Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

Oh most definitely.

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This post deserves some kind of award :metal:t2:

Just so you know: For the 2 years Iā€™ve been on WaniKani, this large of an update that is this large of a fiasco has not happened until now. And, searching back through the updates of the system before I joined, itā€™s an extremely rare occurrence for WaniKani.


Yes, you are right. We should help them rollback.

There is something called git versioning though.


Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but the audio that automatically plays seems to be cut off now? Not sure if itā€™s related to the update but I just noticed this.

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Roll it back fellas, I canā€™t even figure out how to advance in reviews now. Nothing to click on the page to advance, hitting enter doesnā€™t workā€¦ I think you need to revert this update ASAP and do a lot more internal testing before release. I have to resort to my third party mobile app to stay on top of my workload now, assuming the update hasnā€™t broken that too.

Appreciate the effort and the ideas behind some of the updates, but youā€™ve removed a shit tonne of QOL


Well, something similar happened in 2021 in Bunpro, one of the Wanikani blatant copy-cats, they had almost the same user interface as wanikani, except for the colors and fonts, which was okay because it is a grammar SRS, but when they tried to do changes that were clearly made by people that had never used the product and were just changing things for the sake of it, trying to step away from the Wanikani style, they got a lot of backlash from the users, just like itā€™s happening here.
They rolled everything back within 48 hours.

So I believe Wanikani can fix this fast if they try, they are a larger entity.


Duolingo cocked it up worse, but at least Duolingo is free (unless you are some kind of whale who likes to click on shiny buttons) EDIT: Or are serious about language learning :wink: In which case, why Duolingo lol

Maybe you can try to ask for a refund under the argument that it is not the same product that you payed for anymore.

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Me? Iā€™m not that mad about it, theyā€™ll sort it out soon? They could extend subs for a while though if they really wanted to make amends I guess.

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If the work they did were ā€œhardā€ then it would have been well thought out, well tested and a good update, this was just ā€œdone workā€ at best.


Oh wow, what a chain of reactions.
Iā€™m usually using the vanilla UI from mobile with Chrome and just wanted to say that the upgrade works well for me.
Tried it yesterday and works fine on desktop FF too.
Never thought it would break otherā€™s experience so muchā€¦ (maybe itā€™s broken everywhere because of the userscripts?)

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I think as others have said itā€™s a major refactoring intended to make QoL better in the long term (which IS a lot of hard work). Short termā€¦ not so good though.


The black outline is really jarring and stands out way too much. For UI updates like this it would be very nice if you just kept a ā€œlegacyā€ mode so we donā€™t need to change. Iā€™m already happy with your services and Iā€™m not gaining anything here from this update, just looks worse.


as an experience software developer myself i see this update, without any kind of backward compatibility option for the userscripts as a very very bad strategic release.

the app has became unusable for many users, including me.

i know there was good a intention with the changes but the success of your app heavily depends on community userscripts so you need to take them into account. always.

please revert to a previous version and offer the option to upgrade as optional


lol, sorry, replied to the wrong person

I really donā€™t want to go through the hassle.

I like the new look of the UI, good job! Do you think you could add an option to hide the remaining and completed review count along with the progress bar? I always use Inspect to remove these before I do my reviews as I work better when I donā€™t worry about how many reviews I have left. AnkiDeck has this feature built into their software.

Just an email might do, they are very quick at replying, at least every time I reported typos.

Ok just found out that the descriptions when opening them are wrong too so thats cool. Looks like no testing was put into this release