I noticed today that the algorithm behaves differently for the same number of lessons if you do all 3 batches in the same run versus returning to the home page in between each batch.
For example, with a batch size of 5, when you start doing your daily lessons, it will choose the proportions based on a total of 3*5=15 items. However, if you then go back to home page after doing the 5 lessons (instead of hitting the button to continue to the next batch), when you start to do the daily lessons again, it will recalculate the proportions based on the remaining 10 items for the day which has the effect of changing the proportions and hence the number of items.
As a case in point, consider 3 radicals, 12 kanji, and 66 vocab outstanding to be proportioned across the 15 lessons. The algorithm will pick 1 radical, 3 kanji, and 11 vocabulary items. It will also try to split them up among the 3 batches, meaning the first batch will have 1 radical, 1 kanji, and 3 vocabulary items.
Now, consider what happens when you do the first batch of 5 and then go back to the home page. This time around, when you start the daily lessons back up, there will be 2 radicals, 11 kanji, and 63 vocab items outstanding to be proportioned across the remaining 10 total, meaning the algorithm will pick 1 radical, 2 kanji, and 7 vocabulary items.
Note this means that without even repeating the same process for the 3rd batch of 5, you will already be doing 2 radicals, 3 kanji, and 10 vocabulary items instead of the initial 1 radical, 3 kanji, and 11 vocabulary items you would have done by simply doing all batches in succession.
This seems like a bit of an oversight to me since I wouldn’t expect that behavior.
For me, I actually prefer the behavior that surfaces from going back to the home page between each batch because it results in a faster level up time for the same number of lessons since it ends up doing more radicals and kanji first.
It doesn’t really matter to me one way of the other since I can also use the lesson picker to do whatever mix I want, but I figured I’d mention it, because it’s rather unexpected behavior that I don’t imagine was intended.