this has come up again, since this is actually the third or fourth time I’ve seen this mentioned on the forums. (I.e., the radical 各 does not allow “each” as a user synonym, even though “each” is the correct meaning for the kanji 各.)
Aye, all cards have a hidden block list. Usually it’s either (a) words that seem to be similar in English but actually have quite distinct definitions, or (b) slight misspellings which would be passed by the “close enough” checker, but which are also words that have related but dissimmilar meanings (like “north” and “south” are close enough in spelling that each would be allowed by the other, but they’re antonyms). If a word is on the block list, it can’t be overridden by user synonyms.
(But yeah, it’s a bit rude of them to add kanji meanings to radical block lists…)
With the Item Inspector script I am able to verify that the kiss radical has an empty block list. Whatever the issue encountered by OP the block list has no part in it.
As someone who just reset from level 60 to level 1, I really hope this isn’t a common issue for me because there’s no way I’m re-learning the arbitrary radical names that I don’t need to learn because I already know all the kanji.
I could be wrong, but you can’t actually add user synonyms during lessons. That’s a user script that enables that function. As I’m redoing levels, I found that I could add a user synonym already during lessons. I did and it looked like it worked. But, later during reviews, it hadn’t been saved.
So I have do do it over, during the review session, which also means it isn’t saved until next review session.
Did you experience something similar? Because, if so, then it’s the script that stopped working, not something to do with how WK functions.
Maybe warning list was there before, but now it is removed?
Normally, it would be in auxillary_meanings, but editing it somehow would also edit the warning list and block list.
The Wanikani team said it would normally warn.
It’s not a matter of timing. It lets me add a synonym, but it won’t accept it on review. I tried “every” and that also failed. It seems like WaniKani is saying that I can’t use the meaning of the kanji when it wants a radical mnemonic (though that works in many other cases). My work-around for now is to use “eeach”; that’s accepted in the review.
You completely lost me with that comment, but I wish you luck in how to resolve your problems.
Yes, the block list is empty, but the “warning list” is not. [1] The warning list is sadly not available through the public API.
The intended behavior for meanings on the warning list is for the input box to shake and show a message that they want a different meaning. A bug causes the answer to instead be marked wrong if the user has added this meaning to their user synonyms.
Can be checked with
(await fetch("https://www.wanikani.com/extra_study/items?ids=180").then(r => r.json()))[0]
Oh yeah, I forgot about that bug.
The point is that “eeach” isn’t on the block (or warning) list because it’s a misspelling, which means the “user synonyms can’t override these specified words” doesn’t trigger.
We’ll take a look, thanks!
I dumped all the warnings.
- id: 180
slug: kiss
- meaning: Each
message: Oops, we want the radical meaning, not the kanji meaning.
- meaning: Every
message: Oops, we want the radical meaning, not the kanji meaning.
- id: 727
slug: 持
- meaning: gold
message: Was this a typo?
- id: 842
slug: 温
- meaning: Hot
message: It does mean that in some words, but what does it mean on its own?
- id: 1013
slug: 非
- meaning: Criminal
message: That's right for the identical radical, but what about the kanji?
- id: 1071
slug: 冊
- meaning: Book
message: This is correct in some contexts, but we are looking for a more precise
- meaning: Books
message: This is correct in some contexts, but we are looking for a more precise
- id: 1162
slug: 各
- meaning: Kiss
message: Oops, we want the kanji meaning, not the radical meaning.
- id: 1209
slug: 贅
- meaning: せい
message: That's technically possible but quite rare. What's a common reading?
- id: 2481
slug: 入れる
- meaning: To Be Able To Enter
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Can Enter
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2490
slug: 上げる
- meaning: To Rise
message: That's close, but not quite right.
- id: 2491
slug: 上がる
- meaning: To Raise
message: That's close, but not quite right.
- meaning: To Raise Something
message: That's close, but not quite right.
- id: 2502
slug: 大人
- meaning: Giant
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2540
slug: 文
- meaning: Letter
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2544
slug: 一月
- meaning: One Month
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2587
slug: 立てる
- meaning: Can Stand Up
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Be Able To Stand Up
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Stand
message: That's possible, but what's a less ambiguous answer?
