I was studying some verbs, and I was wondering if Wanikani could implement a feature where they show in the information of a verb is counterpart. For example, if you have an intransitive verb such as 止まる, in its information the transitive version of it (止める) could be referenced. I think that this might help learners to recognize some of the patterns that arise when identifying this kind of pairs.
Personally, I think that this would be quite a good idea, but you shouldn’t forget that WaniKani’s main purpose is to teach you kanji, not vocab The vocab’s main purpose on WaniKani is to recall the kanji and learn the other readings of the kanji as well
Sure thing, and it has been very helpful for that reason. But, as I started writing texts in Japanese, recognizing the transitive or intransitive nature of a verb was somehow a challenge, and since all the information is already stored in the Wanikani database, I think it might be possible to implement the feature that I am suggesting. After all, Wanikani’s feature are starting to expand from Kanji learning (for instance, onomatopeyas - not sure if that is the way that is written in English).
That’s a good point. As for now, I’m afraid that we’ll have to make our own tables… I would definitely support it, though, if something like this got added
This is something that I would appreciate. But since this has to do with grammar, and WK’s purpose is kanji, it probably won’t be high on the priority list.
Don’t worry no one else knows how to spell ononamptopiao either
I’ve seen it at times. They explain that a verb is intransitive and give the transitive one we will study later. Or the other way.
Some examples I have in mind :
To be raised (育つ), intransitive.
To roll something (転がす), transitive.
To go up (上がる), intransitive.
In each one of these cards, they give you the transitive or intransitive verb paired with.
You can add them in the notes for others verbs too, if you want.
Yeah, in my mind I have the idea of getting, perhaps, a section - just like visual similar kanji in the respective cases - when they show you the pair of the verb that you are studying, thus highlighting the relationship between transitive/intransitive pairs of verbs.
Exactly, I kind of discovered that rule as I started using the verbs in written compositions, so it might be helpful if you can classify them as you learn them.
By the way, have you ever found a す ending verb that is intransitive? So far, I have considered all す ending verbs as transitive, since I have not found any exceptions yet.
A lot of them are compounds where the verb has absorbed the subject, or words that are transitive or intransitive based on context/use, but there’s a few uncomplicated examples too
I was searching on this not long ago and noticed that there are verbs that end in す that are intransitive, but what seems to mostly be the key is whether or not it’s part of a transitivity pair. For example, 出くわす is intransitive, but it’s not part of a pair.
I’m sure there are bound to be exceptions because there nearly always are exceptions to everything in every language, however, I couldn’t find any cases of a transitivity pair where one of them ended in す and was the intransitive one.