Translations for Allergy Warnings?

A friend of mind with some food allergies is travelling to Japan soon and needs to be able to warn people of her allergies (she speaks no Japanese). I’m not yet at a point where I can translate better than Google translate, so I was wondering if folks here could provide her with translations for the following phrases:

“I’m allergic to sesame”
“No sesame”
“I cannot eat raw fish or shellfish"

Thanks a bunch!

I’m not sure if セサミ or ごま is more common for sesame.

But “I’m allergic to _______” is「なになに」のアレルギーがあります
No _______ is 「なになに」なしで
I cannot eat _______ is 「なになに」を食べられません


Great, thanks! So for the last translation (“I cannot eat raw fish or shellfish”), would one say 生の魚と貝お食べられません?

すみません。[セサミ / ごま] アレルギーなんです。
–>(Excuse me, I have a sesame allergy)

これに [セサミ / ごま] は入っていますか。
–>(Does this have sesame in it?)

[セサミ / ごま] 抜きでお願いします。
–>(Without sesame please)

–>(I cannot eat raw fish or shellfish)

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Just gonna throw this neat resource here:


Saw @anon20839864’s avatar as the last reply to this topic. First thought: “What can possibly have happened in here that a thread titled Translations for Allergy Warnings needs locked?”


Psh, I don’t just lock threads. I can have fun when you guys are behaving too. (Like a few times a year :sob:)


If you still have time for funziez today, I bet you’d win best 2D Cat post in the Nyaa~wards thread if you post one.

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I meant to post this the other day, but then I started teaching my “niece” some basic Japanese and got distracted.

Anyways… thanks much for these cards!
Do you think this will be effective?


Probably not. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as nickel allergy until I looked it up just now, but it doesn’t sound very fun. I don’t think many Japanese people will know what that means immediately either.

Maybe @mamimumason or @TofuguKanae can come up with some things you can say that will be safer.

It also depends on the severity of the allergy. Like, is it just foods that naturally contain nickel or will pots/utensils used in the cooking process need to be nickel free? (Also there’s nickel in a lot of Japanese coins so that might be a concern too.)

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Hi @alexbeldan ! I worked at restaurants/bars in Japan for years, but never heard of it and many cooks are probably not aware of nickel allergy in Japan (seems like in the U.S. either). Also, I don’t think many Japanese people recognize the word ニッケル or know it is a type of metal, so it’d be better to say 「私は、ニッケルという金属のアレルギーです。」 that means “I’m allergic to a type of metal called nickel.”

Also, I think showing a list of certain ingredients you want to avoid would help them understand better. As a reference, I found this list - from a blog of someone with nickel allergy in Japan.


えん麦 小麦胚芽 米ぬか はと麦 そば チョコレート アーモンド カシューナッツ 栗 くるみ ココナッツ ごま ブラジルナッツ 松の実 へーゼルナッツ マカダミアナッツ 落花生 バタピー ピーナッツバター 小豆 いんげん豆 えんどう 大豆
きなこ 納豆 緑豆 米みそ 麦みそ メルルーサ あわび あさり はまぐり するめいか うに 焼き板かまぼこ きじ アンティチョーク グリーンピース わらび しそ たけのこ トマトペースト なずな そら豆 なめこ ひらたけ あおのり のり 昆布 ひじき わかめ 玉露 抹茶 煎茶 番茶 かまいり茶 ほうじ茶 玄米茶 ウーロン茶 麦茶 紅茶 ココア コーヒー 醤油 ガーリックパウダー セイジ さんしょう タイム パプリカ 唐辛子 ドライフルーツ類

Actually almost every Japanese dish is cooked miso or/and soy sauce and we use 昆布 for making broth commonly. Not sure how sensitive you are, but that’s something you want to be concerned of. Hope this helps!


Great job, @TofuguKanae ! That’s a great list.

I’ll definitely bring some list of foods that may consist nickel if it’s serious, cuz it’s a not common allergy. Actually, I’ll make a phone call or send an email to make sure if they can deal with that issue prior.

The card @alexbeldan alexbeldan posted seems to be fine too. If I use that card, I’d say,
I have metal allergy and can’t eat any foods containing nickel.

Although you have specific metal allergy, metal allergy is more common allergy that people are familiar with and I thought saying that word might help people understand better.

I’d also add,


Even though you use foods without nickel,
if they were cooked with stainless equipment, that would contain nickel and I can’t eat it.


50 yen, 100 yen, and 500 yen coins contain nickel too, so please use different coins for changes.


Jewelry has actually caused Nickel allergy to go up exponentially, in studies these days it can be up to 20% of the people studied.

This is actually one of the reasons Nickels are no longer made with Nickel.

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