- id: 2635
slug: 市
- meaning: Market
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2660
slug: 一文字
- meaning: One Character
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
- id: 2661
slug: 大文字
- meaning: Daimonji
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2698
slug: 見える
- meaning: To See
message: That's possible in some contexts, but what's a more literal
- meaning: See
message: That's possible in some contexts, but what's a more literal
- id: 2713
slug: 三世
- meaning: The Third
message: That's possible in a compound, but what about if you use it on its own?
- meaning: The 3rd
message: That's possible in a compound, but what about if you use it on its own?
- id: 2782
slug: 何人
- meaning: What Nationality
message: "That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned. "
- meaning: Anyone
message: "That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned. "
- meaning: Whoever
message: "That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned. "
- id: 2835
slug: 角
- meaning: Horn
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Antler
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Antenna
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Feeler
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 2932
slug: 〜札
- meaning: Tag
message: That's correct when this is a standalone word, but it's a suffix here.
- meaning: Amulet
message: That's correct when this is a standalone word, but it's a suffix here.
- meaning: Label
message: That's correct when this is a standalone word, but it's a suffix here.
- meaning: Playing Card
message: That's correct when this is a standalone word, but it's a suffix here.
- id: 3102
slug: 実
- meaning: Fruit
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Nut
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 3204
slug: 歌
- meaning: Sing
message: That's one of the kanji meanings, but what's the vocabulary meaning?
- id: 3439
slug: 早口
- meaning: Hayaguchi
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 3561
slug: 開く
- meaning: To Open Something
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 3936
slug: イギリス人
- meaning: British
message: It does mean that in some contexts, but what does it mean on its own?
- id: 4113
slug: 洗練
- meaning: Refining
message: Polishing
- id: 4189
slug: 履く
- meaning: To Wear
message: That's close, but not quite right. Try to be a bit more specific.
- id: 4278
slug: 被る
- meaning: To Suffer
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Receive
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 4472
slug: 認める
- meaning: To Write
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Eat
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 4525
slug: 大勢
- meaning: General Situation
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
- meaning: General Trend
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
- id: 4596
slug: 職場
- meaning: Work
message: That's right, but can you be more specific?
- id: 4966
slug: 触れる
- meaning: To Be Able To Touch
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Can Touch
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 5013
slug: 巨大
- meaning: Giant
message: That's a bit ambiguous. Can you give us another meaning?
- id: 5562
slug: 傷める
- meaning: To Hurt Something
message: That's close, but not quite right.
- meaning: To Hurt Someone
message: That's close, but not quite right.
- meaning: To Hurt
message: That's close, but not quite right.
- id: 6089
slug: 旬
- meaning: Ten-day Period
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 6247
slug: 弾く
- meaning: To Pluck
message: That's possible, but what's a less ambiguous answer?
- id: 6277
slug: 片言
- meaning: One Side Of A Story
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 6350
slug: 称える
- meaning: To Call
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Name
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Assume The Name Of
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 6876
slug: この頃
- meaning: In Those Days
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: At That Time
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Then
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7462
slug: 万人
- meaning: Ten Thousand People
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7481
slug: 形容動詞
- meaning: Adjective
message: That's close, but can you be more specific?
- id: 7530
slug: 向ける
- meaning: To Face Towards
message: That's possible, but what's a less ambiguous answer?
- id: 7544
slug: 伝
- meaning: Legend
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Biography
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Life
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7553
slug: 機
- meaning: Loom
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7573
slug: 表
- meaning: Table
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Chart
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: List
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7653
slug: 額
- meaning: Forehead
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7669
slug: 用
- meaning: もち
message: Oops, we want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading.
- id: 7672
slug: 〜形
- meaning: Shape
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Shaped
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 7738
slug: 生地
- meaning: Birthplace
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
- meaning: Place Of Birth
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
- id: 7774
slug: 用心棒
- meaning: Yojimbo
message: That's not wrong, but what's the English word?
- id: 8190
slug: 凝る
- meaning: To Freeze
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: To Congeal
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 8624
slug: 某〜
- meaning: Someone Or Other
message: That's correct when it's a standalone word, but what about when it's a
- meaning: You-Know-Who
message: That's correct when it's a standalone word, but what about when it's a
- meaning: Something
message: That's correct when it's a standalone word, but what about when it's a
- id: 8800
slug: 札
- meaning: Bill
message: That's correct when this is a suffix, but it's a standalone word here.
- meaning: Note
message: That's correct when this is a suffix, but it's a standalone word here.
