Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

I agree 48 hours is reasonable. I’m just seeing a lot of “WHY IS NOBODY LISTENING” type of sentiment on this thread, when realistically I wouldn’t expect anything to start happening until 10am PDT tomorrow at the earliest.


The absolute trauma of making a typo on a burn review :sob:
I never bothered with user scripts but this thread is making me feel like maybe I should (if they ever get fixed)!

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Wanikani is either going to have to do refunds or extend memberships if they don’t get this fixed quick

Second post after doing reviews / lessons for the day.

QoL issues
Ive read the loss of the summary is due to removing lesson time-outs. Personally Id rather keep the summary and have to repeat 1-5 reviews when I leave for too long.

The smaller text size on PC is also really annoying.It is counter-productive to altering the colours for visibility.

Thank you but please roll back
It would be great if you could roll this update back and work on it a bit more. in a beta version with actual users.
I appreciate the wanikani team is trying to improve the experience but I think you need input from users before such drastic changes. To even consider that romoving the review summary is a good idea is incomprehensible.

I hope this is just a short term negative which will lead to an overall quality improvement.
In future, I suggest the wanikani team prepares us for such changes in advance (clearly stated on the front page, we don`t all use the forums).


I agree, keep summary as is unless a timeout actually occurred? Don’t remove it for everyone

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Ok cool so theres now also no post review to see how you did? It just auto went back to the home page. Who approved this update, where is the quality control lmao


Please bring back the summary page or at least give us an explanation !


After going through my reviews and lessons this update feels like it was made purely for mobile and there was 0 thought into people viewing it on a desk/laptop, screams 0 lack of design and forethought into how people actually view your system.


Me going to bed hoping everything will magically be 100% fixed by morning:

  • Enter key on lessons. Why was this removed? Who thought removing this was a good feature?
  • The whole panel is squished, open it on a full screen browser now and wanikani looks ridiculous, whoever designed the new UI hasn’t heard of flex boxes or dynamic scaling, its all hard set to look like your viewing a mobile phone on your PC.
  • Why was the summary removed after reviews? To whos benefit is this? Again I don’t know how in the world an entire section being removed was passed through and approved as a “feature”
  • What is with the HARD black outline on the reviews? IT STANDS OUT AS MUCH AS TYPING IN CAPITALS just revert this back, I know where I’m typing

Honestly 0/10 update, nothing was even added that I can hope to use, hope for a revert or a “legacy” mode ASAP, embarrassing choice to have these changes approved.


This is honestly kind of a terrible update :frowning:
So much unnecessary whitespace, and also: Why is there a super annoying dark-blue outline on the text input field. Please improve this, it has been a straight downgrade for me.


I never use the community, so sorry in advance if I break any rules.
I use an old browser, mostly because I’m allergic to newer versions of Firefox and Chrome. Not so old, mind you, that it should be sunset soon. For reference, I use Waterfox G3.2.6.
Sadly, since the update, anything and everything about Wanikani is broken… I can’t do reviews (good thing I don’t have any lessons anymore), text doesn’t get converted to JP, and any input in a review is just ignored and a new review is sent…
I don’t think maintaining support on a newer version of the app for older browser is possible, but then for us dinosaurs that don’t want to update, would it be possible to access the old version of the app? I saw someone suggest something like old.wanikani.com, that would really be great!

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Please bring back the summary pages it helps with my study :pray:


Honestly finding the text size etc harder to read and usually I am excited to do a long session but within 2 minutes I wanted to stop. Sigh. Would try to get used to it.

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Eeeh… it should be trivial to implement, if you do it locally.
Track the data and when the user ends the reviews, either manually or because all items are done, display the gathered data.
If you do it locally, you also aren’t dependent on session ID’s etc.

That’s what I said earlier, I agree, I don’t think Javascript requires local storage for just an array or dictionary (of GUIDs or whatever) to remember what the heck it has just shown you and how you responded.

EDIT: Obvs not very scalable since everyone will roll their own solution but ho hum for now.

A quick downvote for the blue focus ring. It makes everything quite cramped and it is harder to focus while doing review. It seems unnecessary to highlight this location as it is where 99% of time is spent while doing reviews.


FYI, the browser local storage thing was conjecture on my part. One of the things from the API thread was that they’re no longer using JStorage, which I’m guessing is a wrapper or polyfill for that. I haven’t looked too closely.

Yep, people seem to have used A TON of scrips. Kinda reminds me of fellow raiders in World of Warcraft bitching when their addons break on patch day. :joy:

Main problem, from what I gather: many are ancient and no longer supported/developed. So naturally, people are going to miss the added functionality.

Personally, I only used the dark stylus theme, that has (thank God) been updated.
I hate white user interfaces.

I’ve done my lessons on mobile to try out the full scope of the changes and I admit that it felt better than the usual, so I 100% agree with anyone who said that this is a mobile-focused update.

However, it doesn’t seem fair to give the desktop users a miserable experience in exchange. I’m pretty sure there are ways to change the website style according to the device (phone, tablet, desktop) of the user: a more thoughtful change should’ve done this instead of trying a one-size-fits-all approach.