Today’s Lessons & Lesson Picker

Did the algorithm for reviews change? I am getting way more review items than I used to with the same load.

No it did not. You are likely just getting more Enlightened/Burn reviews than normal.


They even acknowledge “vocab you don’t care about, like baseball.” In my current level I got a bunch of military terms that I don’t care about nor can I keep straight. I added synonyms “skip” for all four of them, which I’ve actually never had to do before on WK but introducing all four at the same time was just too frustrating to slog through.

So being able to just permanently remove the lesson would be amazing.


I love the feature, it helps me keep a reasonable pace while still feeling like I am making good progress.
It used to feel like it was encouraging you to keep going through all lessons at which point you’d have trouble remembering, not to mention the dreaded review deluge.


idk what the replies above are about but i really, really like the today’s lessons update! i never would have tought how much easier the lessons are when the kanji are mixed with vocab. this might be my favorite update on this site in the past 2 years or so since im subscribed!


Cool… it’s always been a bit intimidating for me, seeing I have 99 lessons ‘in the gate’ waiting to go… maybe with more ‘targeted’ stuff, I’ll be rewarded for small gains.

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I just started getting batches of master-level items to review and thinking I maybe should slow my pace a bit. Perfect timing, I’ll let the daily lesson algorithm take the wheel for a while and see how it goes.

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Wow, this feature was unexpected, but I really really like it.
I kinda got lethargic and stopped doing lessons for several months, but this helps me get out of the slump.

The amount of lessons was overwhelming, and I really hated sitting through all the vocabulary just to get to the kanji. (I think it was possible to reorder the items, but I didn’t want to do the kanji first and leave the vocabulary behind either)

This mix of radicals, kanji and vocabulary is perfect. Thank you very much.


I took it as an opportunity to learn that colonel is superior to major.


The amount of reviews which is considered reasonable will of course be as varied as there are users of the system. Regardless, if you do not want to increase the number of reviews do not do new lessons. WK is showing a recommended set of reviews (number can vary between 9 and 30 depending on your personal batch size setting) made up of the items selected from the total amount in your lesson queue that have been calculated as the best candidates for doing first. I.e. of the X outstanding lessons in your queue, here are the 15 we recommend doing. “Recommend”, not “You must do this or else”. The choice is yours. Do none. Do some. Do more than 15. Some days I do 0 new lessons. Some days I do 5. Some days I do more than 15. When and as I want to.


I did everything available as it was available because I’ve been bedridden and had lots of free time. After getting to apprentice 4 on all available level 3 around Sunday evening (I think?), everything is making me wait until the evening of the 14th to get to Guru and unlock everything else.

There are no new lessons, and everything is locked because the radicals and kanji are holding it all back. Is this the expected behavior? Waiting 2-3 days doesn’t feel right. I have an email from Wanikani saying I achieved level 3 on the 10th. There’s no way I’ll finish this level in one week, even though I’m taking everything as fast as I can with this new feature.

Any feedback? Does accepting every possible new item break scheduling???

Also, a typo on 下さい review of all things is adding insult to injury; not only do I have to wait to progress, but I have to review a word I’ve known for decades because of a fatfinger. Yeah, I’ll install a typo script when I’m done writing this post.

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Believe me, starting at around level 5 or 6, you’ll almost never have any free time anymore :wink:

Also, be careful to not do too many lessons at once, believe me, you’ll regret it later on in your review sessions.


I was just reading Difficulty catching up on reviews. I can see how they consider it a feature for advanced users who understand what they’re getting themselves into. This is my second time around and its about the marathon, not the sprint!

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The waiting 2-3 days is completely expected behavior and it is to help strengthen your memory. But don’t worry. Like NeoArcturus said, after level 5 or 6 you will never (or at least very rarely) have any waiting to do and will much more likely always have 50+ lessons waiting for you at any given time.


Here’s what my reviews forecast looks like, and I only do 25 lessons per day (so you should add at least 50 reviews to every number, since I get to review the items after my lessons twice in one day):

Sunday is weird lol


And this is mine. 10 lessons per day, no more.

Take a look at the Wanikani estimator if you haven’t already. It will tell you roughly how many reviews you’ll get in the future based on how many lessons you do per day. It does add up fast!


This is great! I like to prioritise kanji and radicals and slowly chip away on vocab while those are being guru’d. This makes it easy to select just kanji or radicals.

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Thanks for linking it, that looks very useful! According to it, it seems like WK will keep me very busy lol

However, it appears like I can’t get the settings right so that it puts me at max speed (which I plan to do if nothing comes in my way).

Also, I partly already have more reveiws that it is estimating, as I already had over 300 reveiws three times on the days where I leveled up to 7, 9 or 10; most of that was because I wasn’t doing 25 lessons consistently every day and thus ended up with 70+ lessons 24 before my next level up, which I ended up doing before my next level up; now that I’m more consistent with my lessons, let’s see how it will turn out :slight_smile:)

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Yeah, öh, no.
I do lessons such that my apprentice count stays between 50 and 60.
Thats it. Everything else falls into place.

Doing a fixed amount of lessons makes no sense
unless you are in an absolute hurry and have not much else going on in your life.


That’s a pretty good description for me :+1: Hate me or not, but before trying to argue with me, you should read my study log a bit, before argueing with me for hours, just to realise that I’m too stubborn to change my mind :wink:

And I never said that anyone has to do it like I do. Everyone goes at their own pace, including me.