- id: 8811
slug: 御札
- meaning: Bill
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- meaning: Note
message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
- id: 9070
slug: 〜分
- meaning: Part
message: That's possible, but what about when it's a suffix added to a number?
- meaning: Portion
message: That's possible, but what about when it's a suffix added to a number?
Readings too.
- id: 453
slug: 大
- message: Those readings are correct, but you only need to enter one of them.
reading: たいだい
- message: Those readings are correct, but you only need to enter one of them.
reading: たい、だい
- message: Those readings are correct, but you only need to enter one of them.
reading: だいたい
- message: Those readings are correct, but you only need to enter one of them.
reading: だい、たい
- id: 852
slug: 合
- message: Almost, but not quite. This is a weird case, so take another look at
the kanji page to confirm the reading if you need to.
reading: がつ
- id: 966
slug: 取
- message: WaniKani is looking for the on’yomi reading.
reading: とり
- id: 1472
slug: 似
- message: We changed the main reading to kun’yomi recently. Check the 似 page if
you need to.
reading: ね
- id: 1726
slug: 埼
- message: That’s possible but really rare. Can you give a more common reading?
reading: さき
- id: 2015
slug: 貼
- message: That's technically possible, but pretty rare. What's a common reading?
reading: つ
- id: 2059
slug: 刈
- message: That reading is pretty obscure. What's a more common reading?
reading: かい
- message: That reading is pretty obscure. What's a more common reading?
reading: がい
- id: 2166
slug: 牲
- message: That's pretty obscure. What's the most common reading?
reading: いけにえ
- id: 2185
slug: 乃
- message: We changed the main reading to kun’yomi recently. Check the 乃 page if
you need to.
reading: ない
- id: 8837
slug: 串
- message: That is possible but it’s really rare. What's a more common reading?
reading: かん
- id: 8859
slug: 諦
- message: We changed the main reading to kun’yomi recently. Check the 諦 page if
you need to.
reading: てい
- id: 2481
slug: 入れる
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: はいれる
- id: 2483
slug: 八つ
- message: That's close, but try typing "yattsu" to get that little っ.
reading: やつつ
- message: That's possible in compounds, but what about as an individual word?
reading: やつ
- id: 2487
slug: 三つ
- message: That's close, but try typing "mittsu" to get that little っ.
reading: みつつ
- message: That's possible in compounds, but what about as an individual word?
reading: みつ
- id: 2502
slug: 大人
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: たいじん
- id: 2508
slug: 土
- message: Oops, we want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading.
reading: と
- id: 2538
slug: 下手
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: しもて
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: したて
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: したで
- id: 2539
slug: 上手
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: うわて
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: かみて
- id: 2540
slug: 文
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ふみ
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: もん
- id: 2544
slug: 一月
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ひとつき
- id: 2579
slug: 生
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: せい
- id: 2594
slug: 今日
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: こんにち
- id: 2614
slug: 止める
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: やめる
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: とどめる
- id: 2635
slug: 市
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: いち
- id: 2636
slug: 市立
- message: That's possible, but what's a more common reading?
reading: いちりつ
- id: 2660
slug: 一文字
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
reading: ひともじ
- id: 2661
slug: 大文字
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: だいもんじ
- id: 2797
slug: 金
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: かね
- id: 2806
slug: 体
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: てい
- id: 2835
slug: 角
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: つの
- id: 2932
slug: 〜札
- message: That's correct when this is a standalone word or part of a compound,
but it's a suffix here.
reading: ふだ
- id: 2961
slug: 何時
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: いつ
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: なんどき
- id: 2982
slug: 魚
- message: That's possible, but what's a much more common reading?
reading: うお
- id: 2987
slug: 黄色
- message: That's possible but rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: おうしょく
- id: 3013
slug: 役
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: えき
- id: 3034
slug: 場合
- message: You'll hear that sometimes, but it's not an official pronunciation for
this word.
reading: ばわい
- id: 3069
slug: 人数
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: にんず
- id: 3102
slug: 実
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: み
- id: 3185
slug: 開ける
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ひらける
- id: 3356
slug: 商人
- message: That's possible but it's old-fashioned. What's the standard reading
these days?
reading: あきゅうど
- message: That's possible but it's old-fashioned. What's the standard reading
these days?
reading: あきんど
- id: 3422
slug: 手作り
- message: That's the right sound, but try typing "du" to get づ.
