Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

Oh my, so many new post on this thread! So apologies if I say once more what has already been said and sorry @TofuguJenny for tagging you, but… On mobile devices, in the Extra Study mode when it’s time to input the answer (no matter if it’s meaning or reading) the page automatically scrolls down so much that the item under review disappears and I’m left with please see pic.
Is this a :ant: (omg this joke is terrible!!!) that can be fixed or not?
Thank you :blush:.

And yes, one more voice to the choir: summary page after a review session is really important becauae it gives users an immediate glimpse of progress (yay, motivation to keep going!) and glitches (yay! [?!?] motovation to do better)…So it’d be great to have it back :cry:


For me, session timeouts were really inconsistent. Sometimes a session wouldn’t time out after hours of having my computer locked, and other times it would time out if I went to do something for just five minutes. Honestly I don’t really understand what would make that happen, but it did.


Thanks for the hard work, I guess it will take some time to get used to finding where the usual elements are, the thick black border around the text input box is a little bothersome, the space looks sqeezed in, I prefer the phone app for now.

I am on ubuntu Firefox and the outline around the answer text box is red. Very distracting, not even mentioning how cursed it looks, when I get something right and the red-outlined-green-box is then kissed from above by a different colored green box. And sure, I have a phone, but I type at least 10 times faster on a keyboard, so I am always doing my reviews on my laptop. (+1 again for bringing back the summary page).


Still no undo (even optional): you either double your review time as you double / triple check or you mess up your potential burned items and send them back in the far future for you to potentially forget again ahah.


Big bug here for 優先 red ゆうせん.

When I get it wrong, for no reason it pulls out the kanji reading and not the vocabulary reading.

but when I get it correct, it shows the correct details

Same! It was a useful measure to know when to progress further :confused:
It doesn’t have to be a page, but a short even breadcrumb-like summary saying ‘last review:85%’ or something would be much appreciated!

Thanks for the bug report and helpful screenshot @RobertaB! If you don’t mind, could you give me the following information so that I can add this to the bug report: Do you know if this also happens in lesson quizzes and/or reviews, or is it only in Extra Study? What device, operating system, browser, and browser version are you using? Thank you so much for your help!


Right before starting a lesson, It would show what exactly I got wrong and right last time. This is completely gone now and I cannot find anything related to it in the list of updates. Is this just some technical issue or was it intentionally removed?

I do kind of miss it.

After doing some reviews with the new UI, I have a suggestion:

If I use E to expand all the hidden info for an item it often increases to the point where there is a lot of vertical scrolling. The arrow keys work to move up/down on the page, but I should also be allowed to use the PgUp/PgDown keys to quickly move up and down in order to see the information I am after.

I generally don’t touch the mouse at all when doing reviews and in my opinion the more keyboard controls that are available the better.

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Please can we have the old UI back.

The old one wasn’t very good but thanks to the scripts it was functional. Without these working its pretty unusable.

It’s very disappointing that the very important features provided by scripts were not recognised and then built into the UI design as standard.


Please bring back the summary page. It was crucial to know how successful I was in the review.


Sadly, gone forever. This is a new “feature”.

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Just did some new lessons and noticed, they even removed the lesson counter… :frowning:
Please consider bringing it back, just like the summary page after reviews.

The best time to bring back the summary page was the moment you took it away

The second best time is right now (it doesn’t matter when you read this)


Hi @Atlas27! Welcome to the community and thank you for the bug report. Would you mind sending us more details about this to hello@wanikani.com? A screenshot and the details of your device, operating system, browser and browser version would really help us to debug.

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This is so cool! :tada: I wish we had a dark mode :full_moon_with_face:

Thank you for your huge effort.

But i have to say , not having the usual scripts , and having divided sections had reverse effect.
I miss clicking one space and seeing all the details in one shot

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Checking your css it looks like your largest breakpoint is at 800px, which is ridiculous. The site might look okay on tablets or small laptops, but it is too tiny on larger screens. So much wasted real estate. I suggest you create another breakpoint at 1200px or so for desktop users.


it’s interesting to see the difference in the response this thread got, and the corresponding thread announcing the update to script developers.

for script developers, the summary page disappearing was hardly worth a note. if anything, it was met with mild approval.

for normal users just doing reviews, it is perhaps the most noticeable new “feature”, and a major loss.

this demonstrates very nicely how important it is to test new features with the people who actually use them, not just with developers. the user doesn’t care how much better the underlying code is.

but right now it seems that all we can hope for is that the developers implement a new summary page ASAP. that is: a page which we see when we finish our reviews, which shows us at a glance, on a single screen, how we did.
