I’ll be honest, I’m quite surprised how far I’ve made in on WaniKani. At this point, I don’t see myself stopping. As I’ve gotten further into WaniKani, I’ve actually spent way more time doing it on mobile rather than computer because in the beginning if I didn’t get a chance to go on computer then nothing would get done and my reviews would pile up. But, every once in a while I take a couple days off (either because I’m busy or I just wanna relax for the night). Well, when I do this, I often pile up reviews pretty fast. And the more reviews I get, the less motivated I am, because I know I will not finish the reviews in one session. 100+ reviews is not uncommon obviously, and I usually can knock those out, but when it gets to 200+, or 300+, I start saying “oh I don’t have time for that right now” and so I go another day without doing reviews. Currently I’m up to almost 600 reviews. I really want to clear these but it will take quite a bit of time.
Obviously I don’t have to do it all at once, but does anyone have any tips for dealing with large amounts of reviews? Or does anyone have tips for completing reviews faster? I’m always looking for ways to speed it up, and basically the only way I’ve found is to use Anki mode because I don’t have to worry about typing anything or getting things wrong because of typos. There’s a script but I was unable to find a way to use it on mobile.
I actually created my own iPhone app for WaniKani, specifically so I could do it in Anki mode. Typos are way more frequent on mobile, and this has made things much faster. The app isn’t on the App Store or anything, but I would like to make it available someday. Right now it works just enough to be able to complete the reviews by pressing a button saying correct or incorrect. I’m having issues with my MacBook since it’s old so I’m not sure if or when I’ll be able to actually complete the app and release it.
Anyways, I did search a little bit but didn’t find much information related to this. If there is a thread or something, please link it. Otherwise just discuss how you manage the reviews and such.
Also I should point out, I know there is a vacation mode, but I don’t know if it is appropriate to use it every time I want to take a day or two off. The only time I actually used it was when I was on a cruise for an entire week.