reading: つずくり
- id: 3439
slug: 早口
- message: That reading is possible in place names, but what about the rest of the
reading: はやぐち
- id: 3561
slug: 開く
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ひらく
- id: 3711
slug: 〜的
- message: That reading is correct for the independent noun, but this is a suffix.
reading: まと
- id: 3955
slug: 内側
- message: That's possible, but what's a much more common reading?
reading: ないそく
- id: 3956
slug: 外側
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: がいそく
- id: 4278
slug: 被る
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: こうむる
- id: 4323
slug: 臭い
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: におい
- id: 4472
slug: 認める
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: したためる
- id: 4525
slug: 大勢
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
reading: たいせい
- id: 4922
slug: 我
- message: Oops, we want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading.
reading: わ
- id: 4966
slug: 触れる
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: さわれる
- id: 5002
slug: 捕える
- message: That's possible but extremely rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: つかまえる
- id: 5081
slug: 誘う
- message: That’s possible, but what’s a much more common reading?
reading: いざなう
- id: 5092
slug: 退く
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: どく
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: のく
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ひく
- id: 5145
slug: 夫婦
- message: That's possible, but what's a much more common reading?
reading: めおと
- id: 5716
slug: 主
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: しゅ
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: あるじ
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: おも
- id: 5757
slug: 吐く
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: つく
- id: 5986
slug: 摘む
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: つまむ
- id: 6089
slug: 旬
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: じゅん
- id: 6247
slug: 弾く
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: はじく
- id: 6277
slug: 片言
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: へんげん
- id: 6328
slug: 銃
- message: Oops, we're looking for the reading, not the meaning.
reading: ぐん
- id: 6350
slug: 称える
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: となえる
- id: 6456
slug: 埋もれる
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: うずもれる
- id: 6579
slug: 床
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: とこ
- id: 6876
slug: この頃
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: このころ
- id: 7156
slug: 紛れ
- message: That's possible, but what about when this is used as a standalone word?
reading: まぎれ
- id: 7224
slug: 大麻
- message: That's possible, but there's a more common reading.
reading: おおあさ
- id: 7320
slug: 陶器
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: すえき
- id: 7445
slug: 麻布
- message: That reading is the name of a place, but what about the rest of the
reading: あざぶ
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: あさふ
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: まふ
- id: 7462
slug: 万人
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: まんにん
- id: 7465
slug: 〜人
- message: That's possible, but how do you read it when it's a counter, as in 三人?
reading: じん
- id: 7544
slug: 伝
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: でん
- id: 7553
slug: 機
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: はた
- id: 7555
slug: 剣
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: つるぎ
- id: 7561
slug: 一日
- message: Watch out for the small ぃ. Try typing "tsui" for this one.
reading: つぃたち
- id: 7573
slug: 表
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ひょう
- id: 7653
slug: 額
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ひたい
- id: 7672
slug: 〜形
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: かた
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: がた
- id: 7738
slug: 生地
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned for
this word.
reading: せいち
- id: 8089
slug: 和尚
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: わじょう
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: かしょう
- id: 8161
slug: 酷い
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: むごい
- id: 8190
slug: 凝る
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: こごる
- id: 8270
slug: 大尉
- message: That's possible but very old-fashioned. What's the modern reading?
reading: だいい
- id: 8359
slug: 弔う
- message: That's possible but it's old-fashioned. What's the standard reading
these days?
reading: とぶらう
- id: 8515
slug: 早乙女
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: そうとめ
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: そおとめ
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: さをとめ
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: さとめ
- id: 8520
slug: 凸凹
- message: That's possible but very rare. What's a much more common reading?
reading: とつおう
- id: 8800
slug: 札
- message: That's correct when this is a suffix, but it's a standalone word here.
reading: さつ
- id: 8811
slug: 御札
- message: That's possible, but it's not the reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: おさつ
- id: 9009
slug: 天王星
- message: That's possible, but there's a much more common reading.
reading: てんおうせい
- id: 9070
slug: 〜分
- message: That's the reading with rendaku, but what's the original reading?
reading: ぷん
- message: That's possible, but what about when it's a suffix added to a number?
reading: ぶん
- message: That's possible, but it's not a reading/meaning pair you learned.
reading: ぶ
not sure why this suddenly doesn’t work, but passing it along since it seems different than what the others in the thread mentioned.
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